Ma’m’zelle Stoned
Art © Taral Wayne.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
See note below image
Note by Leem: Originally posted in the Scraps section of Taral’s Furaffinity pages
(with a Mature Content rating for full-frontal furriness) where he notes:
Yeah... I keep doing this to the poor soul, but I can’t resist it.
1973 was when Walt Kelly died. It seemed like as good a moment as any to stop the clock on Ma’m’zelle.
There used to be a typo in the text, but Taral later corrected it.
“Took barely 60 seconds,” he said. No, I’m not going to tell you what it was.RECYCLE!
The non-stoned version of this image is also in the Furaffinity scraps section,
with the same adult rating. Taral notes of the original version:
I basically scribbled this while waiting for my computer to grind its gears.
Dowloading or opening new pages with a dial up server means mostly waiting,
and sometimes I get fed up and grab a pencil and some paper. The piece
was later touched up with Photoshop to make more presentable.
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