Art © Taral Wayne. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
See note below picture
Note by Leem: Not strictly freezing of course, but included for the bodypaint fans. I’d already posted a version of this picture, but I’ve now replaced it with a bigger scan that Taral subsequently posted on his FurAffinity gallery. Here’s what he has to say about it: “I love this piece because it lets me feed two obsessions at once. A love of Cats Don’t Dance, and the two characters from my comic, Beatrix. I had hoped one day to ink and colour, but it somehow it never happened. The black background of the poster didn’t scan well, so I used a cloning tool to improve on it. It doesn’t look too bad, but the staticky quality is out of character with the line values of the rest of the picture. It looks mechanical, and is. Today I would have hand air brushed the poster so that the faded areas and dark spots were more even. But if I’m going to go to that much trouble, heck, I might as well ink. As an interesting side note, I did this partly as a way of sneaking Sawyer into Shelley’s CDD site nude. She’s pretty strict about that, but let this pass.” Leem here again. In this version Danny Cat stands in for Sean Connery and Sawyer Cat replaces Shirley Eaton, though as Taral implies, she’s displaying slightly more gilded nudity than censorship allowed in the original. The poster appears to read “Saw[yer Cat as Pussy Ga]lore”, which is obviously appropriate for a feline even though it mixes up the characters! If Sawyer was a major star in the 1940s then she’d have had to be really well-preserved by the time Goldkitty was made. Perhaps her frequent petrifications have something to do with it, though that doesn’t explain what Danny was doing at the same time. Probably, though, it’s just an example of cartoon time obeying its own inscrutable rules. Elsewhere on these pages Beatrix stars in the picture Hard Luck, in which she too faces a period of enforced immobility. Comment on this picture | Index | Return to Top of Page |