Taral Wayne
High Strung
Art © Taral Wayne. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Note by Leem: Originally posted at FurAffinity
(login to view Adult Content). Taral writes:
This is an old old idea that for some reason I’ve almost never done anything with before. I suppose the pose suggested it though.
I recall that as far back as the middle 70’s, when I was fooling aorund with an idea called “Doll Marion”, I had the idea of the animated doll being horrified when she discovers a darkened cottage full of crude puppets, and recognizes one of them as a friend, turned into a puppet, so like Marion herself, but lifeless.
The text I whipped up has nothing to do with the Marion story, though.
This is one of three FurAffinity pictures using the same pose, although this one is
a mirror image of the other two, which are Sophisticate and Counterculture.
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