Version 10: Compiled, Edited and Posted December 22, 2002 [Printer Friendly Version] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] Compiled by Basilisk, CMQ, ArgoForg, Petros, Gildsoul, WK, Midas63670, JMD, Leem and Panic among others. Special thanks to those anonymous souls who have submitted scanned pictures. Comments are a bizarre amalgam from either one or more of the authors. Holy Schizophrenia! This version of the list is "printer friendly", allowing for easy reproduction
and readability. In many instances, scans of the statue scenes are available.
However, in order to keep this list simple and available for quick download,
all images have been omitted from this web page. If you wish to view
any of the scanned images, please check out the many galleries found on The Medusa Realm, or click the camera icon [ Additional information or entries is always welcome! The entries are listed in human, as opposed to computerized, alphabetical order, i.e. EXCLUDING "A" or "The", with comments from either one or more of the main compilers. Although this list leans heavily towards female ASFR scenes, there are a number of male instances as well. You just have to look harder to find them! All criteria on these pages are subject to change at any given moment and are correct to the best of our knowledge. Please request to see a copy of the comic in question before buying if there is any question about an issue number. The ASFR Guide to Comics was conceived with the idea of giving comic-book fans and those who would like to become comic-book fans a place to check out where the better statue/freeze scenes in comics can be found. In short, it was created by some comic-book collectors who know what they like to see in a comic book and aren't afraid to say it. These books are not judged or rated on a star (*) basis, but all editorial comments denote that one of the compilers has seen the artwork in question. If you have any questions, comments, information, scans or gripes please send them to the current admin Leem for answers, clarification, posting or witty feedback. All publishers of said comics, if known, appear after the description in [brackets]. Further information about these issues may be gained from the publishers themselves, although I haven't tried this approach very often. All visual images, characters and titles on this page, whether written, scanned or represented, are copyrighted by their respective publishing companies and are used without permission; fair use is assumed. Now on to the show! Action Comics #35 (Apr. 1941): In the Zatara story in the back of the book, the magician's regular villainess, the Tigress, is part of a plot to steal a boy's inheritance. A crooked lawyer wants her and a street punk to impersonate the boy and his aunt. While they're waiting for the ship that will take them overseas, Zatara finds them and turns the trio into marble statues. Then he sets off to rescue the kidnapped boy. As a little extra, it seems that a truck from the local museum was down at the docks picking up a shipment of artworks for the museum. Spotting the marbleized group, they naturally assumed they were part of the shipment and loaded them onto the truck. The villains are last seen in the back of the truck on their way to the museum. In the last panel, Zatara and the rescued boy are seen standing on the deck of a ship heading to pick up his inheritance, and Zatara comments that he plans to leave the villainess trio in the museum for "a few months" to teach them a lesson. [DC] Action Comics #777: Kancer, a sentient Kryptonian tumor (or perhaps something more?) runs amok with it’s freezing cold breath and heat vision abilities. It freezes a bunch of people in the Lourve, on some docks and in Metropolis. Messy stuff, it kills a lot of people with these powers. [DC] Adventure Comics #418: Adventures of Superman #590: Features Tina (Platinum) of the Metal Men. [DC] All Star Comics #41: Icicle freezes the golden age Black Canary and Harlequin with his freeze gun. Their stiffened bodies are carried like cordwood! Wonder Woman is also turned into a mindless automaton who stands very stiffly when not being controlled by the arch villains of the Injustice Society. Reprinted in Justice League of America 100 Page Super Spectacular. [DC] Amanda: Reprint of British newspaper comics strip. Amanda, posing undercover as a model for an eccentric criminal artist, poses as a nude (well, she's wearing a fig leaf) statue on an empty pedestal in the garden to elude him. The dumb artist wonders why a statue would be wearing a brown wig before he's clocked out cold. [Publisher Unknown] Amazing Fantasy #12: cover blurb warns of an entire village/town's citizens being turned into living statues! People in 1960's dress (men in suits, women in dresses, one in yellow who is apparently frozen taking a step) are frozen all over the cover but there is no hint of who or what is doing it. [Marvel] Amazon Woman: Invaders of Terror! #1: Topless girl (sorta, her nipples aren't drawn in, even though she's not wearing a bikini top) kidnapped by aliens is paralyzed while she's brought aboard in their tractor beam. "...And I can't move!" is the only clue that she's paralyzed, and it's a one panel deal--too bad, it had numerous possibilities, alien-kidnapped frozen women. [Fantaco] Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Archer and Armstrong #6: Armstrong's wife (a goddess) turns a female poacher into a statue. [Valiant] Atlas #1: Avengers #4 (original series): An alien disguised as a press reporter petrifies the Avengers. Captain America, recently revived, rescues them but only after being bemused by their strange statues. The only female member is the Wasp. Reprinted in Avengers Masterworks Volume 1 and Essential Avengers #? [Marvel] Avengers #190-191 (original series): Another appearance of the Grey Gargoyle. Unfortunately, I don't believe any ladies fell victim to his stony touch, just Iron Man (or rather his armor) and Daredevil. A shame since he had a great chance to touch Wanda… [Marvel] Avengers #210 (Aug. 1981) (original series): Someone has gained weather control over the globe. As the Avengers watch on monitors, different areas are hit, and Beast is dispatched in a Quinjet to Rio, where he discovers three bathing beauties frozen in ice on the beach. As I remember, nice frozen in action/surprise poses. [Marvel] Avengers #40 (current series): Silverclaw is encased in a large chunk of amber-like materiel in her pseudo-animal/human form by Diablo. She manages to shapechange into a larger animal form and break out of the block, but then Diablo turns her into salt! She's in her mostly human form as a salt statue for a couple of panels before she manages to use her shapeshifting abilities to shake off the transformation! [Marvel] Avengers: The Yesterday Quest: (Unknown if available in TPB version) Jocasta is probably a techno-sexualist's dream come true, as well as having the nice sleek silver skin effect that gives her a "statue" look. [Marvel] Axel Pressbutton, featuring Mysta Mystralis, Laser Eraser #1: Batman #308: (Feb. 1979) On the cover is our favorite villain, Mr. Freeze, in front of a bunch of "cryo-units", some containing men, one with a woman (not a good shot). It's got potential, right? Well, typical of DC the story does not portray the teaser on the cover, but there is one worthwhile panel, right at the end, when Freeze's comely assistant, whom he's promised to make immortal, accidentally discharges his freeze gun in such a way as to encase herself in a big block of ice. Small panel, small picture, nice look on her frozen face. [DC] Batman and the Outsiders #5: Shimmer of the Fearsome Five turns herself into glass. She tries to use her powers on Geo-force and Terra, but Metamorpho blocks her blast. His morphed condition causes a feedback loop that causes her power to reverse back at her. [DC] Batman and the Outsiders #6-7: The whole team is frozen in liquid nitrogen or something...the two girls Halo and Katana too. Halo saves them all by melting their icy prison. [DC] Batman and Robin Adventures Annual #2: The Hypnotist freezes Zatanna, hypnotically. She's seen in various panels, still in the same pose in different views. Excellent continuity of her immobilized figure in her classic leggy magician's outfit. And she's very cute too in her animated style! [DC] Batman Family #17: Demon backup story where Morgan LeFay is turned to a stone statue. She stays that way for a while, apparantly, until modern times. Referenced from Who's Who Vol. 1 #?. [DC] Batman: Gotham Adventures #5: Batman Gotham Adventures #51: Batgirl is frozen (finally!) down to her knees in ice by Mr Freeze (who else?). Great surprised pose continued very well in 4-5 panels afterward as she falls out of a building and has to be rescued (and carried horizontally). [DC] Batman: Mr. Freeze (Special): Books of Magic #47-49: Tim Hunter's stepmom is turned to chocolate. She’s wearing a nightie and is turned to chocolate by a Godzilla-like toy’s eyebeams. [DC] The Brave and the Bold #63: Wonder Woman is captured by Multi-Man and coated with liquid kryptonite as a living deathtrap for Supergirl. Supergirl pours melted liquid gold over Wonder Woman to block the kryptonite rays. Another of those wacky stories we comics fan knows and love which proclaims the heroines as "super-chicks". [DC] Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Collection of early 1930's newspaper strips in a relatively thin pre-trade paperback form. Features a visit to the Mongol Empire who have paralyzing technology. Wilma is kidnapped by the jealous Hum-Toy and is paralyzed stiff (but still able to speak) during a long sequence. At Hum-Toy's secret lab, Wilma is coated with her plasti-paralysis ray and disguised as the Mongol Emperor's favorite statue. The evil Hum-Toy and her accomplices get the paralyzing treatment in the end as punishment for their crimes. The art is crude, but for the sheer amount of paralyzing action, it can't be beat. The original serial must have run for about a month in newspapers...can you imagine? [Publisher Unknown] Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Trade paperback collection of early 1980's newspaper strips with Gray Morrow art. One sequence of strips features the Space Vampire who wants to add Wilma Deering to his statuary of victims "gilded with sparkling scintillium to endure forever". Nice view of the various alien babes, who have been statued, but was featured in only two days worth of the strip. Trade paperback reprint collection. [Quick Fox] Captain America and the Falcon #141 (Sept. 1971): Cat Claw #4: Cat Claw, surprised in a costume shop while she's changing and half-naked, poses motionless as a mannequin doll. The crooks breaking into the store comment how real she looks and squeeze her breasts. Of course, she must respond to this affront to her dignity! Written like the fun-loving Marvel comics of the 1960's. [Eternity] Cosmic Heroes #?: Reprints of 1930's Buck Rogers in the 25th Century newspaper strips. One memorable sequence has Wilma paralyzed while flying in a jetpack. It runs over a week's worth of strips. [Eternity] Demi, the Demoness #4: "That mean snake lady" turns Demi to stone. A short and brief scene; she has one hand at her breasts and the other toward her crotch. Interesting note: this scene is the inspiration for the Demi cold-cast statue collectible. [Rip Off Press] Demi, the Demoness #5: Demi, still stuck as a statue, is restored to life in a sequence where she’s coated head to toe in restorative gunk. [Revisionary/Carnal Comics] Detective Comics #405: "The Living Statue" storyline features Batgirl,
paralyzed by a gas-spray attack, being coated with plaster by an insane villainess,
Veda. Her entire body below her neck is covered in quick-hardening
plaster, which totally immobilizes her! [DC] Dial H for Hero #485: Cover image of a heroine getting frozen by a villain. George Perez art, so its gotta be good! [DC] Dial H for Hero #487: Gemini-style Vicki gets frozen by the Radiator (the Radiator??) and comments how she can't possibly move inside the iceblock. [DC] Disney's The Little Mermaid #11: Doll: A series about an ultra-realistic (yet inanimate) doll created for sex-making purposes which becomes involved in numerous characters' lives and adventures. She never speaks, thinks, or even moves on her own, but all the people she runs across seem to think of her as a real girl! [Kitchen Sink] Elementals #28 (first series): A villainous mass of living rock called statuemaker draws the living essence out of a town turning them and everything to stone. He turns the Elementals team, including Morningstar and Fathom (albeit in her water state) to stone. They get better in the next issue. [Comico] Elementals #29 (first series): Statuemaker story continues, but only the wrap-around cover has any heroines being turned to stone (namely Fathom, in her human form, on the back cover). [Comico] Elementals #1 (second series): Elementals #4 (second series): Villain shoots Fathom, who is made of water and immune to normal bullets, with a Freon pellet and turns her into an ice statue. Nice effect, because she is clear and there is a little frozen splash on her where the pellet goes in. [Comico] Elementals #5 (second series): Fathom, still an icy sculpture from last issue, is gradually melted by an unconscious Morningstar (she’s really playing possum). Some nice shots of Fathom with that great hands on hips pose but we don’t really see her restored to life (it happens mostly off panel). [Comico] Elfquest #12-15: Enchanted Apples of Oz: Excalibur #6: Excalibur #7: Excalibur #57-58: While pursuing the mutant Alchemy, whose touch can transmute substances, Meggan is touched and transforms into a golden statue. Early Joe Madureira (X-Men) artwork is more Art Adams-ish (not that that's a bad thing!), and there are a few good shots. [Marvel] Excalibur #86: As the M'krann Crystal effects hit Earth (just before the "Age of Apocalypse" X-event), Kitty, Meggan and the rest of the team are hit by the effect and turn to crystal just as their plane is about to crash. From what I can tell, each X-team that month featured an ending page where they were turned to crystal. I believe all issues featuring crystalline endings are listed as February 1995 releases, with the possible exception of X-Men Unlimited (Dec, 94). So far, I've discovered these X-Men issues from the same month and year, just before the "Age of Apocalypse" timeline: Cable #20, Generation-X #4, Uncanny X-Men #321, Wolverine #90, X-Factor #111, X-Force #43, X-Men #41 and possibly X-Men Unlimited #7 (although I have doubts on the last one due to its earlier release). Can anybody out there confirm the content or quality of these? [Marvel] Exiles #1: Quick one panel shot of Magnus, the son of an alternate universe’s Magneto and Rogue, turns a woman to solid steel. Almost not worth mentioning, but perhaps there’s hope for the future… [Marvel] Fantastic Four #20 (original series): Sue and the rest of the Fantastic Four coat themselves with plaster to resemble a group of statues sculpted by Alicia Masters. When the Molecule Man tries to convert the 'statues' into something else, his weakness against transforming living matter is revealed. (An unused cover version of the FF posing as statues and being menaced by the Molecule Man is found in the Jack Kirby Collector collected edition and a Hembecked version of that unused cover appeared in Comics Buyers Guide #1418 (Jan 18 2001). Reprinted in Marvel Masterworks volume 6 and Essential Fantastic Four #1. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #40 (1964) (original series): Dr Doom controls the Baxter Building and spraycoats the Invisible Girl and the rest of the Fantastic Four with Daredevil with freezing ice. She’s frozen stiff and falls over like an icy statue! Reprinted in Marvel Masterworks volume and in Essential Fantastic Four #2. [Marvel] Fantastic Four (Vol. 1, No. 146): Fantastic Four #? (original series): The Frightful Four, with Electro as a member coats the Invisible girl in a nightgown and robe in hardened electrocarbon atoms but she just looks like a black silhouette. Disappointing, but the Frightful Four do mention that was their plan to turn her into a "living statue". Too bad they didn't try to do it more often. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #232 (original series): Invisible Girl is frozen under a layer of dirt which is "hardening like cement". Another brief, one panel event, which would have been better if Sue didn't have an annoying REALLY short haircut. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #306 (original series): Fantastic Four #371 (Dec. 1992): An Irish chick is flash-frozen in a block of ice by Paibok. There are three or four pretty good scenes, especially of her surprised facial expression. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #393: Features the Puppetmaster, who sculpts little statues of his victims to possess them. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #5 (current series): Crucible turns reporter Isabel Aguierre into a human gargoyle. Her face is flesh, but "the rest of her remains cold immobile stone" due to Crucible's ability to transform life itself. Pretty pic of her crouching, nude, and stone from the neck down. Hopefully Crucible will put his talents to use on Sue's talents soon! [Marvel] Fantastic Four #36 (current series): Diablo mystically changes a monkish girl assigned to eliminate him into a beautiful golden goddess (not a statue) but when his spell wavers, she is turned into solid lead and definitely stiffened up as her pose no longer changes. Great art yet not so great clarity other than one panel or so. [Marvel] Fantastic Four #38-39 (current series): Fantastic Four Coloring Book: (YES! COLORING BOOK!) The Pink Fink (Pink Fink?!?!) paralyzes the Invisible Girl with his "amazing pinkometer!" (Yes, I know I'm stretching it a bit here!) The villain uses "pink plastic cement" to trap Mr. Fantastic. Now if only he had used BOTH on Sue... [Whitman] (?) Fantastic Fourth Voyage of Sinbad #1: Brief bit where Franklin, Valeria and some other close familial types to the FF get turned into wood-like statues…a couple of babes but otherwise pretty blah. [Marvel] Fate #10: In the last series an alchemist turns himself and a woman
into gold statues. One scene, but nice. (DC) Fathom # 14: Femforce #22: Ms. Victory, in her new Rad persona, dreams of being dunked naked in a giant mudpit. The mud hardens around her body, immobilizing her. [AC] Femforce #51/52?: Stardust is engulfed in liquid lava which hardens around her form. She breaks free from the hardened shell moments later. Not very well drawn. Reprinted in Femforce Vs the Claw #1.[AC] The Flash #114 (original series): Captain Cold tests his cold beam on an entire building. Nice close-up of a frozen secretary with icicles on her fingers as she is typing. Reprinted numerous times, including Treasury format (Secrets Origins of DC Villains?). [DC] The Flash #251 (original series): Golden Glider and Captain Cold frozen at end. Iris Allen frozen in a teaser opening panel, but it is lame since she is lying down in an unconscious pose. [DC] The Flash #303 (original series): Flash incapacitates Golden Glider by mixing quick hardening cement at super speed and encasing her in it. It is a very disappointing result however, as she looks like she's sitting up in a transparent bathtub-sized cement block while being carted away by the cops. [DC] The Flash #41 (current series): The Flash #43 (current series): The Flash #56 (Nov. 1991): A babe is frozen in a block of ice by a version of the Icicle. Contains a couple of OK scenes. [DC] The Flash #113 (current series): Golden Glider is turned into an ice statue by Chillblaine and accidentally shattered by Linda Park. Whoops. [DC] The Flash #116-118 (current series): Abra Kadabra and Dr. Polaris use Chillblaine's technology to produce a cryonic effect. Linda Park is frozen into an ice statue and remains so until #118. There is a loss of continuity from issue to issue of her pose, but it is intact somewhat within each individual issue. All in all, it’s pretty well done. [DC] Flash 80 Page Giant (current series): Very, very brief two panel flashback to a scene where everyone in Central City, including Linda Park, is turned into statues for an afternoon thanks to Kadabra and an apprentice from the future. So brief it’s barely worth mentioning. [DC] Flash Gordon: Reprint of newspaper strips by Alex Raymond. During a visit to the frozen wastelands of Mongo, a slave girl is frozen in ice and placed as a warning to people who might stumble upon the empire. Nice one panel shot from the rear of a girl frozen into an icy pillar. [Kitchen Sink] Freedom Fighters #1-2: Freedom Fighters #4-5: King Samson gains the Silver Ghost's power and turns Wonder Woman to silver (very flexible silver, UNfortunately) in issue #4, but no pics of her as a silver statue until #5. The cover to issue #5 doesn't even feature WW as a silver statue, even though she's being carried off by Uncle Sam. When are they gonna get it right? [DC] The Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #3-4: Killer Frost, the ice chick, freezes the entire city of New York. Lots of frozen girls. [DC] The Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Man #20: Gargoyles #6: A medusa ray is created and used on Venus, a clone created from cells of Elisa Maza and Goliath, turning her to stone. I was not impressed with the confusing way this was illustrated in the book. [Marvel] Gen 13 #0: Roxy is turned to living marble and poses as a statue with Grunge to elude pursuers. Not a really long scene, but the fact that it was done makes me wish he used his powers that way more often. If I'm not mistaken, a second story has a very small shot of other nude, Gen-active, teens frozen in ice blocks, ala Demolition Man, and transported away. Reprinted in a trade paperback by Wildstorm/DC in a January 1999 edition of the Gen 13 trade paperback. [Image] Gen 13 #67: Though she’s not exactly frozen due to it, there is a cool sequence where Fairchild is covered with a shiny metallic chrome liquid that starts at her feet and flows up and over her body (it’s some sort of smartfluid that changes her costume). [Image] Gen 13 #68: Features a one panel flashback to the Gen 13 #0 panel where Roxy is turned to marble, except this time Grunge gets to make comments about how her butt is cuter than all the other statues'. She recollects that it was the first time he saw her as a sex object. [Image] Gen 13: Bootleg #2: Generation X #74: Husk, Paige Guthrie, finds ghosts haunting the Mass. Academy late at night. To hide she sheds her skin and looks like she's made of the same stone/marble as a pillar she's hiding behind. Pretty spooky atmosphere, but nice art! [Marvel] Glory #8-9: These are two examples of Glory's extra-dimensional home, with a few panels of Amazonian warriors cursed to be frozen in cakes of ice. Unfortunately, whenever Glory returns home, the artists always skimped on showing the frozen babes...there are other issues following this with similar background scenes, but none are very good...#9 is probably the best one. [Image/Maximum] Gold Digger Vol. 1, #1: The bad guy, Gyphon, has a crown which allows him to turn the inhabitants of El Dorado, a felinoid race, into living statues that are under his control. Later, he uses the crown to do the same thing to Cheetah. [Antarctic] Gold Digger Vol. 2, #18: While fighting Brendan, the werewolf that wiped out her were-cheetah clan, Cheetah is transformed into a stone statue, which Brendan places in his throne room as a trophy. [Antarctic] Gold Digger Vol. 2, #36: To end a fight with a family of alien beings, the king of El Dorado, Stripe, uses the crown from #1 above to turn the aliens to stone. The scene is brief, but does feature a close up of the matriarch of the clan. [Antarctic] Green Lantern #142 (second series-Hal Jordan): Green Lantern #68 (third series-Kyle Rayner): Green Lantern #157 (current series): Jade is frozen by Killer Frost on the cover while Donna Troy (Troia) battles on. Great image but nothing inside fits the bill, sigh. [DC] The Haunt of Fear #1: A girl frozen for space trip then dropped. Whoops. [Publisher Unknown] Hawkman #4 (original series): Zatanna makes her first appearance, and she's found immobile, in her fishnet stocking outfit in two different places at once due to a mishap in a spell! Poor gal! Her spell backfired! Anyway, Hawkman and Hawkgirl find the paralyzed practitioner of magic in the midst of her search for her father. They actually think she's a 'painted statue' at first! Whoopee! Reprinted in Supergirl #5 (1970's series in abridged form but much less costly). [DC] Heavy Metal #?: Schuiten Brothers' "The Cutter and the Fog" features a nude woman encased in a fog which hardens to rock. Good shots of the Cutter trying to free her, with a great, sexy shot where the front half of her torso from the neck down is free, but the rest of her is still stuck in the hardened fog. The Cutter makes statues from softened fog by using the mold of the woman's body created by the hardened fog. Excellent art and a quite erotic story, ASFR-wise, as well. Reprinted in the Best of Heavy Metal #2. [Heavy Metal] Hustler Comics July 1998: Dead Girl, a stiffened, rigor-mortis nude girl, who has her right arm posed as if signaling to back up and her left arm to turn left, is kidnapped from the morgue and carted off stark naked and stiff as a board thru the city. Pretty macabre stuff, but she IS stiff. Continued in the next month’s issue. [Hustler] Hustler Comics September 1998: Amazon, as in Amazon Woman (see listing above) is paralyzed by little green alien men who whisk her up to their spaceship. She says, "I'm paralyzed" twice but her poses keep changing, sigh. All new and in color. [Hustler] Ice Queen of Oz: Incredible Hulk #138-141: Incredible Hulk #252: This issue has Betty Banner reminiscing about getting turned to glass (as listed above), but no issue number was referenced by the editor, making it harder for those who hadn't read those issues to find. [Marvel] Incredible Hulk #262: While searching for the glass Betty issue, I thought I had struck paydirt with this one. Bruce washes up on a beach and is found by a beautiful, pure white woman named Glazier. She collects men, and her touch turns them to glass. No women, except for the villainess herself in a brief panel at the end turned to glass. Sigh. Still searching for that glass Betty. [Marvel] Infinity Crusade #3 (Mini-Series): The 'Goddess' who is causing all sorts of mayhem in the Marvel Universe is turned to a salt statue as Pip the Troll touches her cosmic egg and has his wish granted. (It's no wonder this mini-series didn't fly. Cosmic Egg?) [Marvel] Infinity Gauntlet TPB: As Thanos begins to take over the universe, the forces of nature try to stop him (Eternity, War, etc.). The force of Love is depicted at a woman clad in a Greek/Roman toga. Thanatos ends up turning them all to stone, but the scene is short at best. [Marvel] Infinity War #? (Mini-Series): When Thanos stops time, the superhero assault force, including whichever superheroines are there, are all frozen. Mephisto looks intrigued by the frozen Scarlet Witch. Who wouldn't? [Marvel] Invincible Iron Man #107 (original series): Iron Man #235-236: Iron Man #327-328: Ironwood #6: Cover features elves sculpting a statue in clay of a nude woman. Unfortunately, the scene does not appear inside the comic. It's a VERY nice cover, though because the statue is anatomically correct. False advertising? (Sidenote: the statue is Fantasia, from the Elementals comic entry above!) [Eros] JLA #16: Prometheus uses his hypnotic abilities to paralyze the Huntress before she can attack him. Not a great scene, would have been better if it was more evident she could not move over a greater number of panels, but I'm picky that way, I guess. [DC] JLA #51 (current series): Splash page features a young kid whose wish to make everything around her chocolate works. There is a partial view of a bikini clad Floridian rollerskater turned to chocolate, but it's very brief (only a sliver of her body can be seen along the side). [DC] JLA #54 (current series): WW is separated into two forms by aliens from the 6th Dimension. Her body becomes solid clay, very stone-like! Only two panels, but well drawn! [DC] JLA #59: cover has some of the JLA, notably Wonder Woman, frozen in gigantic blocks of ice. She's in a prone position, but UNfortunately this scene never appears in the book! [DC] JLA #60: Wonder Woman and the rest of the JLA are turned to coal by Neron. Santa Claus saves the day. Yep, it's as disappointing as it sounds. [DC] JLA Year One #7: Mini-series has a one-page panel of Black Canary frozen by Icicle. She's shown from the rear (and a nice rear it is!) in her fishnet stocking costume. If only we coulda seen her surprised expression from the front, it woulda been sweet. [DC] JLA-Black Baptism #4: Mini-series has a one panel shot of WW reverting to clay as her spirit is summoned from her body. Above the neck shot only, unfortunately. [DC] JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice: Power Girl is switched with one of the Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, natch) and the statue of the sin is reflected in her with her legs spread apart. Black Canary is paralyzed by Despero for a few panels, but is still able to speak. Her pose is nicely frozen though. [DC] JLA-Primeval: One shot with a sequence where Wonder Woman is devolved into her original form (i.e. clay) thus becoming a virtual statue when her body is completely turned to hardened clay. [DC] Joker: Last Laugh#3: Power Girl encased in ice by Killer Frost. Three panels worth, though she apparently isn't quite frozen but fighting inside the ice. An ok scene, not the worst, not the best. [DC] Journey Into Mystery with Thor #107 (Aug. 1964): First appearance of the Grey Gargoyle. There's a good cover shot and okay shots inside. [Marvel] Journey Into Mystery with Thor #113 (Feb. 1965): 2nd appearance of the Grey Gargoyle. Unfortunately, there's not much that's exciting in this issue. Reprinted in Thor Annual #3. [Marvel] Justice League Adventures #4: Wonder Woman is frozen inside a giant ruby diamond gem. She's kneeling and the evil witch commands her to 'be still' and thus her encasement. Not too many pics of her like that, but she stays encased practically the whole issue. [DC] Justice League Adventures #5?: A time-frozen WW is auctioned off by Chronos, but all is not as it appears. [DC] Justice League of America #3 (original series): The alien Kanjar Ro uses his tiny bell to cause the JLA members, including Wonder Woman, to be "immediately frozen into rigidity." Another brief scene and we wouldn't know it unless we were told so. Reprinted in Justice League Archives #1. [DC] Justice League of America #8 (original series): Gangsters gain control of the Justice League and force them to commit crimes. They decide to eliminate the League afterwards and begin to pour a cauldron of quick-hardening plaster of Paris over Wonder Woman. Reprinted in Justice League Archives Volume #2. [DC] Justice League of America #9 (original series): The classic origin of the Justice League features Wonder Woman being turned partially to mercury by an alien invader and into wood by another. Various background extras are turned to stone/glass/mercury/etc by the aliens. Reprinted in Justice League Archives #2. [DC] Justice League of America #12 (original series): Dr. Light's light beams render the JLA, including Wonder Woman, motionless. Not so great, brief scene. Reprinted in Justice League Archives #2. [DC] Justice League of America #19: Wonder Woman, in her Diana Prince guise, is commanded to remain motionless by a Wonder Woman duplicate holding the golden lasso. She is frozen in a pretty good action pose, lunging forward with her arm out. It would have been better if she were in her skimpy Wonder Woman outfit though. Reprinted in Justice League Archives #3. [DC] Justice League of America #22: Black Canary is being turned into marble by one of the magical-based villains. This occurs during one of the Justice Society/Justice League Crossovers. She actually is changing into a block of marble, but her dialogue is entrancing: "Ohhh! My body--turning to solid marble!" Reprinted in Greatest Team-Up Stories Ever Told in softcover and hardcover format and Justice League Archives #3. [DC] Justice League of America #53: (original series): A bunch of hoodlums use a matter transmitter to somehow turn a bunch of male leaguers (including the female Hawkgirl), into “statuesque figures”. The immobilized Hawkgirl, wearing a radiation ‘detector’ is released when it absorbs the energy, allowing her to beat the crooks and release the others. Wacky silver age science! Reprinted in JLA archives #7. [DC] Justice League of America #60 (original series): Queen Bee, the lovely Zazzala, paralyzes WW and a bunch of other leaguers to gain their help. You see, she’s becoming immobile herself, a side effect of her curse of immortality…Anyway, she gets immobilized (twice!) by the end of the story. Reprinted in JLA arcives #7. [DC] Justice League of America #200 (original series): The Appellax aliens are resurrected and in a retelling of the origin, a flashback to Wonder Woman turned to wood is featured. [DC] Justice League America #84: Wonder Woman is frozen in ice by one of Ice's evil relatives. Tiny panel, but a full figure shot of her inside a block of ice and a nice, surprised expression on her face before she's defrosted. [DC] Justice League America #85: Ice is frozen from the waist down (and her arms bound in icy shackle-pillars) by her evil relative. [DC] Legion of Superheroes #24 (original series):Villains have a ray that turns kidnap victims into glass statues, demanding that loved ones pay the ransom or receive a box full of broken glass in the mail. [DC] Legion of Superheroes #74 (current series): Two of Triad's bodies are turned to solid wood and gold respectively by the Philosopher's Stone. [DC] Legion of Superheroes #105 (current series): Time Trapper stops time around a group of Legionnaires including Kid Quantum, XS, Kinetix, and Lori. Pretty good idea, but not any good closeups of the gals. [DC] Legionnaires #31 (current series): Two of Triad's bodies are turned to wood and gold respectively by the Philosopher's Stone. Continuation of the story in LOS #74. Just wish it were used on the many OTHER female Legionnaires in he story. [DC] Logan's Run #4: Lots of female runners in frozen blocks, ala the movie. Unfortunately they are not nude in the comics as they were in the film. There is also a scene with the Box robot sculpting a statue from ice. [Marvel] Lois Lane, Superman's Girlfriend #60: Lois and Lana put themselves into suspended animation, courtesy of a covenient deep freeze machine in Supes' Fortress of Solitude. Great cover of them lying in iceblocks. [DC] Lois Lane, Superman's Girlfriend #107: Lois Lane #116: Backup story featuring a frustrated artist in league with the 100 and Poison Ivy who trick the heroine Thorn into posing for a life-like sculpture at $100 an hour for charity. The artist pours a "golden liquid" over Thorn's body to make a mold of her, but instead of letting it take hours to harden the liquid sets instantly! Now frozen like a living statue, Thorn is cast into the ocean where a crazy malfunctioning computer which has fallen in love with Thorn saves her by melting the mold off her body. Don't ya just love those wacky silver age stories? [DC] Lycra Woman and Spandex Girl #1: Lycra Woman and Spandex Girl immobilized in their "fabric-tightened" costumes by Prima Donna's gel-cap "paint balls". Reprinted in Spandex Tights-The Lost Years #1. Second story features Madame Adhesive and her sticky glue gun. [Comic Zone/Lost Cause] Lycra Woman and Spandex Girl Christmas '77 Special #1: Lycra Woman and Spandex Girl are frozen in iceblocks by the chilling Lady Ice. They have very nice surprised expressions/positions. The last panel features a cliffhanger paralyzation of the Aerobic Duo by the insidious Stupid Guy's raygun. Reprinted in Spandex Tights-The Lost Years #2. [Comic Zone/Lost Cause] Lycra Woman and Spandex Girl Summer Vacation Special #1: Spandex Girl is frozen by freeze-flash camera by those wacky tourists, Ed and Marsha. She remains frozen through most of the story...drool! [Lost Cause] Magik #4: Marksman #3-4: Marvel Adventures #17: Another appearance by Paul Pierre Duval, a.k.a. the Grey Gargoyle. [Marvel] Marvel Comics Presents #31: (Early November, 1989) In the Excalibur story, the team is attacked by the Loonies, very loose adaptation of the WB cartoon characters. Kitty Pryde is fighting the Yosemite Sam rip-off who shoots her with a cement gun. She ends up completely coated as a statue. In the last panel, she is seen being carried under the Daffy Duck character's arm sideways. [Marvel] Marvel Fanfare #33: Marvel Feature (1975) #4: Marvel: The Lost Generation (mini-series): Pixie, a fetching immortal (?) heroine has the ability to turn people and things to stone with her pixie dust. Only males are the targets thus far…[Marvel] Mermaid's Gaze Graphic Novel: Metal Men #16: The robotic Metal Men are shrunk down by incompetent aliens. Platinum tries to enlarge them but pulls the wrong lever, freezing them all stiff! They are then sold as action figures. Sounds interesting…(circa 1965) [DC] Mighty Thor #258 (original series): Mighty Thor #320 (original series): Ancient beast-people are reincarnated by freezing normal people and breaking out of the ice in their animal forms. Mostly ho-hum, a middle-aged nurse is frozen and emerges as a sexy mermaid. A man and pretty brunette in a sweater emerge from their ice-blocks as a bull-man and bird-woman. Ehh. [Marvel] Mighty Thor #440 (original series): Another appearance from the Grey Gargoyle. In this issue the Thor Corps battle several of the team's old enemies brought out of time by the Tomorrow Man. I have yet to see this issue myself, but anytime the Grey Gargoyle is involved there is at least potential. [Marvel] Mighty Thor #32 (current series): Sif is encased in ice from the neck down. She’s kneeling in forced supplication to the evil Malekith. The whole of Asgard is frozen over too, but there aren’t many pretty girls iced over in the previous issue or this one. [Marvel] Mortal Kombat: Blood & Thunder #5: Ms. Marvel #12: Mystery in Space #75: Adam Strange and the alluring Alanna are paralyzed motionless by a strange bell/gong wielded by Kanjar Ro, arch enemy of the Justice League. It’s pretty tame stuff. Reprinted in Justice League of America 100 page Super Spectacular. [DC] The New Teen Titans #9 (second series): Kole encases Wonder Girl Donna Troy under a crystal coating. Unfortunately, it appears to be very flexible crystal, as her pose changes from panel to panel. This story is reprinted in an issue of Tales of the Teen Titans #? [DC] The New Teen Titans #34 (second series): Mento created a group of villains called the Hybrid, which had a character named Gorgon, who could turn people to stone by sight. (Of course, like all good statue-creating characters, he was vastly underused. Go figure.) This issue, he accidentally turns one of his teammates, a woman named Scirocco, to stone. One panel, back view. [DC] The New Titans #116: Former bad-girl Shimmer is turned to glass and shattered in a very short one panel sequence with only decent art. Donna Troy (Darkstar) is also covered with a green "Gummy resin" from GL's ring. [DC] Ninja High School #77: In flashback, a pair of magicians steal a magic gem from some company, and the CEO's wife, who's also a ninja, tries to stop them. They cast a spell on her that turns her into a statue for 48 hours. Just one shot of her in statue form, but it's a winner. Full body shot, taking up about a third of the page. [Antarctic] Paradise X #5: cover shows the petrified Excalibur team. The conclusion to the long running subplot when a Grey Gargoyle from another dimension is brought over to restore the forever-stoned heroes and heroines. Amongst them is Meggan and someone who looks like Spitfire. [Marvel] Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #62: Power Man & Iron Fist #93-94: Two of Iron Fist's friends (including Colleen Wing) are turned to glass by Chemistro. Some really poor continuity in the second issue (the guy gains and loses a beard from one issue to the next due to different artists) and sorta lackluster glass effect. We don’t get to see them turned to glass or back, just the discovery of them transformed. [Marvel] Punisher 2099 #5: Punisher 2099 #9: Punisher's girlfriend gets turned into a glass statue and is shattered into itty bitty pieces. The expression of fear on Kerri's face is somewhat disturbing...not for the faint of heart! [Marvel] Punisher 2099 #16: Purgatori-Empire #3 (limited series): Purgatori-Love Bites #1 (limited series): Purgatori teases the living stone statue of Sakarra with a kiss, but the live statue only appears in two or so panels. [Chaos] Quicksilver #4: The Scarlet Witch, at a dining table during the Inhuman's welcome back banquet, appears to be frozen to Quicksilver, due to his accelerated perception of time. She appears immobile, with a fork held up to her open mouth for four panels or so. Would have been much better scene if we could have seen her in an action type movement! Redfox #20: A figure with the upper torso of a woman and the lower extremities of an animal gets frozen within a giant ice egg. This is not a bad scene. [Valkyrie Press] Robin and Cindy Comix #1: Sabrina the Teenage Witch #39: cover shows Sabrina magically making a Snow-Teen Witch that looks remarkably like a snow statue of herself. Similar to the Lois Lane cover but nothing inside the issue reflects the cover (yet again)…[Archie] Savage Sword of Conan Magazine #100: Scooby Doo #70: Secret Defenders #20: Dr. Strange deposits the soul and being of a woman into a statuette. [Marvel] Secret Files: DCU Heroes #1: One panel shot of teen heroine Inferno being frozen in a what-if the government had to take down the DCU heroes. Ok at best. [DC] Secret Origins #?: Retelling of the origin of the Justice League of America when the Appellax aliens arrive to conquer. Part of Black Canary's leg turned to glass and she's turned to wood later on. Various background extras are turned to stone/glass/etc by the other aliens. [DC] Sensation Comics #11: Rebla, of the planet of Eros, creates a paralysis ray. She tests it on a willing subject who declares: "It works, Rebla. I'm paralyzed from my neck down! I can't move hand or foot!" Of course, the ray guns end up being used against many female government soldiers and Wonder Woman herself, who is not released from the effects of the ray because her super powers would threaten Rebla's schemes. Oh, those wacky 40's stories! Reprinted in Wonder Woman Archives #1. [DC] Sensation Comics #21: Mad Crime Master uses ring with needle to inject WW with paralyzing serum. She can't move or speak voluntarily (but can when ordered). Nice thought balloons of her confused as to her paralysis. Reprinted in WW Archives #3. [DC] The Sensational She-Hulk #27: Shades of Blue #9: Plain jane high school student Heidi gets frozen by the ice skating princess. The cover shows her frozen completely but in the story she's only frozen up to her waist for a few panels. [Amp] Shadow Lady #15-18 (The Awakening parts 3-6): Silke #1: Great full-page panel of the heroine frozen solid. She’s only seen from the neck up, but it’s a great wide-eyed shot of her face, frost and icicles hanging off her lips and hair…a great drawing that would have been arguably greater if we could see her killer bod frozen like that! [Dark Horse] Spandex Tights Vol. 1 #5: Dr. Angela Peveecy and Tara, in disguise as Flex Woman and Spandex Girl, are paralyzed in ridiculous poses by Stupid Guy's raygun. Actual dialogue from the scene: "Stiffening! Contorting...into humiliating poses..." More crazy fun! [Lost Cause] Spandex Tights Summer Fun, Cliff-hanging, Death Trap Bondage Special
# 1: Spandex Tights Presents Black Spandex #1: Spandex Tights Vol. 2, #1: Spandex Girl and Flex Woman are gooped, then frozen and encased in hardened phlegm before the ingenious Heflin is able to free them. There is a flashback to Dr. Peveecy and Tara frozen by Stupid Guy's raybeam while impersonating the Aerobic Duo (see Vol. 1 #5 entry). [Lost Cause] Spandex Tights Vol. 2, #4: Spandex Tights Vol. 2, #6: In a flashback to the events preceding Black Spandex #1, we get to see the events which led up to, and beyond, the Aerobic Duo being fully encased in hardened layers of hairspray (again!) from the devious Prima Donna. [Lost Cause] Spandex Tights-The Lost Issues #1: Spandex Tights-The Lost Issues #2: Spicy Tales #4: Reprint of 1936 SPICY DETECTIVE Sally the Sleuth story with waxworks. [Eternity] Starfems #1: Galaxy Girl Stormy Tempest is enveloped in 'acrilo' gas, a foam which encases her in an unbreakable plastic 'caccoon'. She doesn't look like she's frozen though, as her pose moves and she can think and see and speak. [AC] Starfleet Academy #8: Female Ensign Li is turned into some sort of metallic statue by Charlie "X" Evans. Nice continuity of her pose in multiple panel scenes. Wonder why he didn't do it during that Classic Trek episode? Extra points for the artist not changing the frozen Li's pose throughout the book! [Marvel] Star Trek #? (original series): Admiral Kirk and crew are trapped in a vision of Dante’s inferno brought to life. It has a scene with a crewwoman frozen in ice. She’s perceived to be nude. (And she’s not really a she as it’s revealed many issues later!) [DC] Superboy #47 (original series): From the Dial H for Hero backup, Vicki (as "Venus the Flying Trap") gets taken out by Metalliferro-- Poor Vicki-she looks like a giant hood ornament under her chrome coating. [DC] Superboy and the Ravers #5: A Christmas episode. Superboy and one of the females had to rescue a teammate that had run into the Scavenger at a junkyard. As they approached, Superboy stepped on a tripwire and set off a "Medusa Bomb" (name might be wrong) that turned him, the girl, and Rex the Wonder Dog to stone. A couple of good shots of the statues in there. [DC] Superfriends #27: WW and the other Superfriends are encased in solidified water by aliens using a beam which hardens, but doesn’t freeze the liquid around them. Unfortunately, WW is in some baggy space/sea suit and the scene really isn’t much. Reprinted in Superfriends TPB. [DC] Supergirl #5 (original series): Backup features Zatanna's first appearance. In her quest to find her lost father, she uses a spell to split herself into identical twins to search two places at once. The spell backfires on her and she becomes paralyzed at attention in two different locations. The hawks find her, each thinking her to be a painted statue of a girl at first! They carry her stiffened selves back to base, where Zatanna is re-integrated and made whole again. Pretty nice classic stuff. [DC] Supergirl #8 (original series): Supergirl is possessed by the spirit of Medusa and gains gorgon-like hair. No, she doesn't look at her reflection in a mirror but instead turns a couple of JLA heroes to stone temporarily. [DC] Supergirl #37 (current series): When Hell freezes over, Supergirl investigates and is almost frozen over herself. She’s mostly covered with frost and ice but not totally frozen stiff. [DC] Supergirl #44 (current series): Supergirl #46 (current series): Comet accidentally freezes his evil ally, Blithe, into a block of ice. Nice facial reaction of surprise, but the scene isn’t really anything to write home about. [DC] Supergirl Choose-Your-Own-Adventure: Not really a comic but a "choose-your-own-path" type book with pics for children and has one storyline ending where Mr. Mxyzptlk changes Supergirl into a department store dummy! Guess which ending I would keep picking! [Publisher unknown] Superman#19 (original series): Lois Lane is turned to stone by a bunch of gangsters! Supes, in anger, beats up the goons but tips her over and smashes her into pieces. Oh, did I mention it was all a dream? Reprinted in Superman Archives #5 [DC] Superman #74 (original series): Superman #101 (original series): Superman #365 (original series): Supergirl, turned evil, pursues a shrunken-down Superman in his Fortress of Solitude. He tricks her into flying in front of one of the alien zoo creatures' paralyzing ray, turning her into a stiffened statue! She's paralyzed in a flying pose, arms in front of her and is carried by Supes in one panel, totally stiff! [DC] Superman #375 (original series): Superman #11 (current series): Superman #137 (current series): The Superman of 2999 meets other futuristic versions of the JLA, including a Supergirl of the future. They are all paralyzed by a brainy villain who uses his superior brainpower to literally cause them all to become unable to move! [DC] Superman Adventures #29: Superman/Wonder Woman-Whom Gods Destroy #4: In an Elseworlds storyline, WW escapes from Nazi-esque pursuers with a Midas mask that turns her female pursuer to gold. If this were made more clear in the artwork, it would have been a keeper! [DC] Supreme #48: Filled with homages to old classic Superman stories, one features a 40's era Glory, Supreme, et al turned to stone by the Basilisk in a one page cover homage. Glory is wearing her old-fashioned 40's style outfit. Time for an updated version! [Maximum] Synn, Girl from LSD #1 (one-shot): Synn, in her go-go dancer outfit, is frozen in suspended animation by an evil scientist who is doing experiments. This is her origin story, but when it was retold in a future issue of Femforce, she isn't cryogenically frozen before she gains her powers. Well, at least we have this one. [AC] Tales of Suspense (Iron Man) #45 (Sept. 1963):Jack Frost freezes first a bank teller in a nice scene and then Pepper Potts in an OK scene. There's a fair shot of Pepper and Happy frozen in a block if ice on the cover. [Marvel] Tarot-Witch of the Black Rose #8: There is a transformation scene where a young girl becomes a nude wooden statue in a forest. The story title is "RAven Hex-Return of the DArk Witch. [Broadsword] Tarot #16: a lifesized cookie woman is brought to life, frosted on her private parts with icing. Pretty gory stuff in here too though…[Broadsword] Tarot #17: A mischevious Frost Fairy ices nipples and tongue of Raven, and then some living snowmen abduct Tarot and Raven by embedding their naked bodies inside their frozen snow selves. Some ice bondage scenes but no true freezes. [Broadsword] 10th Muse-Rena Mero #4: Dawn, a pretty redheaded friend of Emma (the 10th Muse) is turned to stone by the Gorgon Medusa. Too few scenes of her (all above the neck) unfortunately after being petrified. [Image] 10th Muse-Rena Mero #5: Only a one panel followup of the story from last issue featuring the petrified girl seen only in profile (mostly her face). [Image] 10th Muse-Rena Mero #8a: another couple panel followup of the petrified duo finally being restored to normal. Pretty disappointing, but the Medusa character apparently is going to continue in the book so there might be hope. [Image] Thor #46 (current series): Thor #47 (current series): Thor Girl is petrified on the cover by the great Grey Gargoyle. No statue, just pieces seen inside the book. Disappointing. [Marvel] Thor #48-49 (current series): Thor Girl's petrified fragments continue to be carted across town by Thor until she is restored. No statue pics. No good reason to pick up these issues.[Marvel] Titans #25 (current series): Dark Angel, the villainess who has plagued Wonder Girl/Troia over the many years, is frozen by Tempest. She’s coated in a layer of ice that still reveals her shapely curves and is carried away. Another artist later depicts the frozen Angel as if she’s in a block of ice. [DC] Twilight Zone #7 (1964): Uncanny X-Men #?: Storm is frozen and encased in a pillar of amber during Proteus' rampage through a small town in Great Britain. Reprinted in Classic X-Men #33. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #?: Dark Phoenix telekinetically freezes the X-Men, turning them into 'living statues'. It's not as good as it sounds, cause they just end up floating there at attention. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #145-147: Uncanny X-Men #160: Kitty Pryde encased in a big crystal. Reprinted in Classic X-Men #64. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #161: A Jewish girl is comatose because she believes she has been turned to gold in her mind. Very brief one panel scene with melted gold-like feet. If I'm not mistaken, she would later become mother to Legion, Professor X's son. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #250: Dazzler is covered with the membrane secreted by Worm and is paralzyed. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #354: Sauron's hypno power convinces Iceman that Jubilee (dressed in an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny pink polka-dot bikini! Yummee!) is a villain, and he freezes her, from about the chest down...pretty good looking art and coloring effect...would prefer more views of her body inside the ice though. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men #383: Sketch creates restraints by drawing the X-Men (including Phoenix Jean Grey and Storm) in metallic statue-like encasements. They’re put up for auction in their statue-like state. Art is so-so; it could have been a lot better than it ended up looking. [Marvel] Uncanny X-Men Annual #?: Amanda Sefton, Nightcrawler's girlfriend is turned into an ice statue by her sorcerer mother during Nightcrawler's torment in a Dante-esque Inferno ordeal. [Marvel] Vault of Horror #2: First story of this issue features an artist, an electroplating machine and an attractive, although unfaithful female model. You do the math. The end is ultimately disturbing, yet this issue is still quite a bit of fun. [DC] Warlock and the Infinity Watch #20: The 'Goddess' who is causing all sorts of mayhem in the Marvel Universe is turned to a salt statue as Pip the Troll touches her cosmic egg and has his wish granted. Infinity War crossover. [Marvel] Weird Science #20: Wetworks: Not really statue/freeze type stuff, but the team members are all covered in this gold skin/alien symbiote that makes them look golden! [Image/Top Cow] Wildstorm Swimsuit '97 Special: The first pinup is a huge bodyshot of a topless Fairchild being scrubbed down or something by these little green aliens. What's intriguing about this is that if you look at it the right way, it looks like they're putting some sort of stuff ON her or turning her to marble, as most of her body is pristine white from the neck down. The expression on her face fits a marbleizing effect too, but I don't think that's what the artist intended. Ambiguous enough though. There’s a slightly different version of this painting in Wildstorm Gallery, where it looks like one of the aliens is scrubbing her nipple. [Image] Wolverine #115: Continuation of story begun in X-men #65, Storm encased in hardened polymer. Only one good panel of her in it and we don't get to see her released from it (bummer!). [Marvel] Wolverine #125: Kitty Pryde is coated, by the nefarious Viper, with a resin that hardens and prevents her from phasing or moving! She stays statue-like till Jubilee uses her fireworks to blast the hardened coating off of her. [Marvel] Wonder Woman #2 (original series): Wonder Woman is encased in a pillar of gold (up to her neck). It sounds better than it looks. We don’t get to see anything other than her bursting out of the prison but she does have the great line “What am I? A statue?” Reprinted in Wonder Woman Archives #2. [DC] Wonder Woman #4 (original series): The Mole Men use paralyzing shackles and plates on the phosphorescent-painted Amazon and her pal Paula in their bid to enslave the surface women. Reprinted in Wonder Woman Archives #2. [DC] Wonder Woman #5 (original series): Dr Psycho's birdcage trap causes a paralyzing current that holds WW's body rigid. He then tries to remove her astral spirit while she's paralyzed. Kinky. Reprinted in WW Archives #3. [DC] Wonder Woman #7 (original series): WW breaks Steve Trevor out of a trap but spills liquid air over her body which freezes her stiff! Great continued pose as she's carried out horizontally by the Holiday Girls and put into a chamber which reheats her body. Oh if only Lynda Carter did this bit...Second story has WW paralzyed in a form-fitting metal mesh that "paralyzes her head to toe" and she's paralzyed yet again in a nice 2 panel bit as she tries to break free from her captors. Reprinted in WW Archives #3. [DC] Wonder Woman #32 (original series): War Lord Uvo from the planet Uranus uses his Kal-C-M ray to turn WW into stone. Miraculously, due to the fact that the ray can't penetrate the "new amazon-material" of her boots, she is able to tip herself forward and get Uvo to shoot her with another (curing!) dose of the ray. [DC] Wonder Woman #? (original series): Wonder Woman #72 (original series): WW is turned into a "solid gold figure-incapable of movement" by the evil mole-gildings. She is still able to think and command her invisible plane to take her closer to the center of the Earth and melt her golden shell. [DC] Wonder Woman #231 (original series): WW trapped in a pyramid glass shaped, nice pose. She's not frozen, but the expression on her face coupled with the pose is dang close enough for me! [DC] Wonder Woman #24 (current series): The gorgon Medusa's sister, Euryale, during a mass destruction of Boston turns a television camera girl to stone. [DC] Wonder Woman #38-40: Wonder Woman, dressed in her amazon skirt variation outfit, is turned into a wooden figure bound to the great tree beneath Themiscyra. Intrepid reporter Lois Lane discovers the immobilized amazon. [DC] Wonder Woman #76 (current series): Cool golden WW statue on cover. The statue is created by Circe to destroy the Amazons and is found washed up on the shore of Themiscyra. [DC] Wonder Woman #92 (current series): Wonder Woman #97 (current series): WW (Diana) is paralyzed by some spray from the Joker's flower. Nice "Fear of God"expression, if you're into that... [DC] Wonder Woman #105 (current series, Jan. 1996): Morgan LeFay is momentarily transformed into a metallic Egyptian-sarcophagus-like figure by the philosopher's stone. [DC] Wonder Woman #110 (current series): WW encased in a solid, amber-like cube created by a Sinestro replica's power ring. She comments on how the imprisoning substance is beginning to penetrate her nostrils, mouth and...? [DC] Wonder Woman #116-117 (current series): Wonder Woman #121 (current series): Wonder Woman #147 (current series, Aug. 1999): The gods of Olympus appear to have been transformed into statuary. The results are definitely so-so. [DC] Wonder Woman #167 (current series): Dark Angel, the tormenter of Wonder Girl, is turned to stone by the severed head of Stethno. WG (or rather Troia) promptly smashes her foe into itty-bitty pieces. It’s adequetely done, but not very spectacular. [DC] Wonder Woman #183 (current series): great cover of kneeling WW turned to granite or clay. It's a cover-only deal though, as she's threatened to be turned to clay inside but is not. [DC] Wonder Woman vs. the Mole Men Coloring Book: Yeah, I'm pushing the envelope again, but this kiddie book features an underground race of mole people who like to paint their women fluorescently. They kidnap a bunch of United Nations women, and WW and the Amazon, Paula. They use charged electrical plates which paralyze WW when she tries to escape and force her to dance or be paralyzed...This was an updated, modernized look at the original WW#4. [Whitman?] Wonder Woman in "Old Gold" Twinkies advertisement: Hostess advertisement, Reprinted in several issues: Wonder Woman poses as a gold statue to catch Twinkie Snatcher robbing Egyptian tomb of its precious Snack Cakes. (I've always wondered about this one. How did the Ancients get twinkies? Were they buried with the Pharaohs in case they got hungry on their journey into the afterlife?) Yeah it’s corny, but you have to see it to believe it. Anyway, the Borrower (THE BORROWER???) is tempted to steal a life-sized gold statue of an Egyptian King. So what does Wonder Woman do about it? Paint herself gold and pretend to be a statue herself clutching Twinkies. Needless to say, the Borrower shows poor taste in going after the twinkies rather than the golden WW! [DC advertisement] World's Finest #257: A homeless woman finds an animal that can grant wishes turns everyone in Metropolis to stone, unfortunately not enough statued women. The best thing is a wrap around cover where she's surrounded by a lot of statued people. [DC] World's Finest #261: "The Case of the Runaway Sculpture" Mary Marvel in her alter ego of Mary Batson gets turned into a plaster statue. She returns to normal, but some really nice shots of her in a tight turtleneck and jeans and great pose continuity combined with a great expression make this a keeper. [DC] Xena-Warrior Princess #1 (2 issue limited series):
Xena-Warrior Princess and the Olympics #2 (3 issue limited series): X Factor Annual #4: Jean Grey frozen in stasis and tractor beamed into the sky with the Beast hanging onto her. Very nice glassy-eyed expression, but unfortunately she's in a boring pose. [Marvel] X-Force #75: X-Force #?: Ok the first one isn't that good but the next one might be. The whole team is encased in circuitry and the look sorta like yellow statues. One pic at the end of the first one. [Marvel] X-Man #57: Cover shows Phoenix (Jean Grey) as a statue, but this scene doesn’t appear in the story. Rats. [Marvel] X-Men #2: Whole team turned to various states of crumbling stone on cover (with Magneto and Prof. X in the foreground). Two of the team, including Psylocke and Rogue are turned to chrome by the Acolyte Chrome who has placed them into a "transitory statue-state". Moira McTaggert gets metal "skin" from Magneto later. [Marvel] X-Men #65: Storm is encased in an expanding polymer that encases her ala an insect in hardened amber by Bastion's Sentinels. [Marvel] X-Men 2099 Vol 1 #1 (Aug. 1996): Titled "Oasis", Shakti is placed in a cryo stasis tube to be frozen for 350 years. Contains a couple of OK scenes. [Marvel] X-Men and the Micronauts #1: Marionette partially encased in a rock asteroid (ala carbonite). There are only a couple of panels of this one. [Marvel] X-Men: The search for Cyclops #2 (mini-series): You're going to have to enjoy the cover only on this one cause there's nothing inside remotely resembling Phoenix (Jean Grey) turned to stone on the cover. This is akin to the X-Man #57 cover, which also featured a stoney's too bad, the artist would've done a great job! [Marvel] X-Men Unlimited #31: X-Man turns the asian mutant Kiza who can turn things to gold (it’s not shown, sorry) into a golden statue of herself, as a memento for the monks of a local shinto shrine. It’s pretty brief, could have been much more. [Marvel] Xtreme X-Men #004?: A statue of Psylocke is unveiled in master adversary Vargas's home. It's semi-painted and he speaks of it almost as if she was in fact turned into that statue (she was killed last issue). It's pretty enticing even though she's not. [Marvel] Xtreme X-Men #009: Lifeguard, a female
gold-armor semi-Colossus character is frozen stiff by Lady Mastermind, who
tears off her 'costume' and reveals Lifeguard in a bathing suit (ala Pam
Anderson). Lifeguard has a panel where she silently thinks "I can't
move!". Great art. [Marvel] XXXenophile #4: "Now Museum Now You Don't" features a female security guard having sex with a quartet of female statues who come to life. One comments "...besides, being a statue is more pleasant than you would think." Nice idea. Reprinted in one of the XXXenophile collection trade paperbacks. [Palliard Press] Young Heroes in Love #9: Bonfire coated in ice during her lovemaking with Frostbite. Nice idea, though she doesn't get permanently frozen, the parts of her touched by Frostbite are iced over (breasts, thighs, etc.). [DC] Young Justice #14: The misty heroine Secret is frozen solid when her gaseous form is affected by the same demonic energy that has frozen Hell over. [DC] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] So, you may be asking yourself, "Where can I get any of these comics?" If you're intrigued enough and want to actually read/see any of the titles listed above, here are a few tips: Check your local Yellow Pages for Comic Books to see a listing of the comic book dealers available in your area. Most stores have back issue bins ranging from fairly modest to extensive. You can also call 1-888-COMIC BOOK (1-888-266-4226) to find out where the nearest comic book store is located. Some titles are available directly from the publisher, like the Antarctic and Lost Cause issues of Gold Digger and Spandex Tights, respectively. Comic Book conventions are also good place to search for those elusive issues as many dealers have back stock they are just dying to get rid of at very cheap prices. You may also want to check out advertisers in publications such as the Comics Buyer's Guide, Wizard, etc. Most of the issues listed are fairly affordable, with the exception of the Golden Age Era books. When the stories have been reprinted, a note has been made. Usually, the reprinted versions will be more easily obtainable as trade paperbacks, but in some cases, the stories are actually reprinted in comic book form. Another good place to look is at the Mile High Comics website. Many of these issues can be found when utilizing their advanced search engine, making hunting for that perfect freeze so much easier. Good Luck! And please notify one or more of the authors if you have additions, and/or issue numbers or clarifications to the list! If you’ve found an issue and would like to contribute a scan for the group, your effort would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! |