The Pygmalion Syndrome - Art and Stuff

Taral Wayne
Sawyer: Special Effects 6 of 6
Art © Taral Wayne. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Taral Wayne - Sawyer: Special Effects 6 of 6
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Note: Originally posted on Taral’s Furaffinity site. Taral wrote:

“Either the effect of the ring wears off with time, or else Farley (Sawyer’s agent) eventually
began to wonder where she went. Fortunately for all, her film career didn’t end with page six.”

In a follow-up message he added:

“It was an experience. A bit of an oddity for my resume though -- how do I explain all
the concentrated weirdness next time I try to get a job as the art director for an orange
juice brand? Or, come to think of it, the *first time* I try to get a job as an art director...”

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