Taral Wayne
Job Security
Art © Taral Wayne.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
See note below image
Note by Leem: In these times of economic uncertainty there’s nothing like having a steady position. Mannequin TFs are a staple, not to say a rampant cliché, of the ASFR genre, but as always Taral brings his own unique style to the idea.
Taral sent me this together with Kensington Gardens Statue, with the comment: “You”ll work out the relationship between these pretty quick, I predict... : ) But one was actually drawn a couple of years ago, and the other adapted only recently.”
I won’t give the game away, although the dates in the signatures might give you a clue which came first!
Since then Taral has posted another version entitled “Saara Deco”, featuring his flagship character Saara Mar in an almost identical outfit, though without the shoes.
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