The WOMAN Who Loved Mannequins
(a sequel to Disman’s The Man Who Loved Mannequins II)


by MannequinMetallic


In the weeks that followed my stint as a pantyhose form, I couldn’t stop thinking about what that experience did to me. It had started as a way to please Matt and submit to some of his fetishes. But it had awakened fetishes inside me that I had never expected. Perhaps that’s the sign that Matt and I are soulmates—we shared the same fetishes. For him, he was reluctant to talk about them. For me, I didn’t even know they lay deep inside me. Now, thanks to my discovery of Matt’s secret desires—and willingness to act them out for him—I couldn’t stop thinking about what I want in my sex life. Luckily, I know Matt will go along with whatever comes next.


My first stop was another appointment to see Tanya, the hypnotist who had given me the suggestions to become a mannequin at Matt’s command. Could she help me explore this further? I went into her office a little on the nervous side, knowing that this time I would be talking to her about my fetishes, not just Matt’s. Back in the familiar confines of her comfortable office, Tanya welcomed me with a smile.

“So you’re back?” she said with a grin. “How did your husband do with the suggestions we placed?” Her interest was more than clinical. I can tell what she helped me do was a bit kinkier than her regular smoking cessation clients.

“Umm, it went really great,” I said with a grin of my own. “Really great.”


“I see,” said Tanya. “And now you’re here for more.” I don’t know if hypnotists have some power to see right into people’s minds or it was just obvious on my face, but Tanya could tell I NEEDED this. “I’m guessing all the suggestions worked well then.”

I startled myself with how quickly I answered. “Oh my god, it was amazing,” I said. “Everything worked just as you said it would. The champagne, the earlobes, everything.” Tanya smiled wider as I filled her in on the details. “I was literally frozen as a mannequin for nearly 24 hours.” I didn’t fill her in on all the details of being a mannequin form. But I think she could tell how much I loved it all.


“You know, I could tell you were an excellent subject as soon as we met,” Tanya said. “And the fact you worked so hard to embrace the power of hypnotism means the suggestions hold a lot of power for you.”

I didn’t beat around the bush with what I wanted. “Can we do…more?”


Tanya narrowed her eyes and she leaned in close to reply, almost in a whisper. “With your mind and motivation, we can do almost anything.”


The rest of the session was a bit of a refresher course. Tanya told me it would take months of training to do all I wanted to do, but she had to start slowly. So we went through a number of trance exercises. I asked her to remove the champagne-induced limpness suggestion first. It really hadn’t done much for me or Matt. I wanted to cut out that step and get right to the parts we both enjoyed. Tanya said she’s work up a full list of suggestions involving the fetish, but that would take time. For now, she left me with one suggestion that would work immediately and  indefinitely. If I spoke a certain trigger word, I’d have 15 seconds to pose before freezing up into a mannequin. I’d remain frozen in my mannequin pose, aware of what was going on but unable to move or react, until Matt spoke his trigger word to release me. Tanya asked what I wanted my word to be. “Be careful,” she said, “Don’t choose a word you will randomly hear in public or you will freeze in place there without Matt to release you.” That scared me a bit. Not only was our fetish a private one, but that sounded downright dangerous. What if I was driving and heard it on the radio?


Thinking for a moment, I turned to all the studying I had been doing in secret. I wanted to know more about mannequins, how they posed, their makeup and style. So I had been browsing a lot of mannequin manufacturers’ web sites. My favorite instantly came to mind. “I want the trigger word to be ‘Rootstein.’”


Tanya raised her eyebrows, obviously not familiar with the name. “That should work fine. I don’t think you’ll hear that out on the street. For the trigger to release you, we’ll use “move.’ If you do get frozen by accident, someone might say that to you.”


It only took a few minutes for Tanya to place the suggestion into my subconscious. She brought me back out of hypnosis and asked if I wanted to try it out with her. “I’m very interested in your response to the newest suggestion,” Tanya said. “I want to check the level of your response. During this, I would like to touch you gently. Is that alright?” I was a little nervous to share this intimate thrill with someone I only knew professionally. But I figured if it didn’t work, she could probably fix it then and there.


“Uh, sure, you can touch me,” I stuttered, standing up and facing her. “Let’s give it a try. Please don’t leave me frozen for too long. I think I’ll be embarrassed to do it in front of you.”


Tanya smiled. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I think you’re going to enjoy it.”


Tanya nodded and I spoke—maybe a little too loudly as my excitement built. “Rootstein!” I paused for a moment, waiting for something to happen, then realized I only had 15 seconds to pose. I picked one of the standard mannequin poses I had by now seen so many times on the mannequin web sites—fingers and hands posed gracefully in front of me, one leg slightly in front of the other, head slightly tilted to one side with lips parted and eyes looking off into the distance. I waited to feel something and then a quick wave passed through me. And I was stuck in place!


“Fascinating,” Tanya muttered as she walked up close to me. She waved her hand in front of my unblinking eyes. “I know you can hear me,” she said, “as I’ve set the suggestion to freeze you in place but leave you completely aware.” She was right. I heard every word, but, just like when Matt made me into a pantyhose form, I could not move a muscle.

Tanya went on. “To help you achieve a frozen state you can hold for a long time--a very long time--I have made some adjustments to what you feel.” She reached out to touch my shoulder gently. I could feel that it was happening, but it wasn’t like any real touch. Just an awareness it was happening, but with no feeling of it at all.


“Those parts of your body that might distract you and take you out of your frozen state now barely register a touch,” Tanya said. “Let me demonstrate further.” She brought her hand up by my face again but this time, instead of waving it in front of my eyes, she pointed her index finger and slowly brought it toward my right eye.”


Oh my god!” I thought. “She’s going to poke me right in the eye!” Ever so slowly, Tanya brought her finger forward and touched my open eye. I did not blink or flinch. I knew someone was touching my eye, but I really couldn’t feel it. It was so strange.

“Exactly as I had hoped,” Tanya said. “Anyone not as deeply in trance as you would have flinched and backed away. But you did not even blink.” She went over to the small coffee stand she had set up in the corner of her office, returning with a long coffee stir stick. She raised it to my open lips and inserted it between the, probing back into my throat! Once again, I could tell it was there, but couldn’t really feel it all the way against the back of my throat.


“Hmmm, no gag reflex either,” Tanya muttered.


Matt’s going to love that,” I smiled internally.


Tanya put down the stirrer and approached me once again. She reached her hand up and gave my shoulder a quick push. Instantly, I was toppling backward, my frozen pose no longer sufficient to keep me upright. Quick as a flash, Tanya darted behind me to catch me and stand me back upright before I hit the floor. “I’m sorry to try that on you, but I needed to know if you would break your pose to stop your fall. I’m pleased you did not, though you must be careful in this state not to get into an unstable position where you might fall. You have no control, voluntary or involuntary, of the muscles that keep you balanced when standing.”


Tanya backed up, looked me over, and raised both hands in front of me. “I’m going to touch you just one more time. It will be a bit intimate, but I want you to know what you actually CAN feel.” With that, she slowly reach up and just grazed my breasts with the palms of her hands. A jolt of pleasure rocketed through my body. My eyes would have rolled back in my head—had they been able to move at all. Reeling from the feeling, I could barely hear Tanya speak. “I, of course, could see no reaction to my touch, but I’m assuming you definitely felt that.”


Tanya went over to her desk, pulled out a legal pad and began making furious notes. I remained locked in place. Had anyone entered her office then, they would have wondered why Tanya kept a fully dressed mannequin in the middle of the room. Waves of pleasure still swept through me as I started thinking of being in this state with Matt. I could not wait to show him tonight when he got home. Almost as if she could read my mind, Tanya put down her pen and walked back over to me. “I’m just going to leave this one suggestion in for you to demonstrate for your husband. In our next meeting, I’ll reinsert the other suggestions we used before and discuss new ones,” Tanya said. She turned her back to me to return to her desk. “Is that alright with you?” she asked, not remembering I was in no condition to answer. After a moment’s silence, she turned around laughing. “Oh, I forgot. Move.” Instantly, I felt the slight wave and knew I could move again. I stumbled a bit as my muscles took control of my stance again.


“Fuck me!” I nearly screamed at her. “That was amazing. It seemed so much more intense of a freeze than with Matt—though I was frozen solid then. What was different this time?” Tanya looked at her notes for a moment and then back at me.


“The last time you came to see me, even through all the sessions we had, you were doing it for Matt,” she said. “You’re a great subject, so the suggestions worked very well. But this time, you’d doing it for yourself. And that means there’s almost no limit to what suggestions we can place and how long they will last.”


“By how long they last,” I said, “do you mean they won’t go away after a week?” I was already secretly hoping we could make them last a bit longer.


“Peggy,” Tanya said, “I think we can get you to reach a point at which all my suggestions will be permanent. They will work for as long as you still want them to work.”


It took me a moment to take in what she was saying. “Do you really mean ‘forever?’” I almost whispered the word.


“Yes, with enough training,” was her reply.


With that, my mind clouded a bit. How much would this cost? “I hesitate to bring this up, but how many sessions are we talking about? I’m not sure what I can afford.”


Tanya laughed. “Put that from your mind, child. It’s a once in a career event to get a subject like you. Yes, we’re going to have multiple sessions a week to reach the permanent stage, but it won’t cost you a penny—as long as you let me document our work and write a paper about it. I’ll of course keep your identity completely anonymous.”


“Do you mean it? Free?” I blurted. “Of course you can write about it. When can we start?”


“How about tomorrow?” Tanya said. She already had her appointment book in her hand.




When I got home, my mind was reeling.  Tanya had said “permanent.” Did she really mean she could hypnotize me to the point that it would last forever? That I could be a mannequin whenever Matt and I wanted me to be? I put those thoughts aside while I prepared for Matt to get home from work. I puzzled over whether to tell him right out what had happened today or to surprise him. After his being willing to share his fetishes with me, I figured I could give him a little surprise about our newfound path to a new level of fun. I went into the bathroom and found a high coverage foundation I’d picked out for some possible experimentation. I put it on everywhere, covering my skin with a thick coat that left me looking an even, unblemished color. I had already fallen into the habit of using a particular shade of nail polish that exactly matched this foundation, so my nails just blended into the skin on my fingers, leaving a real mannequin hand look.I did up my face in a heavy style I know Matt loves and sprayed my hair with a ton of that old fashioned heavy hair spray, leaving it shiny, stiff, and pretty fake looking. The final touch was a pair of Matt’s favorite pumps and a tight sweater/skirt combo. I headed into the kitchen and went about my business preparing dinner as I waited for him to arrive.


Soon, Matt walked in the door. At first he didn’t really look at me, but then glanced over as I was bent over the stove and noticed my short skirt and foundation-painted legs. “Hmmm,” Matt said. “You look VERY nice tonight. Did I miss an event you attended or something?”


In response, I just turned around facing him, made a cute little smile and said, “”Rootstein.”


Matt raised his eyebrows and said, “What?” at first not noticing I was taking a traditional mannequin pose I know he loves—not unlike the one I tried at Tanya’s. As he realized I was posing, he grinned and said, “This looks fun…” Just at that moment, my 15 seconds were up and I froze in place. But of course, Matt couldn’t tell I was ACTUALLY frozen. He just thought I was pretending—and of course had no idea about the new trigger. He began unbutton my sweater, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my frozen body. Of course, I didn’t—couldn’t—react in any way to show him what he was doing to me.


“Wow, I love the foundation all over,” Matt said. “And you’re really holding that pose. It sure takes me back to the hypnosis stuff.” He sounded almost wistful as he said it, as if he’d never get to experience me hypnotized again. Little did he know…


Taking the sweater off and revealing my foundation-covered breasts, Matt jostled me a bit and I started to tip over. “Darn these heels,” I thought as I slowly lost my balance. “If he’s not paying attention, I’m going to hit the floor hard!


More out of instinct than anything, Matt quickly caught me and attempted to put me back upright. “Wow, you’re really stiff. Nice job!” Matt said.


He still thinks I’m just posing on my own,” I thought with a giggle. “He’ll figure it out soon.”


Matt seemed a bit puzzled as he tried to stand me back up but couldn’t get the balance right on the heels. As I kept tipping one way or the other, I could see the look on his face change. “Wait, you’re really frozen,” he said. “Just like before. Are you hypnotized?” He practically whispered the last words. As if to check, he held me by the shoulders so I wouldn’t fall and kissed me hard on the lips.  Nothing.


Well, Tanya did say all the old suggestions were gone,” I thought. “Let’s see if he says the trigger to release me. If not, I could be like this a loooong time.”


Matt looked me close in the eyes and I could see a small bit of terror creeping into his face. He clearly was worried he couldn’t unfreeze me. “That’s OK,” I thought. “Have more fun with me first while I’m a mannequin!” And he did just that. Temporarily forgetting he might have a wife who’s now a permanent mannequin, he explored my frozen body with his hands. Every touch was incredibly sensual. I got so enraptured I’m not even sure how long we shared that moment. Matt seemed to try to control himself, snapping back to the worry that I was permanently stuck this way.


“I wonder if this is going to last 24 hours like the last time?” he said. “That wouldn’t be so bad, but if you’re going to keep your store in business, you’re going to have to move again at some point.”


With that word out of his mouth, I instantly felt movement return and I quickly balanced myself on my heels and stood on my own two feet. Matt’s mouth dropped open and the words just came spilling out.


“What happened? Are you OK? Is this some side effect of my birthday?” he blurted. Then a look came over his face and he slowly said, “Are you hypnotized again?


I smiled a nodded cutely. “Yep, I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did, so I went to see Tanya today. She gave me a new trigger. I said it when you came in.”


“Rootstein?” Matt asked. “Did you pick that or her? Great choice.” It hadn’t dawned on him (or me) that if he said the word, it might work. I had started to grow accustomed to the change from living woman to mesmerized mannequin, so I wasn’t sure if I would feel it before my 15 seconds were up. I figured I had better tell him the release trigger in case he didn’t remember saying it.


“The word to release me,” I said, “is mo—.” And I froze in place with the word only half out of my mouth. I was so busy thinking about that, I didn’t pick a cute mannequin pose. Instead, I stood mostly undressed with my hands behind me on the counter, looking right at Matt with my lips pursed in the middle of the word. I was happy my hands were making me stable so I wouldn’t tip. And I guess Matt found me cute this way.


“I’m going to get the camera for this one…” he said, leaving me in the kitchen as he ran to the office. He returned, snapped shots at all angles, and finished undressing me, tipping me back and forth to remove my clothes. He left the shoes on because my feet were molded to their height and my heels wouldn’t touch the floor now.


“Your makeup is awesome, Hon,” Matt whispered in my ear. “And now I can kiss you without de-mannequinizing you.” He did just that and I loved it even more than when a kiss would have brought me back to life.


Matt carried me to the bedroom and lay me on the bed the best he could. My hands were behind me and rigid, so he eventually worked out a position where I was sitting on the bed with my hands propping me up, feet on the floor. I had stood with my feet apart to get my balance, leaving  Matt the opportunity to finish the job we started in the kitchen. I could see that sex as a mannequin was every bit as good for as it was for Matt fucking a mannequin. He came once, but I had already beaten him to the punch several times over. As he lay on top of me breaking heavily after finishing, he looked me in the eye and said,


“What’s the trigger word to release you? Moo? Like a cow?” He laughed and rolled of me, leaving me rocking slight on the bed. Taking a couple of more pictures of me in that pose, he leaned close and said, “I think it might be “‘move’ actually.” With that, I collapsed onto the best and let out a scream of delight. We had found a new way to play and both of us could not wait to see what came next.




My sessions with Tanya were frequent and productive. We decided to restore the earlobe triggers: pinch my right earlobe and I become stiff but posable, pinch my left earlobe and I freeze solid into place. For both of these triggers, I remain aware of what’s going on and can feel pleasant feelings that go with being frozen. Tanya decided to add a new one: pinch both earlobes and not only am I frozen solid, but my mind shuts off. I basically become a mannequin—unaware of anything happening to me, unable to feel anything and even unaware of time passing. She also added verbal triggers so someone didn’t have to actually touch me to trigger me. The right earlobe stiff move used the trigger “pause,” the left earlobe freeze used the trigger “freeze,” and the both earlobe shutdown used the trigger “full plastic.” Tanya made sure the triggers only worked if Matt said them. She didn’t want me freezing up in the middle of a grocery store when someone asked where the freezer was. As with the earlier trigger, the word “move” would restore me to movement from any of these. Matt could also say “melt” when I was in full plastic mode and I would return to consciousness, but remain frozen.


With a few days of conditioning, Tanya promised these triggers would last forever. Matt and I tried them out at home with all sorts of fantastic moments of playtime pleasure. Tanya did have to make one adjustment after an afternoon incident that left me in a bit of a jam. While waiting for Matt to get home, I was sitting on the couch lazily flipping through shows on Netflix. As I did, I absentmindedly reached up and rubbed my left earlobe. I instantly froze in place, remote pointed at the TV, eyes staring at the Netflix home screen.


Uh oh,” I thought. “I’m really stuck like this. There’s no trigger for me to unfreeze myself.” So there I sat, locked into watching the TV for another 90 minutes until Matt arrived. At first, he thought I had “Rootsteined” myself, but then noticed it was all too random of a pose.


He looked me closely in the eye, removed the remote from my hand, and asked, “Did this happen all by itself somehow?” I, of course, could not tell him. Then he noticed my fingers on my earlobe and figured it out. “Looks like an accidental self trigger. I actually find that super sexy, but it might be a little dangerous,” he said. “What if you had food on the stove or something?” He told me to move and I did, grinning in embarrassment. I promised him to ask Tanya to be sure only he could squeeze my earlobes and freeze me like this.


Tanya and I fixed that problem as we continued to build up my stamina and performance. She worked to get me used to not blinking, reaching a point where I no longer felt any discomfort to not blink for hours on end. Not only did it work while I was frozen, but I found little need to blink while going through my daily routine. I often found I had to think about blinking from time to time when talking with Heather at the shop so as to not freak her out. Tanya helped me reduce the amount my chest moved when breathing, reaching a point at which no one would really notice any movement in my body when I inhaled or exhaled. She also reduced sensation in all but my intimate parts, meaning someone could touch me and I basically wouldn’t feel it. That also had the extra bonus effect of making my skin very cool to the touch, feeling much more stiff and cold like a mannequin, rather than a warm, soft human. And she trained me to  reduce and eventually eliminate any feeling of discomfort when I was thirsty, hungry, needed to use the bathroom or needed to sleep. This, she said, would allow me to stay in mannequin form for days at a time. Just those words when she told me made me wet downstairs while my nipples hardened. Oh, and about my nipples, Tanya made sure that any time a trigger was used on me, my nipple would instantly go hard and erect and stay that way the entire time I was triggered. The one issue we couldn’t seem to solve was balance. When frozen, I had no way to keep myself upright. Unless I was very stable, I would definitely fall over. But when I got home from a particularly difficult session trying to solve the problem, Matt said he had been working on something to help with that and would show me the next night.




All day at the shop, I had been wondering how Matt might have solved my tipping problem. I kept looking at my mannequins Gina and Tina. They basically had the same problem as I did when frozen—no muscles available to hold them upright. Gina and Tina took care of that problem with a glass base holding a vertical metal rod that inserted into holes in their legs. “That seems a bit drastic for Matt’s solution,” I said to myself while starting at Gina’s leg.


“What?” Heather called from across the shop.


“Nothing,” I said.


“Are we going to do something different with the mannequins?” Heather asked. “You’ve been staring at them a lot lately.” Heather was right, of course. This renewed hypnosis with Tanya had rekindled the erotic feelings I got when looking at the mannequins. Plus I had been studying their poses more closely so I could match them when I used the “Rootstein” trigger.


“Yeah,” I replied. “Seems like we should make some changes. I’m working on some ideas.” Though I had bigger changes in mind than Heather could ever imagine, she just nodded and went back to folding undies.


Matt and I got home from work at about the same time. I could tell he was playing with me when he came over, gave me a peck and asked, “What do you want to do for dinner?”


I smacked him on the chest—maybe a little harder than I intended—and said, “Don’t play with me! How are we going to solve my tipping problem?” I was both excited and nervous to see what he had come up with. What would it look like? How would it work? Would it HURT?


Matt smiled and ushered me to the basement. He had a small woodworking and tool shop there—a place I hardly ever ventured. He has been spending a bit more time there lately, but I had just written that off as work he had to bring home because his carpentry business was doing so well these days. We walked into the shop area, but I didn’t see anything there that looked like it would work as a stand.


“Where is it?” I asked somewhat impatiently.


“Hold your horses,” Matt said. “Or I’ll hold them for you, if you know what I mean.” He reached playfully for my left earlobe.


I swatted his hand away and whined “I’m serious. This just HAS to work.” Matt raised his eyebrows at how emphatic I had become, but he had no idea what I had in mind. Plus, being a mannequin around the house was great, but I almost always ended up tipped over on the bed or the couch. I wanted to be a better display figure than that.


Matt held up his finger in a “just wait” gesture and reached under one of his workbenches and pulled out a large disc wrapped in a tarp. He slowly unwrapped it, revealing a large glass circle, pretty much like the bases Gina and Tina enjoyed, though quite a bit larger.


“No need to reinvent the wheel—or circle, in this case,” Matt began. “I’ve taken the standard mannequin glass base and made it a little larger to handle the additional weight you carry compared to a plastic mannequin.”


“Thanks a lot,” I groaned jokingly. I noticed the base had a mount embedded in the center of it. Matt reached into a drawer and pulled out a small sleeve that slipped into that mount. “So far, so good,” I thought. “This looks just like the girls’ mounts in the store. But how will this connect to me?” Now Matt reached behind his bench and pulled out a long metal rod with an adjustment screw in the middle, allowing it to adjust to different heights. “Wait, are you going to stick that into me?” I asked with alarm in my voice.


“Patience my dear, patience,” Matt cooed back. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. In fact, I think you’re going to enjoy what I have come up with.” Reaching into a final drawer, he removed a velvet bag cinched closed at the top. I watched with anticipation as he pulled open the neck and pulled out what at first I thought was some sort of rubber tool. But as I looked more closely, I could see it was a fairly large flesh-toned dildo with a small butt plug hooking around the back.


“Oh!” I gasped. “I guess I never saw that coming.” I had pictured some sort of strap that would go around my upper thigh. But this had started looking much more interesting.


“Yeah, I thought about a lot of different ways to do this,” Matt said. “And then it dawned on me that the stand should be more than functional. It should be fuck-tional.” I frowned at the stupid joke, but knew he was making sure this was pleasurable for me.


“Well, what are we waiting for,” I said. “Let’s try this sucker out!”


Matt put the dildo/butt plug on one end of the metal rod, literally screwing it onto the end. Then he set the other end in the base plate mount and secured it. It was set quite low, so he loosed the adjustment screw, saying “I’ll adjust this to the right length when you’re in place.” While he was doing that, I had begun to strip out of my work clothes.


“I can see I won’t be using this with jeans,” I said, grinning.


“No,” Matt said. “Dresses and skirts only, I think. Or naked, of course,” he giggled. By that point, I WAS nearly naked, just leaving on the thigh-high stockings and heels I had worn to work.  I was just thinking about how to mount this. My pussy had begun to get wet as soon as he began to reveal his invention, but I was still thinking I might need some help getting that big dildo into me.


“Should we maybe do a little lubrication on that puppy?” I asked.


“Way ahead of you,” Matt said, producing a tube of lube from the drawer. He slathered it liberally onto the dildo and plug. What was left on his hand, he quickly applied to my pussy.


Ooh,” I thought. “That will definitely help!”


Matt asked, “Do you want to F yourself or so you want me to do it?” He has to use “F” for “freeze,” of course, or I would freeze right there on the spot when he said it. That was our code, plus “P” for “pause” and “FP” for “full plastic.”


“Let me pose myself,” I replied. I wanted to try out a pose I had been studying. Matt told me to step onto the glass base and position myself over the pole. The dildo was only and mid thigh level, so I aimed to get right above it.


“Go ahead and say it,” Matt said.


I nodded and said the word. “Rootstein.” Knowing I just had fifteen seconds, I quickly assumed to pose: legs fairly wide apart with left foot out in front of right, hands near hips but not quite touching, head held high looking off into the distance with lips slightly parted. As I knew the 15 seconds were about up, I felt Matt slide the dildo and butt plug into me. They went in remarkable easy and I would have cried out in pleasure, but I froze on the spot just as they entered. Matt tightened the set screw in place to secure the rod at the right height and stepped back. He gazed into my eyes to check. The glassy, distant stare he saw told him that yes, I was now his mannequin again.


I know Matt wanted to test the stability of the stand, but he took time to linger on the incredible sight in front of him. He touched my frozen, parted lips and placed a gentle kiss there. My lips were one of the intimate areas Tanya made even more sensitive as she deadened the rest of my body to touch, so they were on fire as he kissed them. He brushed back some hair that had fallen in my eye when I looked down to be sure I was centered on the stand. I didn’t—couldn’t—blink as he did it. Then he looked down and marveled at my very erect, very hard nipples. He touched them in turn and the fire burning in my lips leapt there. I was already about to come from just these few touches.


“I hope the new stand can take it when I come like a firehose!” I thought. Stepping back, Matt seemed to refocus on the task at hand and began examining how I was mounted on the stand. He seemed satisfied with my position, ducking in and out of my vision as he looked at me from all angles. Then, very gingerly, he took his hand and gave my right shoulder a small shove. I stayed perfectly rigid, of course, but I could also feel a bit of sway. “That must be just a big of flex in the pole,” I thought. Matt continued to push harder and harder, leaving me wobbling for a bit, but always staying upright. Then he bent down. I wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing at first, but then I could just barely feel him removing my shoes. He made a brief adjustment to the height setting of the pole—I dropped just a bit—and stood back up, his phone in his hand. He held the view screen in front of my eyes. I could see he had snapped a picture of my feet.The shoes were gone, but my feet retained their same high heel stance, with toes on the glass base and heels a few inches up in the air. 


Seemingly satisfied with his testing, Matt turned and walk up the stairs out of the basement. “Wait!” I thought. “We’ve only just started!” But Matt returned in just a minute or two with our camera. We had splurged on a really nice DSLR to get the best images for our photo album, what we’ve come to call our “Mannequin Catalog.” He took his time getting shots of me from every angle, more picture to add to the catalog. At one point, I was worried he would post me online in one of his ASFR groups. But I came to trust that these photos were only for us. I usually like to get made up more into mannequin mode for pictures, but I was excited for him to get these so I can see what I look like mounted on the stand.


After getting the shots, Matt put down the camera and walked back over to me. “The basement isn’t my favorite place to have you like this,” Matt whispered. “How about a quick change of scenery? And by quick, I mean instant.” With that, he leaned in close to my ear and said, “full plastic.” A moment later, my head reeled a bit and when I could see I was in a completely different place.


Matt must have said ‘melt’ to bring me back out of full plastic mode but leave me frozen,” I thought. I was now in our bedroom, still mounted on the stand. Matt has moved one of our standing full-length mirrors in front of me (we had bought and put them all over the house, all the better for me to spy our mannequin play from my frozen positions. I could see a beautiful mannequin mounted on a stand, skin plastic and flawless, face made up perfectly and even with joint lines at shoulders, wrists and left thigh. If I had been able to gasp at the transformation, I would have. “How did Matt do all of this?” I thought. “And how long did it take?” As if he could hear my thoughts, Matt walked in front of my face at that moment.


“Do you like it?” he asked, sounding somewhat sheepish. “I’m sorry to rob about three hours of your evening, but it took me a while to take you off the stand, carry you up here, bring the base and remount you and then set this all up,” he said. “I put you in FP mode so you didn’t have to sit through it and so it would be a surprise.” I knew that was very sweet of him to do, but how about this perfect makeup? Again, he seemed to read my frozen mind. “I thought I would surprise you with a new skill,” he continued. “So while you were in your hypnosis sessions, I was attending classes to be a makeup artist. I can now do a lot to help you achieve a mannequin look.” He reached out and gently caressed my breast. “This body foundation is right out of Hollywood. It gives you an amazing sheen and makes your skin look super fake.” He was right about that. I really looked like a mannequin! He brought out the camera again and took what must have been 300 shots. I was a patient model, as you might guess, but would have been even if not frozen in place. I couldn’t wait to have this moment caught on camera to see later.


Once the photo shoot was done, Matt turned his full attention to me. The stand was doing the job of holding me upright—still without shoes—and serving the additional purpose of getting me totally turned on. I basically had my full weight pushing a huge dildo and butt plug into me. Thanks to Tanya’s rerouting of my nerves, the feeling was euphoric. Matt took his time caressing my breasts and sucking my nipples—the only other parts of me with much feeling when I was frozen like this. I could tell he wanted to be inside of me, but was taking his time to really build things up. After spending time on every inch of my body, he backed up for another look.


“I think it’s time to get you off that stand, don’t you think?” he asked. I couldn’t answer, of course, but was ready for what I knew would come next. With one quick motion, he lifted me off the stand. The feeling of the dildo dropping out of me took my breath away (figuratively)! What a sensation! Then he took my rigid form over to the bed and laid me carefully on the sheets. I kept my pose, of course, with my hands posed near my hips, legs spread and slightly askew. Matt quickly pulled off the rest of his clothes and moved to mount me. We had fucked with me frozen before, but this was going to be special. Before I knew it, he was in and pumping HARD, really hard. All my focus went to my pussy and what that felt like. He kept it up for what had to be 20 minutes, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my frozen body. I could feel myself building to a huge orgasm, and thought it might actually release me from my frozen state. When it hit, I actually passed out from the sheer power of it. I actually thought for a moment Matt has used the full plastic trigger on me, but then quickly came back to consciousness on my own. Matt has finished about the same time as me and lay there spent. He slowly got up and said something that really surprised me. “I think I’m going to remount you on the stand and leave you as a mannequin for the night,” he said. “I really want your mannequin to be the first thing I see when I wake up tomorrow.” And with that, he lifted me back onto the stand to leave me for the night.


At first, I started to get mad. “How dare he,” I thought. “I have to get some sleep, too.” But then I remember I didn’t have to get sleep. Tanya told me any time I was triggered, it was resting my body and mind the same as sleep. So even if Matt left me all night, I’d be rested and ready whenever he let me move again. So I decided to go with it. I was positioned back to see myself in the mirror (and could see Matt behind me on the bed). I had plenty of time to study myself, even in the dim light coming from the hall and the lights outside. The body foundation that Matt had used stayed put amazingly well, even through the pounding sex I had just experienced. The joint line on my thigh was gone—it was an elastic string that must have snapped during the heavy fucking—but the others remained in place. I found myself staring at this really plastic-looking body for hours. Is that really me? Do I really look that fake. I had been working on an idea I thought would probably be impossible to pull off. But now I started to think that it might just happen after all…




With the stand perfected, Matt set out to use his carpentry skills to put together someplace special for our role play. Our primary bedroom was blessed with lots of closet space. We had a huge walk-in closet that could practically have been a bedroom on its own, as well as a separate standard closet with bypass sliding doors. I had taken the big walk-in for my clothes and Matt used the standard closet. But with all that space, we never filled either one up. So after a couple of weeks of sketching plans and figuring costs, Matt came to me.


“I’d like to move my clothes into the walk-in with yours and turn the standard closet into a store window—YOUR store window,” he said. It took me a moment to understand what he was saying.


“A store window?” I asked. “But we don’t have—oh, wait.” He was suggesting we have a place in the house where I could go on display in a window, the perfect place any mannequin would want to be. “Um, yeah,” I said. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself. Of course, let’s do it!” I’m not much on carpentry, but I went upstairs that morning and moved my clothes around to make room for his. He followed suit and had his entire wardrobe in the big closet before noon. I left the job up to him and got ready to head to the shop to get in some work. After a long hot shower, I looked at my bare face in the mirror. “The mannequin foundation looked so good on me,” I said to myself. “I wonder if I could start wearing it out?” I retrieved the tube from the cabinet and started applying it to my face. I did a couple of coats and patted on some loose powder to set it. The flawless look made my nipples pop to attention. Thinking a little more couldn’t hurt, I did my neck and chest. I was planning on some sheer pantyhose with the skirt I would be wearing, so I skipped my legs. I did add a little to my hands, blending in perfectly with my skin-tone nails. I quickly dressed and went back to look in the full length mirror I had stared at all night. The look was just right—a professional woman who gave off this slight mannequin vibe. I took a quick mannequin posed and was tempted to freeze myself right then and there. But Matt has gone off to get some supplies and I didn’t know when he would be back to release me. And I really did need to get to work.


When I arrived at the store, Heather was busy with a customer. She looked over at me and smiled, then did a quick double take and looked again for a longer time.


Did I overdo it?” I thought. “Do I look too much like a mannequin?” I busied myself in the back office, stopping more than once to look in one of our mirrors to check my look. It was too late to try to take off the foundation. I’d just have to wing it with Heather. She eventually finished out front and came back.


“Busy day so far,” she said, looking me over a bit too closely.


“That’s good,” I replied. Heather turned to head back out front, but stopped and looked back at me.


“Is something different?” she asked. “New hair or something? I just can’t put my finger on it.”


I shrugged and said, “Trying out some new lipstick. Maybe that’s it.”


Heather nodded and said, “Looks great. Tell me where you got it when you get a moment,” and headed back out.


That was a close call,” I thought. The low lighting in the office might have saved me. I’ll have to ease into this new look a bit more if I don’t want too many questions. This fetish was now the center of my life, but I wanted to keep it private between just me and Matt—and Tanya, of course. I just about bursting to tell someone about all of this—and Heather would be someone I think I could share it with—but I’m afraid to be seen as weird or crazy. I wanted to keep it to myself for now, even as I thought more and more about how my very own store should be part of my fantasy.


Closing time came and Heather closed out the register and got her coat on to leave.


“Do you want me to leave the lights on for you?” she said as she popped her head into the office.


“Just leave on the display lights,” I said “I’m about to call it a day myself.” We would typically shut off all the lights in the store except those in the window and those focused on the central display platform in the store where mannequins Gina and Tina stood.


“OK, chief!” Heather said as she flipped the lights and locked the door on her way out. Once I was sure she was gone, I ventured out into the store and peeked through the door to be sure she was really gone. Heather had a habit of forgetting things and I didn’t want her coming back in again like the last time Matt had me up on that stand. After a few minutes, I was pretty sure she wouldn’t be back. I approached the platform and stepped up next to Gina and Tina. We tried not to crowd our displays too much, so there was room up there for me to fit comfortably. As I looked at the girls standing on their glass bases, my pussy began to throb from missing the one I had at home. I wondered about getting Matt to build another one for here, but the dildo would be hard to explain to Heather. Perhaps I could lock that up somewhere and just put the rest of the stand in the storeroom like an extra for Gina or Tina. Even without my stand, I decided to do a little posing. I stood beside Gina and mimicked her stately pose. Standing still in place seemed to get easier and easier. I was so tempted to say “Rootstein” and join my two girls as a mannequin for a while. But I didn’t know how long Matt would be busy, or how long it would take him to notice it was way past closing time and figure out what I had done. That adventure would have to wait for another day.


Before I stepped down and prepared to go home, I heard someone pull on the door handle to the store. Hoping it wasn’t Heather, I remained frozen, clearly in plain sight. The visitor knocked a few times (definitely not Heather) and then walked over to peer into the store’s main window. She (I think it was a she—I didn’t dare move my head to look more closely) cupped her hands and held them beside the glass to giver herself a better view. She took what seemed like forever staring straight at my display. It was easy to stay frozen as she stared—even without my trigger words—and I’m glad I was wearing the extra foundation to help make me a convincing mannequin. After a bit she left and I let out a long breath. I had dreams of being on display in my own store, but that caught me by surprise. I’ll have to be more careful with my impromptu mannequin-ing and work on something a bit more planned out.


When I got home, I could hear Matt in the basement putting away some equipment. He heard me come in and yelled, “Don’t go upstairs yet!” That made me very interested to see what he has accomplished today. I paced around in the kitchen waiting for him, getting more impatient by the minute.


How long does it take to put away some tools?” I thought. I eventually couldn’t wait any longer and slipped off my heels and walked barefoot to the stairs leading up to the bedroom, careful to not tip him off where I was heading. What could it hurt to have a peek? I’d just act surprised later. As I put my foot on the first step and grabbed the bannister, I heard the top step from the basement creak. “Shit, he’s right behind me!” I thought, just before Matt said “Freeze!” There I was, stuck in place with one foot on the step. Luckily, my hand on the bannister balanced me so I wouldn’t tip over.


“Naughty, naughty,” said Matt, coming into view and wagging his finger in front of my now-glassy eyes. “Where do you think you’re going without me?”  With that, he went into the kitchen, grabbed a dish towel out of the drawer, and draped it over my face. “No peeking until I’m ready to show you.” Matt picked me up and carried my awkward form up the steps. Because of my current frozen form, he couldn’t stand me up very well in the bedroom, so he leaned me against the wall by the bathroom. I could hear a little last-minute tidying up, then the word “Move.” I finished the step I hard started to take before and about tripped over my feet trying to stand upright. I yanked the towel off of my head and said,


“A dish towel? Really?” He shrugged his shoulders and directed my gaze to the smaller closet. Where it had once had bypass doors, it now seemed to have a pocket door built to  slide back into the wall. Indeed, that’s just what it did as Matt began to pull it to the right. What came into view behind it was a glass-fronted case that filled about three-quarters of the closet’s space. Inside were a few display props from the store I had kept at home, tastefully framing the center of what I had already begun to think of as a store window. In the center of the perfectly lit window stood my display stand, empty, of course. As Matt continued to pull the door to the right, I could see an open space beside the window that would allow a window dresser (and a mannequin, in my case) to step into the window from the side. Then the pocket door could be drawn back to the left to make the image of a storefront window complete once again.


As Matt turned to take a bow for his work, I practically darted past him to try to get inside. He grabbed me around the waist and said, “Don’t make me F you again. Let’s do this right. What do you want to wear for your first night in your very own store window?” He was right, of course, I didn’t want to wear what I had worn to work. Plus I wanted to put on more mannequin foundation and my joint lines. I stripped down right there and went into the bathroom. Grabbing the foundation, I slathered myself to build up a full, plastic sheen. I redid my face with dramatic lips and eyes and sprayed my hair heavily with sticky spray to make it look like a wig. Then I slipped on the elastic threads to make my joint lines. I slipped on some tall, black pumps and strode back into the bedroom. “Is that it?” Matt asked, the bulge in his pants already obvious.


“Yes,” I said. “I want to be a brand new mannequin who’s never been dressed yet in her window.” I walked over to the closet, slid the door back and walked into the window from the right.


Matt asked, “Do you want to pose yourself or want me to do it?” Before I answered, I stood on my toes and lowered myself onto my stand. The rush of blood to my pussy about made me faint (though I guess the stand would have held me up). When I regained my composure, I said “You can do the honors. Then go out, pull the door back into place to frame the window, and give me a show.” Matt grinned and nodded, not saying anything just yet. I wasn’t sure what to do with my arms when suddenly, he said, “Pause.” Stuck in place, he then began to pose me. One arm went out front with fingers splayed in a classic mannequin pose, while the other went gracefully behind my back. Matt spread my legs wide in a bold pose and tilted my chin down so I would be looking right at the bed. Lastly, he pulled my shoulders back to push my breasts with their rock hard nipples straight toward the glass. Stepping back and nodding, he simply said “Freeze” and stepped out of the window, drawing the closet door behind him to perfectly frame the window. He had the camera the ready and snapped what seemed like an endless series of pictures of me from every angle—all taken through the glass. Then he slipped off his shirt and jeans and sat back on the bed. He stared at me with lust in his eyes, grabbing his dick and jacking off harder than I imagined was possible. He moaned with pleasure and I moaned on the inside watching him and knowing it was my perfect form that sent him into ecstasy. When he finally came, the huge load shot across chest and dripped down his fingers. He just left if there, not bothering to clean up as they would make him take his eyes off of me. I couldn’t look away, of course, so I watch his eyelids slowly droop until he slipped off to sleep right there at the foot of the bed, covered with evidence of the pleasure my mannequin body had given him. Pleasure waves pounded through my body, but I would not drift off to sleep. I would spend other night on my stand, feeling the waves come again and again and dreaming of my mannequin existence.




We used the window often after that night, a secret place in the house to act out our passions. The size was perfect for window dresser Matt to get in there and give his Peggy mannequin the attention she deserved. And sometimes what started inside the window moved outside to the bedroom for completion. In the same way, Matt’s power to control me started to move outside the house in some interesting ways. We might be out shopping and, as I was picking up an item to look over, Matt would say, “Freeze” and stop me in my tracks. He would only do it for a few moments, so anyone looking would just think I was reading a label intently, but it always turned me on. We would usually finish the shopping trip with some frisky time in the car before we even got home.


Matt’s power over me wasn’t just erotic. Sometime it was downright useful. We had been planning a vacation for a while which involved a very long flight. I wasn’t a big fan of airplanes as it was and this was going to be an unpleasant ride even if everything went perfectly. To make matters worse, I ended up in a middle seat with a very large woman next to me in the aisle seat. Matt was in relative comfort in the window seat, but could see I was already about to freak out as soon as we took off. As I fidgeted in my seat to try to get comfortable, Matt leaned over and whispered “Full Plastic” in my ear.


The next thing I knew, people were getting up to get their luggage out of the overhead. A ten-hour flight had passed in an instant! I kissed Matt and said “Thank you!”


He smiled and just said, “Wait until I tell you about it.”


When we got to the hotel, we started unpacking. I turned to him and said,” How was I on the flight?” He laughed and laid it all out for me.


“Well, it was a spur of the moment decision to FP you there, so I wasn’t paying attention to how you were sitting,” he said. Turns out you had your arms slightly raised and your eyes open. I was afraid to draw too much attention from your seat mate if I un-F’ed and re-F’d you again, so I threw a blanket over your arms and lap and put an eyeshade on as if you were sleeping.” I could picture what I looked like uncovered and was glad he figured out some camouflage. “If anyone had raised your eyeshade they would have been damn surprised to find your eyes open back there,” Matt chuckled. “We hit some pretty bad turbulence and you were bouncing around like a log in the seat. The woman next to you said ‘Nothing wakes her up, huh?’ to which I said, ‘She’s dead to the world. You couldn’t wake her if you tried.’ Little did she know how true that was!”


Even though I was out of it that whole flight, the idea of people seeing me frozen in public still scared me. Granted, everyone thought I was asleep on the flight, but things soon escalated. One lazy Sunday, I found our fridge and cabinets pretty bare, so I decided to head to the grocery store for a big stock-up trip. I asked Matt if he wanted to go, but he barely looked up from his phone, mumbling, “No thanks.” I decided to mannequin up a bit, doing my makeup and the all over foundation on my exposed skin. I threw on a hoodie and headed out. After about 30 minute in the store, I had a fully-loaded cart. I was making my way through the bread aisle when my phone rang. It was Matt.


“Got a good grip on the cart?” he asked.


I said, “What?” and then it hit me what he was about to do. “Don’t you da—“ was all I got out before he said “Freeze.” There I was, frozen solid in the middle of the grocery store. At first, no one was around—at least not in my field of vision. “Please unfreeze me!” I shouted in my head.


But all I heard from Matt was a goofy laugh. “Grocery stores don’t usually have mannequins. That must look weird.” Just then, a woman walked by and turned to look at me. She quickly turned back and went on her way, not seeming to notice much.


Thank god I put on the hoodie,” I thought. “I just look like someone involved in a deep phone conversation.” I know it has been just a minute or two, but it seemed like I was frozen there for hours. A man reached past me for a loaf of bread on the shelf behind me, saying “Excuse me” in an indignant way I know meant he thought I should move out of his way. “If only I could, mister. If only I could,” I sighed in my head.”


After what seemed like an eternity, Matt said “Move” and I stumbled forward, startled when my motion was restored. “You wait until I get home!” I whispered angrily into the phone.


I stormed in the door at home and let Matt have it. “I can’t believe you did that!,” I yelled. “What if I had fallen over and dropped the phone? How would I start moving then?” Matt looked sheepish.


“I asked if you had a good grip on the cart. That helped hold you up.” He really look sorry for making me mad and I was losing steam fast. He tried to save himself. “Was it as least sexy to be frozen in public?” he asked. I had to admit, now that it was behind me, it was a bit of a turn-on. To be a mannequin in the wild like that took me back to the night I spent as a pantyhose form in the store. I knew then I wanted to do it again. But I made Matt promise not to surprise me unless I asked him to. He, of course, agreed and asked to make up for it. We did just that, playing around a bit with my hoodie and phone and some impromptu freezes under the sheets.




My sessions with Tanya became less and less frequent. She told me she had simply reached the point at which she could not make the triggers work more powerfully. My nearly constant freezing and unfreezing—either by speaking my own trigger word or Matt using his—had left me so conditioned to respond that there was nothing more Tanya could do to make things work more effectively. She pronounced me the most suggestive subject with whom she has ever worked and set out to write multiple research papers about our experiences. In what would become our last meeting, I asked her how long I could remain a mannequin at a single stretch.


“Honestly,” she said. “The only physical limit at this point is your body’s eventual need for water and food. You can clearly spend a week in frozen form at this point, perhaps as much as ten days.” I was surprised at her answer. It’s true, I had begun to spend nearly every night in my home window in the closet upstairs. Most nights, I would pose on the stand and say my trigger word, remaining rigid all night, only awaiting Matt’s command to move again each morning so I could go to work. Recently, I had begun to spend the whole weekend frozen in place on my stand, either in the window or somewhere in the house. On my nightly visits to the window, Matt would sometimes lift me off there stand and bring me to bed to fuck me as I lay there stiff as a statue. He would occasionally give the “Move” command while we were making love, but I usually preferred for him to freeze me again before we finished. Some nights, he would just leave me in the window and masturbate in front of me. Whether making love frozen or just posing for him as he pleasured himself, I found my own sexual and emotional pleasure in being that frozen figure who turned him on.


As for Matt, he continued to explore our newfound relationship in interesting ways. I knew I could trust him and—other than insisting I not be frozen in the grocery store again—let him explore our joint fetish to his hearts content. Just to be clear, I didn’t spend all my time frozen. Like any couple, we went out to eat, enjoyed car trips and watched TV from the couch. That last bit of recreation was often a place Matt messed with me. We were watching one of our favorite shows, hanging out on the couch and taking it easy. I reached down to the coffee table and picked up my glass. As I raised it to take a drive, Matt said, “Freeze.” He removed the glass from my frozen hand and replaced it with his own. And for the rest of the night I was his drink holder. And it was fine with me. I still got to watch the show—he made sure I was looking at the screen when he froze me—and we had a little harmless fun.


His exploration sometimes still held more erotic surprises, too. One Saturday, as we relaxed around the living room, Matt asked, “Want to try something new?” Without asking him to explain, I quickly nodded—excited to see what he has planned. He brought out one of my stands—by now we had three we kept in different places around the house—and waited for me to mount it.  I waited for Matt to freeze me in place, but before he did, he began to pace back and forth in front of me, speaking in a put-on voice.


“You may have heard of my family,” he said. “We are ancient kings who once ruled many lands. Many have heard of my brother Midas, but I am known as Matt-as, We both share a powerful gift.” I saw Matt smile and reach toward me.


Where is this head—“ As I wondered what was happening, Matt touched me on the shoulder and said “Full plastic.” In an instant the scene changed and I could see I was frozen, posed in the bedroom. Matt had clearly used the “Melt” command to bring me back to consciousness from my full plastic state, but leave me frozen in place. Across from me, I could see what at first I thought was a painting. But as I looked more closely and slowly focused my eyes on it, I could see it was one of our full-length mirrors. In it, a golden statue filled the frame—a golden statue with my face! “What have you done?” I thought. “How did you turn me into a statue?” As he often did, Matt seemed to read my thoughts.


“Do you like it?” he asked, knowing I couldn’t answer. I knew he had a bit of a statue fetish that connected to his mannequin fetish, but I didn’t know he would ever act on it. “This took a while,” he said, circling me and touching my golden skin. “I brought you up from downstairs and painted you with a new makeup I just found online,” he said. “It’s dry now and won’t rub off unless we use soap and water.” Matt changed his voice to the one he was using downstairs. “King Matt-as has even more power than his brother. Midas’s statues are gold metal, stuck forever without life. My statues remain alive and ready to please me.” With that, he said “Move” and I was able to talk and get off of the stand and walk over for a closer look.


“This is amazing!:” I said. “I really look like a statue.” I rubbed my arm and the shiny gold stayed in place. “How long did this take?” I asked.


“About three hours total,” Matt said. “Well worth it, don’t you think?” I nodded and put on a bit of a show for him as a dancing, golden statue. He froze me a few times as I danced, releasing me to dance more under his lustful gaze. “I want to try one more thing once I F you again,” Matt said. He directed me back onto my stand and has me take a classical Roman statue pose, making sure I could still see myself in the mirror. Matt said “Freeze” and then approached with some golden liquid in a small bowl. “This is to paint your eyes gold, too, to complete the statue look,” he explained. “Most people put it in but the blink it out pretty quickly. But since you don’t blink, it should work great for you.” With that, he dropped the gold liquid into each eye. Things got instantly cloudy, though I could still see a little bit through the haze. Matt had the camera handy and took pictures of me from all angles, including close up on my face. When I was able to look at them later, it was amazing how much I looked like a statue, complete with solid gold eyes. After the photo shoot, Matt moved me to the bed and quickly entered me. I could tell from his powerful thrusts that this was another one of his big fetishes—sex with a golden statue. It turned me on a lot too, extending my own mannequin fetish to statuary. I started to imagine myself as a silver, copper or even stone statue, posed in the house awaiting my king to come home and ravage me. Both of our orgasms were powerful that night. As we finished, Matt leaned in to whisper “Full Plastic” once again. The next instant, I was mounted on my stand in the closet window. I could see Matt has cleaned all the gold off of me.


Did he do this in the shower?” I wondered. Not only was the gold gone, but he has carefully made me up as a mannequin again, complete with full body makeup. I remained in the window the rest of the weekend, with Matt releasing me on Monday to return to work.




My returning to the window after my stint as a gold statue may sound unusual, but it really was becoming the norm. Most nights, after dinner and watching TV, I would dress in a pretty outfit, do my mannequin makeup and return to the window to spend the night. Tanya was right when she told me at the beginning that the time I spent frozen would be as restful as sleep. I found that I really didn’t need to get into bed to sleep anymore in order to be rested and ready for the day. That’s not to say I didn’t end up in bed at night. Often, Matt would come in and remove me from my mount and bring me into bed so we could enjoy a good fuck. I spent most of that time frozen, too, which really heightened the sensation for me. But Matt would unfreeze me from time to time in the middle of the act, enjoying watching his frozen window dummy come to life screaming in ecstasy. My motion wouldn’t last long though as he would refreeze me in various positions of passion, capturing them in pictures for me to see later. Even though I had been there for everything we did, sometimes looking at my frozen self later in these pictures made me feel like I was experiencing it for the first time—a voyeur looking on as another couple explored their mannequin fetish.


After these nearly nightly adventures in bed, I’d assume a mannequin-like pose and be re-frozen before Matt would return me to the closet window. He knew that was my special place and loved seeing me there almost as I loved being there. Matt always told me he was happiest when I was in bed with him—frozen or moving—but said he understood my desire to be back in the window each night. I also know he found my regular trips there incredibly erotic. He often returned to bed to jack off while looking at me. I would come, right there on my stand, watching him do it—though of course he had no way of knowing as I never moved a muscle through each intense orgasm.


My mind would wander as I posed in the window each night and, over time, I found myself thinking more and more often about being frozen by surprise in the grocery store. Even though at the time I was so worried about being “caught” in that state, I began to realize the little turn-on I felt was because I secretly wanted to get found out as a frozen mannequin in public. One night at dinner I shared this idea with Matt.


He grinned, saying, “I knew you would ultimately like my doing that.”


I nodded quickly and asked, “Do you think we could do it some more—with you there near me?”


Now it was Matt’s turn to grin. “Oh, I’m sure that can be arranged.”


We tried it out first in a movie theater. While watching a rather boring film, Matt leaned over just as I lifted some popcorn to my lips. “Freeze,” he whispered. Of course I did, eyes staring at the screen with popcorn held at my slightly open mouth.


OK,” I thought. “This is the perfect way to try this out. No one is really looking at me and even if they did, they’d think I was enthralled in the film.” Matt left me that way for about 20 minutes, while my pussy got more and more wet thinking about being frozen in public again. He released me in time to endure the film’s third act, after which we raced to the car and fucked in the back seat like teenagers. In between stints being frozen there, I told him, “The was super hot. I want to be frozen in public more!”


Our next try was in a restaurant. It was a small place and not terribly busy on a weeknight. As we chatted, Matt reached across the table and touched my hand, saying “Freeze” as he did. I sat there frozen, staring into his eyes and wishing I could thank him for doing this. It was much sexier for me than the movie theater—the lights were on and people could see me! A casual glance would say we were a couple out for an intimate dinner having a sincere conversation. At one point, the waiter came over to ask if we were ready to order. Matt broke his gaze with mine and looked up at the server.


“Please give us a moment,” he said. The waiter nodded, turned and smiled at me and walked away. Matt released me, saying, “How was that?” I looked over my shoulder at the departing waiter.


“Do you think he noticed?” I asked breathlessly. My heart was pounding.


“He looked a little perplexed as he walked away, so he thought something was odd,” Matt replied.


“Do it again the next time he comes back, when we order!” I asked excitedly. A few minutes later, Matt spied the waiter returning and quickly told me to freeze. This time he caught me looking down at the menu in my hands.


The waiter walked up and turned to me, asking “What will the lady be having tonight?” I, of course, continued to stare at my menu, not answering.


Matt spoke up, “The lady will be having the Caesar salad and the strip steak, medium rare.” He then gave his order. As the waiter reached for the menus, Matt plucked mine from my frozen hands and gave it to the staring waiter. “She’s shy,” Matt explained. I could sense the waiter staring at me, posed with my hands out as if I still had the menu. He politely nodded, saying, “I see” and walked away. Matt chuckled, leaving me frozen for a few more minutes. When he finally released me, I wasn’t sure whether to scold him or kiss him.


“That was both amazingly embarrassing and amazingly hot all at the same time!” We pledged to do it more often. And then we fucked in the car again.


Most of these public freezes were spur of the moment decisions and they all went well. I was turned on by being frozen in public where people could see me, but there was some control having Matt there to step in and help. After trying me out as a mannequin a number of public places, we cooked up a scheme to take it a step further. One busy Saturday, we did my full mannequin makeup, right down to the elastic threads to act as my joint points. I put on a cute skirt and sweater, complete with pantyhose, heels and a little knit hat. We headed down to the local mall and went into the big department store—the arch enemy of my little trendy boutique. We approached a display with a couple of standing mannequins wearing sweaters and a table with some more stock on it. We moved the sweaters on the table to the side a bit and I sat down, taking a very mannequin-like pose. Matt froze me there and went to act like he was shopping, keeping an eye on me the whole time. For more than an hour, shoppers passed by, assuming I was the third member of the mannequin trio. Some even felt my sweater and pulled on the neck, looking for a price tag. I, of course, didn’t move when they touched me, just rocking back and forth in my seated position as they jostled me. One woman even took off my shoe and seemed to head for a clerk for help, only to seem to change her mind and bring it back, slipping it back on my foot.


Watching the woman do that, Matt came over and whispered to me, “That gives me a great idea.” Off he went out of my field of vision. But two minutes later, he was back with a sales clerk who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old. She looked nervous as Matt came over to me and grabbed my skirt, holding the bottom up to show the clerk. “I’m looking for this skirt of my wife, but I don’t see it on the racks around here. Can you help?“ he asked the clerk. She came over and took the skirt in her hand, turning it over. Then she went around the back and I could feel her pulling at the skirt’s waistband. “Let me see what brand it is,” said the clerk. Matt assisted by picking me ups she could get a better look. To her, my stiff body was just a mannequin to be moved.


“Oh careful sir,” the clerk said. “You wouldn’t want to break her.”


Matt set me back down and said, “Should we just pull the skirt off?”


What? No!” I thought. Sure, I had pantyhose on, but under that was my bare ass, covered in mannequin makeup.


“No, that won’t be necessary sir,” the clerk replied. “I think I’ve seen this around here somewhere.” With that, the two of them went off and I got to keep my skirt on.


After a few minutes, they were back. “I’m sorry sir. I don’t see this around here anywhere.”


Of course not, little girl,” I thought. “This skirt came from my shop and is way classier than anything you sell as this chain dump.


Then Matt surprised me with what he said next. “Do you think you can call the main office to ask about it?” He said. “I know she’d love to have it.”


The girl looked nervous, but said, “Uh, I guess so. Maybe I can describe it to a buyer.” She walked back to her register across the store. As soon as she was out of sight, Matt said “Move.”


With my movement restored, I hopped up and said, “What are you doing? Why did you ask her to make a call.”


Matt smiled, saying, “Because we’re going to make this the weirdest day of her young working life. With that, he took me over to a shelf of sweaters, giving me a particularly ugly one. “While she’s still on the phone, walk up there and buy this,” he said.


“This ugly thing?” I replied.


“Don’t worry, we’ll return it later,” he said. “I just want to see her face when one of the store mannequins makes a purchase.” I finally saw what he was up to, grinning from eat to ear. Sweater in hand, I walked to the register where the clerk was trying to describe the sweater I was wearing to someone at the other end.


I said, “Could you ring this up please?” handing her the sweater. She took it without really looking at me and scanned the price tag. I handed over some cash—I didn’t want her to see my name my credit card—and she went to take it, suddenly stopping mid-conversation and mid-action. Perhaps it was my perfect mannequin hands or the thin elastic line at my wrist, but I saw her slowly scan up my arm to my face, almost as if in slow motion.  She just stared at me as she put the money in the register and handed back my change and the bag containing my new sweater. I could hear the woman on the other end saying, “Hello. Hello. Are you still there?” I thanked the sales girl and turned to walk off, leaving her frozen in place like a mannequin herself, just watching me go.


Never made a sale to a mannequin before?” I thought, though she was the one posed in place now. Matt took my arm as we walked out of the store.


“I think she has a great story to tell her friends,” he said.


“Nah,” I replied. “They’ll never believe her.”




Matt had seen a new “glass skin” makeup trend which he had been perfecting on me. The downside for most women trying it out online was that it would wrinkle or even crack when they moved their face. But for a living mannequin, that wouldn’t be an issue. After a few test patches on my face, arms and hands, Matt asked if he could do all of me.


“Sure,” I said. “Perhaps go FP while you apply it so I get the surprise.”


“FP it is!” Said Matt excitedly. I think he always had a special fondness for “full plastic” mode, when he knew I was more or less a complete mannequin with no awareness. I went and got in place on one of my stands, out in the middle of the room so Matt could get to all sides of me with his makeup brush. Matt put a full length mirror directly in my line of view so that, to me, I would instantly transform when he brought me out of FP mode. Fully nude, I struck a mannequin pose that allowed access to every inch of my skin.


“Ready,” I said.


Matt looked me over, nodded, leaned in to my ear and whispered, “Full plastic.” The next thing I knew, I was looking at a glossy plastic statue. Matt had successfully mixed a heavily-pigmented body makeup with the glass skin additive, giving me the most artificial look I had experience to date. I still couldn’t move, of course—Matt had used the “melt” trigger on my to bring me back from full plastic state to be aware but still frozen—so all I could do was take in my frozen form. Matt was clearly excited—I could see that in his pants—and practically giggled while he told me what he thought.


“This is perfect!” he exclaimed. “It went on so smoothly and dried to create an actually coating on your skin.” He tapped his finger on my face and I could feel a level of stiffness to my skin that surprised me—and really turned me on. “I think it will wrinkle if you open your mouth or move your joints too much,” Matt said. “But I don’t think that will be an issue.” I could see his wide grin out of the corner of my eye. “I also notice it seems to block the transfer of heat out of your body. If someone were to touch you, you feel hard and cool to the touch. This is perfect mannequin camouflage,” he said, giggling again. With that, he walked around my frozen form, slowly dragging his hand across my waist and up to my left nipple. As soon as he touched it, the stiffness of the makeup transferred his touch at ten times the normal sensitivity. He then used his tongue to circle both nipple, sending me into internal ecstasy—with no external signs, of course. “Hmm, waterproof, too?” he said. “I thought it might end up that way. Should be interesting trying to get it off later.”


Off?” I thought. “Why would I want it off? I want to stay like this forever.” Matt quickly removed me from my stand and took me to the bed. Pictures he would show me later let me know he had literally covered every inch of me—right down to the bottoms of my feet. I really have to appreciate my husband’s attention to detail. And as we fucked on the bed, he paid just as much attention to every detail there. He was clearly turned on by the glassy smoothness of my skin. He touched every inch of my body, using his fingers, his tongue and, of course, his dick. When he finally entered me, the sensation was just too much. When I came to a few minutes later, I thought he had put me in full plastic mode again. Then I realized I had fainted from the sensory overload. After he finished, Matt put me back on the stand in the middle of the room and left me naked for the night. I spent hours looking at my shadowy, shiny reflection in the mirror.


The next morning, Matt woke up and told me to move. It felt funny at first, feeling the stiffness of my skin over my moving body. I felt almost robotic as I walked slowly around the bedroom. I tried to keep my mouth has he had left so as not to crack my perfect skin.


“I’m not working today,” I slurred. “Let me stay this way.” Matt quickly agreed and slipped a silk robe over my form. The sliding feeling of the silk on my equally slick skin just about sent me into another orgasm. Matt ended up carrying me downstairs and leaning me on the couch. I stayed stiff enough that I didn’t sit all the way back. Through my barely open lips, I said to Matt, “I’m ready.”


“Ready for what?” was his reply.


“I’m ready to be a mannequin in my own store. This makeup is the perfect cover.”


Matt nodded, saying, “That’s cool. Maybe some night this week?”


“Not a night,” I slurred back. “I want to spend a week on display there.”


Talking was hard, so we made plans to discuss it more that evening once the makeup was removed. Matt tried a washcloth with some skin cleanser, but to no avail. Finally, he resorted to putting me in the tub to soak for about six hours. He was going to put me back in full plastic mode for the soak, but I told him to freeze me and leave me aware so I could plan my in-store escapade. Once clean and dressed that night, I laid out my plan to him.


“The timing on this is perfect,” I said. “Heather is going on vacation the week after next and I’ve hired a temp, Adel, to run the store in her absence.” Adel is a freshman in the visual merchandising program at the community college and has been helping out in the store for college credit during her summer break. “She’s super level headed and really seems to care about a career in retail and visual display. I’ve seen her spend a lot of time checking out Gina and Tina and working with how they’re displayed.”


Matt nodded. “But she’ll recognize you right away, right?”


“I think I have that figured out,” I said. “I’ll tell her we’re going to be testing a new mannequin that’s supposed to be the most lifelike yet. I’ll say that, as a gimmick to sell them, the manufacturer makes one in the image of the store’s owner to try out for free.”


Matt rubbed his chin. “That might work,” he said. “But if she changes your clothes, she’ll definitely know you’re not full plastic.” I assume Matt went on talking until he realized what he had said, because the next instant he was apologizing. “Whoops, didn’t mean to FP you. What I was saying was that if she undresses you and sees your pussy and the stand you’re mounted on, she’ll know it’s you.”


“That’s easy,” I replied. “We’ll tell her I set up the display and then had to go out of town to take care of a sick aunt. My instructions—relayed through you—will be not to touch the demo mannequin because I have her dressed and posed just the way I want.” Matt nodded. I went on. “You’ll tell her we’ve entered a contest for the best display with one of these new mannequins. The prize is we get to keep it and, since it’s so expensive, I really want to win. So hands off.”


Matt smiled and said, “You’ve thought of it all. I really think this will work.”




I saw Adel on her regular shift of Saturday and told her the plan. She was excited to see the test mannequin and promised she would not touch it, much less change its clothes. I told her a truck was bringing it in on Sunday after the store closed and that Matt and I would get things set up. She didn’t need to do anything but open the store as usual.


Adel nodded and asked, somewhat shyly, “ And it will really look just like you?”


“That’s what they said,” I replied nonchalantly. “I saw some pictures in a catalog a guy brought by and it was pretty amazing.”


Adel’s eyes were wide. “I can’t wait to see it. Too bad they don’t put anything online. I’d love to see their other work, too.”


“Yeah,” I said quickly to cover our plan. “I think they’re worried someone will figure out how they make these mannequins and steal their process.”


Sunday night rolled around and Matt and I went to the store. We had already discussed my placement. I wanted to spend the first few days posed with Tina and Gina, then have Matt move me on Wednesday night to the store window to spend the rest of the week. He’d come and release me on Sunday night.


“That’s a full seven days frozen. Do you really think you can do it that long?” Matt looked concerned as he said this.


“No worries, hun.” I smiled as I reassured him. “I’ve been working with Tanya and she says I could probably go as much as ten days. I won’t need to sleep and won’t even feel hungry or thirsty while frozen.”


Matt shook his head. “I’m still a bit worried.”


“Just be ready to take me out for a big meal when I step out of that window next Sunday,” I said laughingly.


Matt had suggested just doing the glass skin makeup on the parts that would show, but I decided to do all of me again so that I could really get into the spirit of it. I stripped down and mounted myself on my stand so I wouldn’t tip over. Matt said “freeze” but didn’t put me in FP mode. I had told him I wanted to experience everything. It took him about two hours to paint all of me and another hour or so for it to dry to a stiff, shiny finish. He released me at that point and helped me get dressed. We has chosen clothes that wouldn’t require much bending to put on—an open back, short sleeve black dress Matt could slip over my head and get my arms into, a garter belt and nude stockings and some black pumps. It didn’t take too long to get dressed, even with my stiffened state. Once ready, Matt lifted me up on the center platform. He had already place my favorite stand there, right between Tina and Gina. With my heart pounding, I slipped onto my stand. This was a dream come true—I was actually going to be a full mannequin in my own store! Sure, I had been a pantyhose form for a night once, but this was different. It would actually be me—my face, my body—standing there in front of all the customers. I was practically shaking as I took the pose I had dreamed of for so long: chin held high, arms in front with fingers posed gracefully, slight turn to my waist and one foot out in front of the other.


Matt nodded his approval. “Shall I F you now?” he asked.


“No,” I said quietly. I want to do this myself. Nodding imperceptibly, I whispered “Rootstein” and waited for the familiar tingle to hit. As it did, I instantly orgasmed. I was about to spend a week in my store as a beautiful mannequin!


Matt used the dark isolation of the shop to jack off in front of me, telling me on his way out that he would check on me every night. Then I was left alone, sensing the store in the way I had dreamed my mannequins must experience it. It was quiet, but not silent. Little sounds around the store seemed amplified in my frozen ears. Cars going by outside sounded way louder than I expected and I could even hear conversations from some late-night passersby. The evening went quickly—as It usually does in my closet window back at home—and before I knew it, the sun was shining in the front window. I knew it was about to be time to open the store when I heard the key in the lock and the hinges creak.


“No fucking way!” Adel practically screamed as she came around to look at me. “That’s impossible! How did they do that?” She kept walking back and forth in front of me and I was worried she was going to rush up on to the platform to touch me. “Wow, this is going to take some getting used to. Great outfit choice, too, Peggy. Your mannequin looks hot!” Little did Adel know I was right there to take her compliment. It turned me on a little she thought I was hot.


Is Adel into girls?” I thought. “Probably just thinks well dressed mannequins are hot. She’s a visual merchandising student after all.”


Adel settled into the routine of readying the store to open. I was a bit amused she liked to talk to herself when she was alone. She also did what I did, talking to Tina and Gina as she worked. She knew their names because that’s what I had called them when I asked her to dress them before. But it was a huge turn on now when she would talk to all three of us.


“So, Gina, Tina and Peggy, how was your weekend?” she asked playfully. “Didn’t get a chance to get out? Yeah, me neither. I just sort of vegged out on the couch at home.” I snickered internally, before hearing something that made me a little sad. “That’s all I ever do, really. You three probably have a better sex life than I do.” That would have normally been a line that would make me laugh, knowing how much my newfound mannequin life had improved my sex life. But this seemed somewhat tragic.


She’s a really beautiful girl,” I thought. “Why would she not have a good sex life?” It was one of the first things I noticed about Adel. She was tall and thin, with a beautiful face, long legs and beautiful, manicured hands. She actually struck me as having the best features for a mannequin when I first met her. I just brushed that off as part of the mannequin fetish I had developed with Tanya’s training. “I just don’t get it,” I thought.


My first full day with the store open was fun. We had a lot of foot traffic for a Monday and I was definitely the center of attention. A few of the regulars even asked Adel why the mannequin looked like me and she told them about the new manufacturer and the contest. Adel seemed to be excited about winning the contest and more than once told customers she couldn’t touch anything in the display. Later, someone asked if my dress was in her size—I guess we were out of her size on the rack—but Adel put her foot down and said she could not disturb the display.


Good girl,” I thought. “Just leave me up here to enjoy myself.” When the store closed, Adel lingered a bit looking at me on display. With the door locked, she started talking to herself again.


“I don’t know how they made you so beautiful and lifelike,” she said. “I mean, Miss Peggy is pretty and all, but you improved on the original!”


I snickered a bit inside and thought, “I’ll take that as a compliment, I think.” She was right. I was better than the original Peggy. After Adel left, Matt came by. He didn’t want to move me at all, but he did come up and fondle me, sending me into sheer ecstasy. He finished by jacking off in front of me again and promised to be back the next day.


Tuesday started out like Monday, except that Adel seemed to ignore Tina and Gina, talking only to me.


“Good morning, Miss Peggy!” She exclaimed as she came in. She had plenty to keep her busy getting the store open, but she kept coming back to gaze at me. Soon, with the doors unlocked, things got busy again. I saw some of the same people from Monday back again, this time with friends in tow. The dress I was wearing was selling well and I wished I had ordered more in anticipation of this. Once again, Adel had to turn down a couple of requests to sell the one I had on.


Thank god,” I thought. “I’m enjoying being on display but I’m not ready for naked yet!”  Adel was clever enough to bring over some similar dresses and place them around me. She did a good job of selling some of them as an alternative. “There might be a bonus for you in all this,” I thought. Tuesday quickly passed and Adel closed up shop. She came over to look at me one more time before she left.


“I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss Peggy!” she said with a smile. Then she did something that made me heart stop—she reached out and touched my finger! I waited for her to start shouting that I was real. But the touch was quick and she only seems to touch the nail on my index finger.


I guess it felt hard like she expected.” I thought. “I don’t think she knows.” Matt made another visit to keep me company that night, playing with me and sending me straight to orgasm. He then pleasured himself and said he’s be back tomorrow to move me.


Wednesday seemed to drag by because I knew Matt was coming to move me to the window that night. After another busy day in the store and Adel’s now customary goodbye—another touch to the finger—I was left alone. “When will he come?” I was getting impatient. But I knew we had to make this move under cover of darkness, so I tried to be patient. Finally, I heard the door unlock behind me and around walked Matt. He was smiling and clearly excited to see me again. He turned on all the store lights and took a lot of pictures, telling me he wanted to capture me in this spot one more time before he moved me. He caressed me as he had come to do every night and finished himself off—after turning off the lights of course. He said he would jack off to my pictures again when he got home that night. He then picked me up off of my stand and leaned me again the wall in the corner of the store. I had been adamant he not unfreeze me to move me to the window. I wanted to stay frozen in the same pose the entire seven days. He got my stand into the window and moved some of the other items displayed there out of the way. Then he carried me in and put me back on the stand—making sure first that no one was walking by to witness that rather intimate move. Once in place, he rearranged the window and left me to go outside and get more pictures. I had asked him to get pictures both during the day and at night. This was the first time I had been in a window away from home and I couldn’t wait to see the pictures after. Finally, before he left, he went into my office and sent Adel an email from my account saying that the mannequin company had emailed me and said their mannequin has to be in an exterior-facing window, so Matt had moved it that night and that she was still to leave it alone.


It was clear on Thursday morning that Adel had not yet read her email. As I heard the door unlock, she cried, “Oh no!” perhaps thinking the precious mannequin had been stolen. Then she must have seem me in the window because she audibly sighed in relief. As she came into view, I could see her with a puzzled look on her face. “How did you get over there?” she asked. “Don’t tell me those sexy legs can walk.” She looked very puzzled, but set to getting the store ready to open. She must have finally opened her email.”Oh, Mr. Peggy moved you last night.” she laughed. “I was beginning to think you were alive.”


Little does she know,” I thought, though I had to say her even saying that turned me on.  Thursday marked a change in the crowds in the store—and I do mean in. It seems that with me in the window, the foot traffic was lining up outside to stare at me. “If there really were a business who could make mannequins that look like this, it would make a killing,” I thought. A lot of those passersby came in and made a purchase and I could see it was shaping up to be a banner week. Adel was running her ass off keeping up and I started to think I should have brought on another person.


When she finally locked up that night, she came over to the window and said, “You really sold some clothes today, Miss Peggy. I hope I can keep up going into the weekend.”


I enjoyed the night Thursday watching people go by and having them watch me in return. A young couple stopped at one point, the girl asking, “Do you think that mannequin is hot?” The boyfriend had the right answer, “Not as hot as you.” But I could see the bulge in his pants and the way he looked back at me when he left.


Yeah, he thinks I’m hot.


Friday morning dawned on a beautiful day. It was a little easier to keep track of time out here in the window where I could see the sun and the traffic. So I was a bit surprised when I heard the door unlock.


Seems early,” I thought. Expecting to hear Adel talking to herself, I was surprised when she appeared silently at my side, climbing into the window. She was wearing one of the sexier dresses we sell, along with hose like mine and heels. Her face was heavily made up and her hair was heavily sprayed and coiffed. She slipped next to me, careful not to rock me on my stand.


“I hope you don’t mind, Miss Peggy,” she whispered. “Ijust want to see what it is like to pose in the window. Can I stand here with you a while?” With that, she took a mannequin pose complementary to mine and froze. I was worried she was going to touch me and feel that I was not all hard plastic, but she locked solidly in place, barely breathing. I could see cars pass by and people walking, looking at the two of us. Adel let out a little whimper as two women stopped to look at us. She was clearly very turned on, as was I. I always got a little turned on to see Gina and Tina in their poses. But to have a live mannequin posed with me sent me through the roof. I orgasmed as the two women continue to look. I think Adel may have, too. She stayed in position a remarkably long time for someone whom I assume is not hypnotized, only breaking her pose after about 30 minutes.


“Thanks so much for sharing your window with me, Miss Peggy,” she said. “I hope you won’t mind if I join you again some time.” With that, she placed a kiss lightly on my cheek and stepped out of the window. I was flabbergasted and a bit afraid she noticed I was alive when she kissed me. But she didn’t seem to, going about her business humming a happy song. I couldn’t see her with my face pointed to the street, but I heard her talking to Gina and Tina and getting things ready. I also heard a couple of compliments from customers about Adel’s looks that day and how she should be a model. She was modest and just laughed them off. But after the store closed and before she turned out the lights, I could see in the reflection on the inside of the window that she stepped up between Gina and Tina and posed again. The door was locked so there was no chance of discovery, so she stayed in place for an hour, with just one change of position. As she went to step down, she kissed both Gina and Tina on the lips and whispered, “Lucky girls.”


Matt’s got a weekend business trip on Friday that was to keep him out of town until Sunday night—just in time to take me out of the window. I spent the night Friday thinking about Adel stepping into the window with me and hoping she’d do it again. But come Saturday, I saw her walking past me to get to the store to open up. She was back in her usual t-shirt and jeans, with just a light dusting of makeup.


Oh well,” I thought. “She just had a little fantasy to try out.” Adel came in, said hi to Gina and Tina and then coame over to me.


“And hello to you, Miss Peggy,” she said cheerily. “See anything interesting last night?” I wondered if she meant her coming into the window or just making small talk. That Saturday was our busiest day yet and I can heard Adel working her ass off. She was telling a lot of people that things were out of stock and that she could order for them, letting me know it had been a very lucrative week. The day wound down and I heard her customary goodbyes before she locked up. Dusk turned to night and I felt a bit wistful about what was to be my last night in the store and in the window. Lost in thought, I almost didn’t hear the door unlock. When I finally registered it, I thought, “Did I lose track of days? Is Matt here to get me now?” I’m was puzzled because I thought I counted things correctly. Then suddenly, I saw Adel step up into my window. She was back in the outfit she wore the other day, with even more makeup. She reached up toward my face and I saw elastic bands at her wrists.


“See those?” she said. “A nice touch, right? Looks like my hands come off.” I could see she had makeup on her hands, too, matching her face and give all of her a pretty plastic look. She stepped fully into the window but this time, unlike last time, she didn’t slide in beside me without touching me. She moved around and slowly began to caress my right nipple. I was shocked she was doing this, but also driven mad with pleasure. She touched my lips and brushed back my hair. Sounds of people approaching alerted her and she quickly flowed into a mannequin pose beside me. The people stopped to look in the window and she stayed as still as me until they were gone. Then she moved her right hand under the hem of my dress and reached for my crotch.

I could feel her hand touching the stand as she said, “What’s this? Some special display hardware, I think.” Then her finger found my clit and flicked it. I nearly passed out from the feel of it. With one hand on my pussy and the other fingering my nipple, she leaned around and kissed me passionately on the lips. Then she said something that would freeze me in my tracks—if I weren’t already frozen.

“I know you’re the real Miss Peggy. I don’t know how you’re doing this, how you’ve made yourself into a mannequin, but it’s exactly what I want. I want you to show me how. Make me a mannequin, too…”

To be continued…