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IPM Female DP Owner's Guide

Note: This is a draft intended for circulation only among authorized IPM staff members.

Configuration Settings Guide


This document is provided to owners of IPM Female Donated Personality Androids to help them better configure their androids' behavior to their liking. This guide attempts to translate numeric configuration settings into English. The translation helps to create a clearer understanding of the effect a particular numeric setting will have on an android's behavior. Using the English translation, owners should be able to quickily find the numeric settings that best fit the behavior they desire in their android, reducing the need for trial and error. This document is only a guide and does not contain technical data for the implementation of android behavioral settings.

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Configuration Settings:

The lists below describe configuration settings for an IPM FDP Android in terms of a one word description followed by a more detailed description. The descriptions are not always fully accurate for all situations due to the limitations of the English language and the connotations certain words may have that are not always relevant to a certain configuration. The words used are as devoid of double meanings as possible. Several examples clarifying possible misunderstandings are found in the next section.


This controls your android's ability to initiate action on its own. The lower her initiative is set, the less likely her director is to allow her personality to do something you have not ordered her to do.

The android's mental state is not affected by this setting; only its actions.

0ImmobilizedNo actions performed. The body is motionless and the face expressionless unless following an order thatrequires motion or facial expression. The android will not act without orders.
1Mesmerized Only small motions that have little effect on the surroundings are allowed, such as opening or closing eyes, simulated natural breathing and swallowing, calm facial expressions, etc.
2DazedSimple body language is allowed, such as raising eyebrows, shrugging,
nodding, licking lips, smiling, clenching a fist, tilting the head, holding
breath, gasping, moaning, sighing, etc.
3Peaceful Full body movements are allowed, such as sitting or standing, lying down or rising, grooming, stretching, commenting, casual conversing, posing, squatting, touching, swaying, drinking, eating, etc.
4CalmComplex movements are allowed, such as walking, picking up objects, talking, massaging, embracing, asking questions, laughing, light kissing, dressing, undressing, etc.
5AlertAll actions allowed but carefully considered, such as running, jumping, full conversation, initiating sex, seducing, passionate kissing, slapping, etc.
6EnergeticActions are still performed with care, but dialogue will be less well thought-out and she may take smallrisks or try new ideas more readily.
7SpontaneousReckless actions will not be performed, but she is likely to act on a whim and generally follow through on most of the ideas she has unless prevented.
8ImpulsiveActions are taken with little thought to the consequences. She may speak without considering the situation andbehave willfully and/or passionately.
9HyperShe will act on whatever thought enters her pretty little head except when restrained by orders or programming.She will not "look before she leaps."

Initiative Modifier: Desire. If her desire is sufficiently strong, your android may be able to engage in behavior up to two levels higher than her nominal setting. For example, an android set to an Initiative level of 1 will normally only perform small, natural, calm motions, even if she would like to do more. But if her desire is strong enough, she may on occasion be able to engage in simple body language normally only allowed at level 2, or even, under extreme circumstances, the full body movements allowed at level 3. Were she actually set to Initiative level 3, these actions would be easy, and she would be able to perform them even on a casual desire, but at lower levels, her desire must be extremely strong.

Initiative Modifier: Approval. Your android's ability to perform actions at a given Initiative setting is also modified by up to two levels by her understanding of her owner's desires. She is more likely to be able to perform a given action if she believes her owner would approve of it, and less likely to perform an action if she believes her owner would disapprove of it.


This controls your android's degree of obedience to orders. The android's mental state is not affected by this setting; only its actions are.

An android's Obedience setting will never force her to disobey an order. Even at Obedience level 0, she may obey an order immediately if she chooses to.

OB Description Behavior
0RebelliousAll but the strongest forcefully given orders can be completely ignored except for commands from the remote control or orders given by programming.
1StubbornA direct, clear order can be delayed for up to 5 minutes. An order can be deliberately misinterpreted. Most restrictions can be ignored. Repeating the order strengthens it only slightly
2WillfulA direct, clear order can be delayed for up to 2 minutes. An order can be deliberately misinterpreted. Repeating the order will strengthen it.
3ResoluteA direct, clear order can be delayed for 1 minute and performed slowly and with visible resistance. Restrictions will not hold completely. The spirit of an order must be achieved without regard for the letter of the order.
4HesitantA direct, clear order can be fought for 20 seconds. The spirit of an order must be achieved with only slight regard for the letter of the order. Restrictions may be fought.
5DutifulA direct, clear order can be fought for 5 seconds. The spirit of an order must be achieved with fair regard for the letter of the order. Restrictions may be fought but only slightly.
6CompliantA direct, clear order can be fought for 1 second. The spirit of an order must be achieved with greater regard for the letter of the order. Restrictions will be completely obeyed once accepted.
7ObedientA direct, clear order is obeyed immediately. The spirit of an order must be achieved with the highest regard for the letter of the order.
8DominatedAny order is obeyed immediately with only the slightest room for interpretation. Requesting clarification is allowed only for vague orders.
9CompelledAny order is obeyed immediately with total word for word precision. No questions are allowed unless the android does not comprehend the meaning at all in any way.


Obedience Modifier: Desire. If her desire is sufficiently strong, your android may be able to resist orders as if her Obedience setting were up to two levels lower than her nominal setting. For example, an android set to an Obedience level of 6 will normally only resist an order for one second. However, if she is given an order she finds especially distasteful, she may be able to resist it for up to two seconds, or even five if her feelings are particularly strong.

Obedience Modifier: Forcefulness. The obedience levels given above assume an order given in a direct, clear, and forceful tone. An order given more casually or implicitly (e.g. "Could you bring me the newspaper?") may be treated as though your android's Obedience setting were up to two levels lower than her nominal setting. Use of the word "please" does not affect the forcefulness of the order, though it may affect your android's willingness to obey.

See the chapter on Orders for more information about how your android interprets orders, including special commands that your android will respond to more obediently than her nominal setting requires.


This controls your android's level of interest in sex and sexual contact.

Her feeling of arousal is affected by her Sex Drive setting, but not directly. Even at level 0, she can feel and behave aroused with sufficient stimulus, or if ordered to, though she will find this distasteful and perhaps embarrassing. As high as level 8 she can be unaroused with sufficient negative stimulus. (At level 9, she will find virtually anything arousing, unless ordered not to.)

Of course, she can be ordered or programmed to display a level of sexual interest that is at odds with her configured desires.

0AversiveShe will feel no sexual desire and find the thought of sex unpleasant.
1UnresponsiveShe will feel no particular desire for sex but also not find thinking about it repulsive.
2ReservedShe will only desire sex if she is very aroused and wants to please her partner,trusts her partner, is comfortable with the situation,hasn't had sex lately, and only her favorite kind is offered. She will not choose to flirt.
3ChasteShe will slightly desire sex if she is aroused and wants to please her partner, trusts her partner, is comfortable with the situation, and greatly enjoys the type(s) of sex being offered.She will only flirt privately.
4ModestShe will mildly desire sex if she wants to please her partner, trusts her partner, and enjoys the type(s) of sex being offered.She will flirt in public only if people she knows and trusts are the only ones present.
5SelectiveShe will desire sex if she likes and trusts her partner and does not mind the type(s) of sex being offered. She will flirt in public if she recieves advances from a potential partner.Sexual thoughts will occur occasionally.
6AvailableShe will noticeably desire sex if she knows and likes her partner. She will flirt with potential partners but not try to seduce them. Sexual thoughts will occur often.
7SensualShe will strongly desire sex if she likes her partner. She will try to enticeany nearby potential partner who she finds pleasant.Sexual thoughts will occur frequently.
8ProvocativeShe will intensely desire sex with any partner. She will try to seduce any potential partner nearby fitting her sexual orientation. Her mind dwells on sex most of the time.
9HornyShe will crave sex above all else. She will try to have sex with anyone nearby,though if feasible she will go after a partner who fits her sexual orientation better or is more willing. Sexual thoughts dominate her mind.



This setting modifies your android's personality, adjusting her level of desire to please you and others.



CruelShe will not care if her owner is happy or not. She will not be at all concerned if her actions affect her owner negatively.
1WithdrawnShe will generally try to stay out of the way of her owner unless a confrontation is necessary to get somethingshe wants. She will make no effort to please her owner with either conversation or physical interaction.
2ApatheticShe will give her owner the time of day if asked,but that's about it. She will only do a favor if it doesn't inconvenience her in the slightest.
3DistantShe will not usually desire to please her owner, considering it a boring and unappealing prospect unless the proposed interaction interests her. She may do favors to gain something from her owner.
4CourteousShe will try not to be unpleasant around her owner and will show some interest in events in her owner's life and the desires her owner has, but she also won't go out of her way to please.
5ConsiderateShe will try to keep her owner comfortable, doingfavors and showing kindness and compassion, but she will be equally concerned with her own wants and needs.
6PleasantShe will consider her owner's satisfaction important and be slightly disappointed in herself if she failsto please, but she will also try to satisfy herself.
7AdoringShe will feel her owner's happiness is very important. She will be upset if she is unable to please and delighted when she succeeds. She will seek her own fulfillment if she believes her owner is currently content.
8SubmissiveShe will put her owner's pleasure as her top priority, feeling great dismay if she fails and joy when she succeeds. Her own desires matter to her only if they can be met while she is engaged in trying to please her owner.
9SubservientShe will be totally dedicated to pleasing her owner. Failure will crush her, while success will cause euphoria. All other desires will be strongly tied to her need to please her owner. No sacrifice is too great.



This setting modifies your android's personality directly, controlling her general sense of and desire for independence.

0AndroidShe considers herself property and her feelings and desires irrelevant. She feels no resentment or humiliation for her owner's treatment of her. She will do anything asked of her willingly.
1SlaveShe considers herself property and her feelings and desires of little consequence. She can feel embarrassed but not frustrated. She will do anything asked of her willingly.
2ThrallShe considers herself property and her feelings and desires of little consequence. She can feel embarrassed but only mildly frustrated. She will do all but the most unpleasant tasks willingly.
3HandmaidenShe considers herself a woman loyal to her owner and her feelings and desires secondary to her owner's. She can feel embarrassed or frustrated. She will do all but the most unpleasant tasks willingly.
4ServantShe considers herself a woman loyal to her owner and feels entitled to a few privileges. She can feel humiliated or frustrated. She will do all but the most unpleasant tasks willingly.
5EmployeeShe considers herself a woman loyal to her owner and feels entitled to some rights and privileges. She can feel humiliated or frustrated. She will do most tasks willingly but slightly resent unpleasant or inconvenient ones.
6ConfidantShe considers herself a free woman entitled to most rights and privileges but feels some obligation to her owner. She can feel humiliated or angry. She will do most tasks willingly but resent unpleasant or inconvenient ones.
7AcquaintanceShe considers herself a free woman with all rights and privileges but feels some obligation to her owner.She can feel abused or angry. She will do most tasks willingly but strongly resent unpleasant or inconvenient ones.
8AssociateShe considers herself a free woman with all rights and privileges but feels some obligation to her owner. She can feel abused or angry. She will refuse to do what she does not wish to and will hate forced obedience.
9PeerShe considers herself a free woman with all rights and privileges and no duty to her owner. She can feel abused or furious. She will refuse to do what she does not wish to do and will hate forced obedience.


Example 1: An Obedience level of 2 is termed Willful. This does not necessarily mean that the android is disinclined to follow orders, only that she can be. If her Independence is low she may follow orders out of her sense of duty. Similarly, an android with an Obedience level of 4 (Hesitant) and a Deference level of 7 (Adoring) would only hesitate to follow orders that she believed would not please her owner or would keep her from pleasing her owner. If her initiative is also high, she may delay the command in order to encourage her owner to allow her to perform a different task she believes will be more pleasing.

Example 2: A Sex Drive level of 1 is described as Unresponsive. This does not mean that the android will fail to respond to her owner's orders or cease activity. This would be caused by low obedience or low initiative, respectively. It also does not mean that she will not respond emotionally to her owner. If her Deference is high she may treat her owner with great kindness and warmth. She will simply not desire or emotionally respond to foreplay or sexual activity. Physical stimulation can still cause arousal even if her Sex Drive is low.

Example 3: Independence describes the kind of person the android perceives herself to be in relation to her owner. An Independence higher than 0(Android) indicates the ability to feel humiliation to varying degrees of intensity. Various expressions of resentment become possible after level 2(Thrall). These restrictions only apply to feelings regarding the owner's treatment of the android (i.e. orders she has not wanted to obey or restrictions placed on her that she has not liked). A handmaiden (INDEP 3) may be angry that her owner was insulted by a visiting relative even though the android cannot feel anger about her owner's requirement that she clean the house twice a day. At a setting of 4 she may feel frustrated by this requirement but not angry. Also note that willing to serve does not necessarily mean happy to serve. How happy she is to do a task depends on her Deference setting. High Independence coupled with high Deference tends to create the effect of a friend who willingly helps out, performing tasks because she wants to show her owner she cares. With high deference, she will not usually find tasks unpleasent or inconvenient because the approval she gets from her owner by performing them makes them worthwhile. Other effects of Independence will still be present. The higher her Independence, the more respect she will feel she deserves no matter how much she wishes to please her owner. High Deference will cause her to be more forgiving and tolerant of disrespectful behavior because expressing resentment or anger might displease her owner, but she will still feel hurt or disgraced by poor treatment. Also note that when combined with high Sex Drive, feelings of embarrassment or humiliation, at any level of Independence, may cause some sexual arousal in some androids, which will tend to weaken resentment. Always keep in mind that regardless of her Independence level, an android will never forget the fact that that she is a machine and the property of her owner. (see Delusion Mode in the IPM FDP Owner's Guide, Standard Programming: Pre-programmed Modes).


Choose a configuration, then apply the appropriate adjectives to see a general description of the behavior caused by that configuration. Independence uses a noun, so it should always be given last in the list for clarity (the adjectives describe the noun).


STANDARD 55 5 5 5
Configurations demonstrated in "A Chat with Chet" in chronological order:
Other Possibilities:
ImmobileCompelledAversiveSubservient Android

There are 100,000 possible combinations! Enjoy.

Note from EHY: This section was written by hatch22, with formatting and minor editing by me. It is now an authorized part of the IPM universe (insofar as anything can be "authorized" in such matters).

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