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Anime Jungle Book
Fan art by Richard “Kuroku” Palmer
Mowgli from the Jungle Book anime

Mowgli from the Jungle Book anime - fanart by Richard 'Kuroku' Palmer - click for non-transparent version
Click for non-transparent version
Note: this is the first Anime Mowgli image to appear on Kuroku’s Fanart Central pages.

Kuroku: Gee, I seem to draw a lot of the lesser known characters don’t I?
Yes, this is an MS paint Version of Mowgli from the anime ‘Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli’ (which has finally been released on DVD... in Australia. not sure when it’s scheduled for release anywhere else). anyway, it was a great little known Anime that had a televised run over here in the States in 1989 but disappeared shortly afterword. I’ll soon be adding a background to this one just as soon as I can figure out how to do so with that motion blur effect.


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