My Doll of a Wife

by ObjectifiedBeauty

Lauren watched intently as I opened my final gift from her; a rather large, thin, square package.  Expecting a picture frame or something similarly sized, I paused in a moment of confusion when upon opening the box within I discovered it was what appeared to be just a disc of plate glass.

“Pull it out, let’s see what it is,” she said eagerly, sensing my surprise.

As I tugged the disc out of the box, a sheet of paper flew out and landed next to me where I was kneeling on the floor.  Confused, I set the disc carefully on the hardwood floor and switched my attention to the sheet, which had landed with the print side down.  I picked it up, flipped it over, and paused as I finally began to understand what this thing was.  I tried to play it cool, but my face must have been beet red with embarrassment.  There was no way I was going to get myself out of this situation without confronting her about it.  An uncomfortably long pause ensued.

“Yeah, I know about your, uh, little fetish, Mike,” she asserted.

Despite initially sounding confident, I could tell she was also a bit embarrassed, which helped to ease me a bit out of my shell.

“I… I don’t know how you could have found out,” I said.  “I didn’t–”

“It’s okay,” she assured me.  “It’s a bit weird, for sure, but…”  She paused.  “I’m okay with it.”

“But what?” I asked.

“I don’t…” she stammered.

By now, she was probably more embarrassed than I was, and that helped to give me the confidence to plow through awkwardness that this gift had thrust upon us.  We both sat there in awkward silence for what felt like an hour, though it was probably only fifteen seconds, if that.  As I processed everything in my mind, there was only one thing it could be; one thing that would make it all make sense.  But perhaps I was all wrong about it.

“So…” I said.  Lauren looked at me with a hint of anticipation as I paused, still not quite sure if I should ask what I now knew needed to be asked.  “You want to–” I began to ask while nodding towards the glass disc.

“Yes,” she said, cutting me off, and surprisingly matter-of-factly given her visible embarrassment.  “Why else would I have gotten it?”

“Okay,” I said.  That was the answer I was expecting.  There was more I wanted to say, something better I wanted to say, but that was all I could muster.

“It’s the weirdest thing,” she said as she tried to shake off her embarrassment. “It’s weird as fuck, you have to admit.”

“I’m not saying it isn’t,” I said.  “I often wish I knew why I was into it, but I’ve just accepted it as it is.  I can’t explain myself.  How long ago did you find out?” I asked.

“I don’t remember exactly.  I don’t even remember exactly how,” she replied.  “At first I didn’t know what to think, but I got over it.  It’s a part of who you are.”

I wanted to say something in response, but couldn’t think of the words.

“It’s okay.  You’re weird anyway, and you know I love you for it,” she said, attempting to break the tension.  “Anyway, one night something possessed me to explore it a bit myself and I came across this place that claims to actually be able to do it.  The testimonials all said it was amazing.  Or maybe I just bought some kind of gag, I don’t know.”

“I’ve never heard of it,” I said.  “I never thought of it as anything more than a weird fetish.”

“I don’t know,” she continued.  “At first I was like ‘no way’, but just the same I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I wanted to satisfy my curiosity, but then I wasn’t sure if I should.  And how to let you know that I knew about it.  Then I thought maybe you wouldn’t like it.  I’m fine if it’s something you just want to keep to yourself.  We can just forget all about it and I can return it if you want.”

“I mean, there were a lot of times I thought I should let you in on it but I didn’t know how to bring it up,” I said.  “I also wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

“I get it,” she said.  “We each need our own rooms.  It’s up to you.  I just thought maybe it would be something that could bring us a little closer.  I don’t have anything weird like this to bring you into.”

“So I’m assuming you were willing to try it out?” I asked.

“Duh,” she said as she rolled her eyes slightly.  “Like I already said, why else would I have gotten it?”

“That’s what I assumed,” I said.  “Well, I mean, you probably want my many girlfriends out of the picture, too, right?”

“Oh, shut up,” she laughed.  “Like I said, it’s weird as fuck but I have to be honest.  The more I thought about it, the more I found the idea weirdly fascinating.”

“Well, I’m not going to ask you to do it if you don’t want to,” I assured her.  “Honestly, I’ve always kept you separate from all that.  I do like having you around the way you are.”

“Awww,” she cooed.  “Well, if you don’t mind me sharing in it, I’d like to try it.  Plus now maybe I could model the vest and boots you just gave me?

“You want to try it now?” I asked.

“I’ve been waiting for over a month to try this thing out,” she said.  “I wanted to try it out the day it showed up but didn’t want to risk you finding me like that if it actually worked.  The thought even crossed my mind of tempting one of my friends to try it just so I could see it.”

“We have to be at your parents’ in a few hours, though,” I said.

“We might have time,” she said.  “Let’s see how this thing works.  If we’re late my mother will just have to deal with it.”

Lauren grabbed my arm and snuggled up to my side as I picked the instruction sheet back off the floor and read it.  It actually didn’t have a whole lot to say, aside from saying detailed information could be found on the company’s website as well as the usual warnings and precautions.  There was a QR code which she scanned with her phone, which took us to their website.  Therein we found several guides and instructional videos, as well as a product activation link.  As we soon found, in order to activate the disc it needed to be registered; after registering a link would be provided to download a proprietary controller app which would then be paired to and allow control of the disc.

“I don’t think this should be on my phone,” she said with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

I sensed that she understandably may be getting cold feet.  “You don’t have to do it if you’re second-guessing it.”

“No, it’s not that,” she said.  “I mean, maybe a little, but that’s not the reason why.  No.  It’s your gift, I want you to be able to control it.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.  “Knowing what you apparently know about me, you’re willing to trust me with it?” I continued in a joking tone.

“How do I say this…” she began, “’re making me get all embarrassed again.  I guess I’m trying to say I want to be your gift, in a way only you can appreciate, and this thing is supposed to make that happen.”

I still don’t think I had fully processed just what had happened over the past several minutes, but I was finding it increasingly difficult to avoid showing my true excitement about what might be about to happen.  I had never thought about her in that way before, yet the prospect of it happening, completely out of the blue no less, excited me in a way I don’t think I had ever been before.  “I love you,” I said as I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.  “I still can’t believe you’re willing to try turning yourself into a mannequin for me.”

“I love you too,” she said.  “I can’t either, but here we are.  Come on, we don’t have much time so let’s get this on your phone.”

I scanned the QR code on my phone and completed the registration process.  Mere moments later, the app was on my phone.  Upon opening it, we were prompted once again for information, this time the order number and a serial number which was etched into the disc.  Lauren pulled the order number from her order confirmation email and I located the serial number.  After that final hurdle, we appeared to be in business.  The app was fairly simplistic - essentially just the same features as a stopwatch as well as a few of the same instructional guides which were also available on the website.  After spending several minutes viewing the guides, she got up to retrieve her new boots.

“Well, it’s eleven-thirty now, and we need to be at my parents’ by three.  So we have maybe an hour since I’ll have to finish getting ready and we have some things to take care of beforehand,” she said.

“That’s assuming it even works,” I said.

“We shall see,” she said as she zipped up the second boot.  “Why don’t you put the plate on the floor in front of the fireplace.”

I stood up and slid the plate into position.  Lauren walked up to me and we kissed and exchanged ‘I love yous.’  She then stepped onto the disc.

“This feels so weird, it’s giving me goosebumps.  How should I pose?” she asked.

“Up to you I guess,” I said.

“As helpful as ever,” she laughed, though I could tell she was clearly nervous about what she was setting herself up for.

“How about like a pretty mannequin confidently showing off her sexy boots and vest?” I suggested.

“Hmmm, how’s this?” she asked.  She was standing with her hips slightly cocked with her left leg slightly bent at the knee.  Her left hand rested just above her hips and her right hand was lightly touching her thigh.

“Looks good enough for me,” I said.  “Do you feel like you’re balanced enough?  One of those guides suggested making sure.  I wouldn’t want your first experience as a mannequin to be falling flat on its face.”

“Good point,” she said.  “Yeah, I think so.  I’m sure you wouldn’t let me fall over, though.”

“That would be pretty hot, though,” I joked.

“Seriously though, don’t play with me or anything like that,” she said in a more serious tone.  “We’re new to this so let’s just keep it simple this time.  Don’t move me or anything like that so it doesn’t mess anything up.”

“I know, don’t worry,” I assured her.

“Okay, I’m ready when you are,” she said.

“Okay, I have it set for one hour, beginning - now,” I said as I pushed the ‘play’ button the controller app, causing it to announce that the disc was warming up in order to initiate the transformation sequence.  “Let me know if you feel anything, if you can,” I asked.

“Nothing yet,” she said.

A few moments passed and she was still standing there, trying her best to hold her pose and smile, but I could sense she was beginning to feel frustration in addition to nerves.  “It said it might take a minute.  Still nothing?” I asked.

“Nothing yet,” she said with a hint of disappointment creeping onto her face.

“Well let’s give it a little more time,” I said.

“Yeah, o–,” she said.  Just then, she let out the sexiest little sigh I’ve ever heard.  “Oh my G–,” she whimpered before suddenly falling silent.  Her outward appearance wasn’t any different, but I could tell something had happened - she now seemed to be holding her pose effortlessly and her face was perfectly fixed.  Her eyes seemed locked on me, unblinking, in a stare that would be thoroughly unsettling in any other situation.  There she stood, unmoving and unchanged, for what felt like another minute before I began to perceive the slightest changes.  First I heard a slight creak from the floor, despite neither of us moving.  I hoped it was caused by what I thought caused it.  Another creak, and I noticed that what little of her skin was exposed was beginning to take on an unnatural hue.  It was most pronounced in her fingers, which I assumed were the first parts of her body to fully transform because they were the thinnest part of her body.  The change spread up her arms and quickly became more evident on her neck and face.  Her facial features gradually became more pronounced, with her eyes finally releasing their lock on me as they widened and assumed a blank stare straight forward.  Soon enough, all of her exposed skin had fully assumed the appearance of a mannequin, with presumably only her hips and chest retaining any traces of their former humanity, if only for a few more seconds.

The controller app soon announced that the transformation was complete and that the disc was entering standby mode.  I placed my phone down on a table and walked over to more closely inspect the new item that was standing in front of the fireplace.  My beautiful wife’s gift had done to her exactly what she wanted it to:  she was now nothing more than a mannequin - a hollow plastic representation of herself; a mere inanimate object utterly subject to the whims of its owner.  

I lightly grasped her hips just to try and wobble her slightly to ensure she was steady; despite her now much lighter condition she still seemed rather stable.  A chill ran down my spine as I did so - despite my irrational obsession with these plastic ladies, I don’t believe I had ever done so much as touch one before.  And yet, suddenly, my wife now was one of them.  I ran my fingers over her smooth plastic face as I brushed some stray hairs away from her eyes.  Her face now looked like a slight caricature of her face, yet it was clearly still her face, just molded in painted plastic.  Curious to see just how far the transformation went, I pushed her left sleeve up a bit, just enough to discover that there was in fact a break in her forearm a few inches above her wrist.  I resisted the urge to pop her hand off, and instead rubbed a finger back and forth and along the gap before I realized how aroused I was becoming over such a simple detail.  I leaned in and kissed her on her plastic lips before sitting down, intent on only admiring and keeping her silent company for the better part of the next hour before she returned.


The hour passed and the controller app announced that the disc was active at restoring Lauren back to her original self.  Sure enough, within a few moments a near perfect reversal of the events which took place an hour earlier began.  Her skin began to take on a more natural hue once again, first most pronounced in her fingertips and then quickly spreading throughout her body.  The floor once again slowly creaked as her weight increased, and within a few minutes she looked just like her normal self, just still fixed in position.  Then, just as suddenly as she had been frozen initially, she was released from her paralysis.

“Whew,” she said, still standing in place largely silent for a few moments, as though she were still taking in what she had just experienced.  “That was - I don’t know what that was…”

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked, inquisitively as I got up from my chair.

“Yeah, just a little,” she said, in her usual matter-of-fact tone.

“You’re not just saying that to make me happy, I hope,” I asked, though I could tell from the way she was biting her lip that she was trying not to look overly excited.

“No,” she said.  “Suffice it to say we’ll be doing this again.”


The evening at her parents’ passed uneventfully just as it had any other year.  It wasn’t long into the drive home, however, that she began to open up a bit more about how she felt about her experience earlier in the day.

“I wonder if it’ll be like that every time,” she said.

Wonder if what will be like that?” I asked, though I knew exactly what she was talking about.

“When you turn me into a mannequin,” she answered.  “I was too embarrassed to say it before, but that was easily the most intensely enjoyable fucking thing I’ve ever done.”

“Really?  I had a good time watching it all happen, too,” I said.  “Was there any part that was better than the others, or did it all just kind of blend together?  There are all those stories about it, but as far as I know none of them are based in fact.”

“No offense, but the orgasm I had - or whatever that was - when I froze initially was the best I ever had,” she said.  “Becoming hollow just felt really strange - but not bad.  And then when you touched me.  Or any time you looked at me.”

“Really?” I asked.

God yes,” she said.  “The whole time was really a blur, but there were those distinct moments that stood out.  It was the strangest thing.  It felt like it was over in a few seconds yet lasted forever.  I can’t even begin to explain it.”

“Well, to be fair, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything hotter than you standing there looking like you were posing for a Christmas card and got more than you bargained for,” I said.  “You looked amazing.”

“Awww,” she cooed.  “The only thing I didn’t like was that I didn’t get to see myself.  I wish we’d done it somewhere where I could have seen what I looked like,” she said.  “You’re sure you’re okay with me being into this with you, right?” she asked again.  “I feel like I’m intruding on your personal space.”

“Not at all,” I said.  “I mean, we’ll have to see where it goes.  I don’t want it to come out wrong but I can see maybe not wanting to focus it one hundred percent on you all the time.  But for now…”

“I get that,” she said.  “That’s okay.  I wouldn’t be able to make time for it all the time anyway.  You know, I almost thought of buying you an actual mannequin instead, but then I was afraid that might be too awkward.”

“Yeah, because you telling me you wanted to try being one yourself wasn’t awkward at all,” I quipped.

“Shut up!” she said.  “I guess it’s good I didn’t.  I’d be too jealous of her anyway, lucky plastic bitch.”

I snickered.  “Damn I wanted you to yank my hand off,” she said.

“I really wanted to, but I had to restrain myself,” I said.  “I didn’t want to risk it messing something up.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said.  “Still…”

“I’m just glad you liked it,” I said.  “I was kind of afraid after all that embarrassment and then build up that it just would have fallen flat or you would have hated it or something.  Or even that I would have hated it.”

“Yeah, me too,” she said.

We continued our conversation for the remainder of the night until we both passed out in bed, exhausted from the strange, busy day we both had.


The next morning began with us fixing breakfast and preparing for a quiet day off at home, though we both knew full well that it wouldn’t turn out to be like any other day we had ever experienced before.  After she was finished eating, Lauren went into the bedroom to put on some makeup and pick out the clothes she wanted to model for me.  Nothing special this time, as she emerged in just a pair of old jeans and an even older t-shirt - the type of outfit she’d typically wear on a lazy day.

“You look awful dolled up for that outfit,” I said.

“Yeah, well,” she said.  “We don’t always get to wear something that matches our facial appearance, do we?”

We?” I asked.

“Yes, we,” she said with a slight wink.  “I’m learning the part.”

We prepared the disc and controller app for her next stint as a mannequin.  I was just about to move the disc into a location that was convenient to a mirror, when she stopped me.

“No, keep it where it is,” she said.

“Why?” I asked.  “Didn’t you want to be able to see yourself?”

“I do, but let’s experiment a little this time, if you don’t mind,” she said.  “Maybe set it for an hour again, but I think I want to feel what it’s like to have you carry me around.  If it’s any bit as good as you touching me…”

“Wow, bossy!  I thought this was my gift, not yours,” I joked.

“Oh shush,” she said.  “I know you’re enjoying this more than you’re letting on.  Besides, how many wives tell their guy to manhandle them like that anyway?”

“I’m just kidding,” I said.  “I’m enjoying you taking me on this ride.”

“Okay, I think I’m ready now,” she said as she found her pose on the disc.  I activated the transformation sequence on the app, and within minutes it had once again reduced her to a display dummy.  The controller app confirmed what I already knew as I prepared to carry her to the full-height mirror in our bedroom.  I gingerly stepped behind her, wrapping my arms around her torso just below her boobs, but not before feeling them up ever so slightly, of course.  Oh, she can dictate what she wants done to her, and I will gladly oblige, but the way it was to be done was entirely up to me - I’m not the one who’s completely at someone else’s mercy, I thought as I began to really settle into my newfound position of power.  As was to be expected, the condition of her boobs and my power trip was also eliciting another reaction from me, and I was also sure to brush that up against her back as I hoisted her rigid form up and off the disc.  The controller app predictably signaled that the base was no longer occupied as I began carrying her into the bedroom, being careful not to bump her on any walls or furniture along the way.  Once in the bedroom, I held her up in front of the mirror for a few moments to give her a chance to get a good look before leaning her back against the side of the bed, face up at about forty-five degree angle.  I sat down on the bed next to her, admiring just how awkwardly helpless she looked.  I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before lifting her up slightly and tugging up on her shirt.

“Let’s see what you’re hiding under here,” I said as I rolled her t-shirt up over her boobs, revealing her smooth, hard midriff and her bra, the latter of which I quickly unhooked and removed.  I pulled her in front of me and delighted in the hollow thud that emanated from her midriff as I tapped it with my hand.  I then fondled her smooth, featureless and nearly perfectly hemispherical boobs while kissing her neck for a few moments before fumbling around with her t-shirt a little more.  Then I finally realized what I ought to be doing.  A twist and a snap later, and I had removed her left arm from her torso, pulling it down out of the shirt sleeve and placing it behind us on the bed.  Next to go was her right arm, finally leaving her t-shirt fully vulnerable to removal.  I pulled that up and over her head, and in the process of doing so accidentally removed her hair, which the transformation had rendered an ordinary wig.  This operation resulted in a topless, armless and bald mannequin leaning up against the bed.  I rescued her hair from the t-shirt and placed it back atop her smooth, featureless scalp.  She offered no resistance as I pulled her fully onto the bed, by her crotch of course, whereafter I quickly loosened and removed her jeans and panties.  Now with a fully naked and armless mannequin lying beside me, I rubbed her smooth, featureless underside for a few moments before deciding I needed to figure out where this whole adventure was leading.

Up until this point I was just operating on whims, but I soon decided that I wanted to dress her back up.  It would be funny, I thought, to just put her back on the disc completely butt naked, but I didn’t think that we were quite there yet.  Funnily enough, it appeared that she had actually picked out a dressier ensemble and left it on a shelf in her wardrobe closet - a cute black and white floral ruffled skirt, a white crop top and her favorite old denim jacket.  I knew for a fact those clothes weren’t sitting there earlier, and she knew very well that those items made up my favorite outfit of hers.  So, I took the liberty of doing something I’d never had occasion to do before and dressed her up in them.  Dressing her lower half in the panties and skirt was very quick and easy, but the top and jacket proved to be quite a bit trickier.  After fumbling around for the better part of at least twenty minutes, I finally figured out the hang of it.  After completing the look with a pair of ankle socks and her favorite teal tennis shoes, I picked her up and carried her back out to the living room and placed her back upon her home base.  Just in time, in fact, as the controller app indicated that there was only about five minutes remaining in her transformation.  Not that missing the time would be a big deal, by this point we were both familiar with all the ins and outs of the process at least as they were presented on the website:  were I to miss her target restoration time, it would be able to be started manually just as soon as she was reset on the disc.  I sat down and admired my handiwork for the next few minutes until the restoration sequence initiated on schedule.


“You bastard!” Lauren said with a laugh as she checked out her new outfit.

“Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t set that out for me to find it,” I said.

“It’s true,” she said.  “You actually did alright.  Though this top is a little twisted up on my shoulder…  I wasn’t sure you were going to do all that.  I was really hoping you would, though.  And need I say, FUCK, that was amazing.”

“You looked amazing, and you still look amazing” I said.  “I’m happy you liked it.  I had fun with it too.”

“Oh, I know you did,” she said.  “You made that plainly evident more than a few times.  Speaking of which, damn, I need to get better at controlling myself when that thing starts. I feel it catches me unprepared and I end up with a lewd expression!”

“I don’t think it’s too bad,” I said.  “A little sultry look on one of you is a good thing, I think.”

“I see what you did there,” she said.  “You’re probably right.  But still.  I need more practice.”

“You haven’t had enough of it yet?” I asked.

“Push me back on it and watch me try to resist,” she said.

“Well, that’s good to know,” I said.  “So I take it was as good as the first time?”

“At least as good,” she answered.  “Probably even better due to your activities.  Being taken apart is the weirdest sensation.  But amazing.”

“Even weirder than turning into plastic?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she said.  “I still insist the whole thing is weird as hell.  But I don’t know if I care.  Tell you what, let’s do it again, but before that let’s eat.  I’m hungry.  And I’m cold with this skirt on.”

“I knew I should have put some tights on under it,” I said.

“Well, hopefully you consider my comfort a little more next time,” she said.


After eating some lunch and talking some more about her most recent experience, Lauren decided she wanted to try one more transformation for the day.  The rest of the week was looking to be busy in general, so she saw no problem indulging herself in her newfound escape for the rest of her day off.

“I want to do it one more time today, are you okay with that?” she asked.  “I still feel like I’m imposing on you.”

“Not at all,” I said.  “Besides, you’re the object; I’m still normal.  If I wanted to, I could just leave you alone like that and do something else.”

“That’s true,” she said.  “Well - this time I want to leave it all up to you.  I want to be your doll.  Do whatever you want to me.”

“Anything?” I asked, with a hint of an evil tone.

“You know what I mean,” she said.  “I trust you.”

“So, anything.  My girlfriend has always said she wanted a mannequin, it would be super convenient if I could just use you,” I said.

“Shut up,” she snapped.

“So here’s a question…” I started to ask before hesitating.

“Yeah, what?” she asked.

“I know it’s only been a couple of times, but how far do you see yourself wanting to go with this?” I asked.  “Just curious.”

“What do you mean?,” she asked in return.

“Well…,” I paused for a moment, not sure how to word what I wanted to ask.  I was sure my mind was working at a faster pace than the situation, as it usually does, but there had been ample opportunity over the past day or so to come up with all sorts of scenarios this new feature of our relationship could lead to.  “Like just what we have been doing so far, just little bits here and there to spice things up when we find the time.  Or maybe more some day?”

“Are you trying to get rid of me already?” she asked, jokingly.

“Of course not.  The most I’d ever do is rent you out for a few extra bucks,” I joked back.

“Oh geez,” she said.  “I guess I haven’t really thought about it,” she said.  “I mean, I’ve loved it so far.  But I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.  Or have it get in the way of what we have together.”

“What if I just left you off the disc for a while?” I asked, seriously this time.

“So I wouldn’t be able to turn back?” she asked with a hint of concern.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Well…” she started, “I would prefer you didn’t.  I’m sure it would be fun, but I’m not sure I’d be ready for that.  Or how to explain it to someone else if I had to.”

“Not that you’d be able to do anything but just accept it,” I said.

“Well, yeah, I guess so,” she said.  “I would just hope you still preferred to have me around like this at the end of the day.”

“Of course I do,” I said as I hugged and kissed her.  “But I do think it’s fun to think about nonetheless.”

“It is,” she said.  “You know, I’m really happy this has given us a chance to connect on this level.  I was hoping it would, but I wasn’t sure.”

“Me too,” I said.  “It kind of makes me wish it could have happened earlier, or if I could have brought it up myself, but I guess it is what it is.”

“Yeah,” she said.  “Anyway, I wouldn’t mind becoming your plaything again, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay,” I said.  “I’ll get it ready while you go get what you want to wear this time.”

“Nah, I’ll let you take care of that again,” she said with a kiss.  “I really did like that, and you do need a little more practice at it anyway.”

“Hey!” I said.

“I didn’t mean it was a bad thing,” she said, before stepping back onto the disc.  “What do you think?” she asked.  She had posed, the front of her hips facing to my right with her weight on her left foot and her right knee bent such that her outstretched toes just touched the floor in front of the disc.  Her torso was slightly arched back and turned towards me, accentuating her chest.  She had her left hand raised up just behind her head, which was facing directly towards me, while her right arm and hand were akimbo.

“You look perfect,” I said.  “You’re definitely getting the hang of it.”

“Awww,” she cooed.  “I thought you’d like it.  I had trouble staying asleep last night, so I spent some time looking for inspiration.”

“You did well,” I said.  “Are you ready?”

“Go for it,” she said.  “I’m ready.  Don’t tell me how long you set the timer for.”

“Okay,” I said as I once again pushed the ‘play’ button on the controller app.  “You’re on your way.”

“Mmmmm, I can’t wait,” she mumbled.  “Mike?” she then asked, a bit sheepishly.

“Yes?” I asked in return.

“Promise you’ll hang onto me for at least a little while after you take me in to have me made into a mannequin for good?” she asked.

“I don’t want to do that to you,” I said.

“I know you don’t,” she said.  “But you could and I’ll just have to go along with it.”

“I promise, Laur,” I said.  “You’re the only doll I want.”

“That’s the right answer,” she said with a smile.  “I lo–,” she started to say before her lips froze mid-sentence.  Over the next couple of minutes I watched as her body, this time significantly more exposed, slowly turned from warm flesh and blood into cool, hollow plastic; her pose and expression perfectly preserved.

“I love you too,” I said as I kissed her hard but still warm lips.


I spent the next few hours playing with and admiring my new life-size doll.  For now, I only had what was available in her wardrobe, but my mind quickly started to work overtime thinking of all the things I could buy to dress her in.  There were things I knew she liked but didn’t have the confidence to wear herself - and then there were things I wanted to see her in that she probably would kill me just for thinking about.  Oh, the possibilities!

I had set the timer for three hours this time, figuring I would give her a taste of a somewhat longer transformation and see how she felt about it.  However, the alert from the controller app had come and gone, as I ultimately decided to eschew that plan, just for fun.  By now, it was approaching bedtime.  I was at first content to just leave her posed out in the living room, but felt bad about leaving her out there alone - even if I figured she’d be too caught up in her experience to care either way.  Her pose wasn’t exactly conducive to sharing a bed with, though, so I once again disassembled her and laid her arms and lower half on the floor before dressing her limbless torso in her favorite night t-shirt.  We laid there together, well, me with her lifeless torso anyway, as she gazed blankly at the ceiling.  All the while, I wondered what she was thinking and feeling.  Question after question raced through my mind:  Was she worried because this session had by now extended far longer than the previous two, and now well into the night?  Especially in light of what I had said earlier about leaving her off the disc?  Or, was she so blissful that she didn’t even realize what was going on?  What about that thing she said right before she froze?  Is there actually some part of her that wants me to have her transformation made permanent?  Are my actions unwittingly pushing her to want that fate?  What if I were to come home one day to find out she had it done without telling me?  How would I react to any of those situations?  Am I just overthinking it?  Do mannequins fall asleep?

The following morning, I called her into work sick.  I had to make up an excuse, of course; while being stiff can make performance at one’s job difficult, I’m not quite sure it makes a valid excuse for a day off.  All I knew was that she deserved a day off just to herself.  After getting myself ready for work, I got her ready for her busy day modeling another cute outfit to the empty living room.  “This is probably the fastest you’ve ever gotten ready,” I quipped as I set her up on the disc where she would remain while I spent the day at work.  She was still standing there upon my return late in the afternoon, dutifully modeling the outfit I had picked out for her.  I put a big black and purple flower hair clip in her hair; I know she’ll hate it but I found it while on my way home - and all that matters is that I like it on her.  Then, while I don’t normally make a habit of making conversation with inanimate objects, I knew this one was special - so I had no problem spending some time talking to her about my day and asking her how hers had gone - and of course she had nothing to say.

I’m going to leave her as she is for a few more hours, after which she will have spent well over a full day as a mannequin.  I think I want a nice warm body to sleep next to tonight - if she’ll let me.  I suppose there’s always the chance she’ll give me the cold shoulder in bed tonight, or perhaps she’ll want to spend the night in the living room.  Either one is a risk I’m willing to take, though.

The End?