Taral Wayne Rue Pygmalion (image adjusted) Art © Taral Wayne. All rights reserved. Used by permission. See note below image
 Note by Leem: A 2nd Anniversary picture. More from the elusive Molesworthy, of whom Taral writes:
“Beginning to have fun with this non-existent ‘Hagar Molson-Molesworthy,’ the putative Edwardian writer of dark fantasy. I may have to provide a biography.”
This had a preview on Taral’s FurAffinity Pages (login to view Adult content) and received some appreciative comments. As for me, I’ve probably mentioned before how I like the idea that somebody could be placed on display as a statue without anybody realising it really is them.
Taral later noted that he’d failed to properly white out parts of the background, and since he’s no longer here to do so I have undertaken the task myself. I’ve also taken the liberty of making a small spelling correction - I’m certain Taral meant “discreet” when he originally wrote “discrete”.
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