All Under Control!


by EHY


Please see the legal stuff.

4. Chores

IPM Android S/N EN-T-05-A147 (Lianna) Activation (Natural Mode)

She was in Henry's bed, curled up comfortably. She had to look to see that she was still nude. Her hair dangled loosely behind her, the pony tail having come out - or been taken out - some time during the time her mind had been turned off, a little while after she'd given him the blow job.

"Go make me two scrambled eggs and toast," Henry ordered. He was standing by the dresser, naked and damp, putting down her remote control. "And a glass of orange juice."

(Did I annoy him somehow?) Dianne wondered silently. (He could at least say good morning.) Of course, she didn't dare say that aloud. (Or sleep with me while I'm awake. Did we have sex with him after he put us in robot mode?)

(Yes,) Lianna replied simply.

(Damn!) She'd looked forward to her first experience making love to a man as a beautiful woman... or android. Well, there would be other times. In fact... (Can we try to seduce him again?)


Hmmm... (Guide me, Lianna. I don't know how.) "Wouldn't you rather come back to bed with me?" she purred, stretching like a cat.

"Yes," Henry agreed, not looking at her as he buttoned a shirt, "but I have to go to work. So go make me breakfast."

"We could be quick," Dianne tried again, but Lianna pitched her voice down so it came out more wistful than lustful. Henry didn't seem to want to be enticed this morning. Resigned, she also got out of bed and headed for the kitchen. When she hesitated in the kitchen, her director took over and began quickly and efficiently preparing Henry's breakfast as he had ordered.

After breakfast, Henry asked her, "You said you were programmed for normal housekeeping chores, right?"

"Yes, Master, I am," Lianna replied.

"Good. Stay out of my office for today, but take care of other things - you know, vacuum, clean the bathroom, things like that. When I get home tonight you can ask me about anything you weren't sure of."

"Yes, Master. Will you be going to work now?"

"Yes..." Henry turned to her, looking annoyed. "Lianna, I don't like to be asked about my comings and goings. I'll tell you what you need to know."

"I'm sorry, Master," she apologized.

"It's okay, this time. Just don't do it again."

"No, Master," she agreed. "I'll be here whenever you return."

Henry came over to her and took her face in his hands. "Good," he said, kissing her deeply and pleasantly. Then he turned and left, without another word to her.

After Henry had gone, she stood and looked around the apartment... which she now noticed was not very neat. There was a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, the table was piled with junk and not very clean underneath, the floor needed to be vacuumed, the recliner needed the fur removed from it somehow...

"Housekeeping," she said grumpily. (Do I have to start right away?)

(Yes,) her director said. (Shall I control or guide?)

(Shouldn't I at least get dressed first? Or brush my teeth, or something?)

(There is no need to dress first, and your clothes might be dirtied while cleaning. Your skin is easier to clean than clothes. You don't need to brush your teeth. Other personal maintenance tasks are considered less urgent than houskeeping tasks at this time. Shall I control or guide?)

(Um... I guess you'd better control. I don't know much about housework. I'd probably break something.)

And so without further delay, she began her chores. At first it seemed quite strange to be effortlessly organizing papers, washing dishes, and mopping floors - tasks she had never been any good at as a human - but she gradually got used to the sensation. In fact, she hardly needed to pay any attention to them. Her body was programmed with all the skills Henry expected her to have, so she simply relaxed her mind and let her body do as it was programmed to. If the gunk behind the toilet seemed disgusting to her, it scarcely mattered, for she couldn't have avoided cleaning it had she wanted to. Doing the chores naked seemed odd as well, but as Lianna has said, there didn't seem any pressing need for clothes. Her breasts were firm enough not to dangle awkwardly as she worked, and neither water nor dirt on her skin seemed to bother Lianna.

By two in the afternoon, the apartment seemed to have cleaned itself. Her next task turned out to be personal maintenance. Lianna went to the kitchen and drank two large glasses of water, then walked toward the bathroom.

(What's that for?) Dianne asked silently.

(Some of it is to replenish your moisture reservoirs, to keep your eyes, mouth, and sex realistically wet. The rest is for internal cleansing.)

(Internal cleansing?) she started to wonder, but before she could complete the thought, she was startled to feel water spraying around inside her closed mouth. She realized her tongue was moving around, thoroughly scrubbing the roof of her mouth, her teeth, and the insides of her cheeks. The water then poured down her throat, which seemed like it should make her choke, but it didn't. She heard more spraying and gurgling sounds from inside her torso. A few minutes later, Lianna sat down on the toilet, and the water spat out through her sex. Curious, she stopped Lianna from flushing immediately, and looked into the toilet. Sure enough, there were white globs of cum floating in the water. Internal cleansing. Sure.

Next she washed her outsides, using a wet washcloth. She carefully scrubbed every square inch of her skin.

(Why not just take a shower?) she wondered.

(A shower would use an unnecessary amount of water and create unnecessary mess,) Lianna replied. (And since you do not sweat, not as much cleaning is necessary.)

She did not wash her hair - Lianna explained that her hair, like her skin, was designed to repel dirt, and so did not normally need to be washed often - but she spent almost twenty minutes brushing it. It did look good when she was finished, but Dianne had never had the patience to spend more than a few minutes a day on her hair.

(Do you want to leave it loose today?) Lianna asked.

(Yesterday you told me not to,) Dianne replied hesitantly.

(I judged your master would want to be able to see your face unobscured the first time he made love to you. Today a style more suited to your overall beauty would be acceptable.)

(Oh.) Dianne thought. (Well, sure, let's leave it down today.)

Finally, it was time to get dressed. Lianna offered to let Dianne choose her own outfit. Without the pressure of Henry waiting anxiously for her, she was eager for the chance to see what her new body looked like in something sexy. Looking once again through the package of Sexy Looks clothes, she found a sexy black teddy, and decided to try it on.

"Wow," she said out loud to the bathroom mirror. It felt wonderful against her skin, and looked even better, hugging all of her body's lovely curves to perfection. It even did something beautiful to the already-perfect cones of her breasts. (Must I wear anything over this?)

(No,) Lianna replied.

(Then I won't,) Dianne decided, reveling in her "naughtiness." Though of course, it wasn't really naughty for her, was it? Her entire purpose was to be lovely... and it was hard to see how putting on more clothes could make her any more lovely. More decent, maybe, but who cared? Henry hadn't said anything about wanting her to be decent. She didn't see how he could possibly dislike this.

(What now?) Dianne asked her director, when it did not reclaim control of her body.

(You must obey basic behavioral guidelines, as well as any orders you have been given. But beyond that you are free to do as you like.)

And so on her first day, Dianne spent the afternoon simply wandering around the apartment. She justified it to herself, figuring Henry would expect her to know where where to find anything he might ask her to fetch for him, but really she was just intensely curious. Partly about what her new owner was really like, and partly to see what was around that she could use to entertain herself in her free time here.

On the latter count, she didn't find much. Henry owned a lot of books, but not much she thought looked interesting. Some political thrillers and such, which might be fun, but mostly books on political theory, history, and sociology. Dry, boring-looking stuff. If she was really bored sometime, she might try reading some of it, so she'd have something to talk about with Henry - and maybe her new computerized brain would be able to understand it better than she expected. If he had any interesting hobbies, he must keep them in his study, which she was not permitted to enter.

She tried watching video later, lying sprawled on the couch. For the first time since her new existence had begun, she felt almost human... until during a commercial, she noticed her feet. She hadn't really had a chance to notice them before. They were... small. Dianne's old feet had been big, misshappen, and pale. Lianna's were small and... well, foot-shaped. Each toe was just the right shape, each toenail perfectly aligned and trimmed and shiny, and while her feet were a little lighter in color than her legs, they looked healthier than Dianne had ever imagined feet could look. No mere organic foot that had carried the weight of a human being around every day for forty years could look like this, she thought. Weird.

Her attention returned to the video screen when the commercial ended. Unfortunately, just as Kurt was finally going to explain why he'd broken up with Mary, Lianna informed her it was now time to go to stand-by mode. Before she had a chance to consider what that meant or whether she wanted to do anything about it, she found herself unable to move, and then -

IPM Android S/N EN-T-05-A147 (Lianna) Stand-by (idle time exceeded)

IPM Android S/N EN-T-05-A147 (Lianna) Activation (stimulus: cat scratch sounds)

- a different show was on the video, and the clock said it was two hours later. The sound of claws against fabric rang in her head. She couldn't move.

(What happened!)

(Noxious may be scratching something he isn't allowed to.)

(No, I mean- hey!) Suddenly her body came to life, jerking up to a sitting position on the couch. Now she could see Noxious standing on his hind legs, his claws against the arm of the couch. Lianna snapped her fingers loudly at him.

"Noxious, stop that!" she ordered, trying to sound commanding. It didn't really work - her soft voice was designed to be sexy and feminine, not commanding. "I don't want to have to hurt you."

The cat looked up at her inquiringly, not removing his paws from the couch.

"I said stop!" (Hey, give him a chance!) Lianna was already reaching for Noxious. Quickly, she grabbed the cat's front paws in one hand and removed them from the couch. With the other hand, she slapped the cat's nose.

(You were ordered to stop him scratching the couch, and bonk him on the nose.)

(Yes, I know,) Dianne sighed silently as the cat slunk away, tail lowered. (Did we have to hit him that hard? He may never come near us again.)

(That level of force should help deter Noxious from scratching the couch again, without hurting him.)

(It felt to me like it would hurt.) But there was nothing to be done now. She had obeyed Henry's order. He didn't care if Noxious wouldn't play with her. But - (Anyway, what happened before that? I missed two hours. Did I - malfunction?) That was a scary thought.

(No,) Lianna reassured her, (you simply entered stand-by mode. You are programmed to automatically shut down some of your systems to conserve power after a certain amount of idle time. Your senses remain active, and reactivate the rest of you whenever an event happens which might require a response.)

(Oh. You could have warned me,) she complained.

(I can give you up to one minute's warning before you must enter stand-by mode,) Lianna offered.

(Well, do that.) Dianne paused for a moment. (Do I go back into stand-by mode now?)

(Not unless you want to,) Lianna replied.

(I don't!)

Lianna did not reply, but neither did she go into stand-by mode again. For another half hour.

Over the next few days, Dianne began to settle into her new existence as a lovely android named Lianna. Henry gradually explained the tasks he expected her to perform for him. She was to purchase and prepare food for him according to guidelines he laid out. She was to keep the house neat and clean, including the study (but not to touch the desk, nor this particular bookshelf), to do the laundry, to take Henry's dress clothes to the dry cleaner once a week and pick them up. She was to pay attention to the phone when it rang, but allow the machine to answer it and pick up only if it was Henry, or if the caller mentioned her by name. She should answer the door to allow the delivery of packages, or other guests he might warn her to expect. She should use his computer to periodically check the news, weather, and stock quotes he was interested in, as well as the video schedule, so that she would have that information if he asked for it.

She was now permitted to enter the study, where Henry kept a lot of files. Most of the drawers were labeled, "Private - Confidential," and Dianne found she couldn't open any of them. Lianna explained that she was programmed not to go anyplace labeled private unless she was ordered to. She did find a folder full of photographs of beautiful women wearing little or no clothes. "I suppose I can't object to that," she said, grinning as she looked down at her own beautiful nude body. In another folder, she found neatly organized catalogs of androids. Curious, she looked through the IPM catalog and found a picture of herself!

"Evening Comfort is the third in our new line of Donated Personality androids, and the first designed for entertainment purposes. She is programmed with a full array of adult-oriented recreational skills, including games, low-impact sports, dancing, and personal attention, as well as standard housekeeping and secretarial tasks. Her personality is that of an live human woman, scanned and simulated by the android's processor. No less obedient than our other models, the Donated Personality allows Evening Comfort to behave just like a real girl in virtually all situations!

"Evening Comfort: servant, lovely playmate, intimate companion, and perfect friend."

She carefully put the ads away.

At first, Dianne tried not to ask too many questions, fearing Henry might think she was annoying. But sometimes she needed to ask for a clarification of an order he gave, and he mostly didn't seem to mind.

On the other hand, he didn't like to be asked about his own life. She had asked him once when he would be home, as he put on his coat, and he had ordered her never to ask again. Nor did he usually bother to mention his comings and goings to her, so she was sometimes surprised to finish making his bed and find that he had left the apartment without her noticing.

She'd asked once about his work, as well, and while he hadn't ordered her not to, he hadn't answered her, either, and he'd made it clear he didn't welcome such questions. He worked most of the day during the week, at a job to which he wore a suit and carried a briefcase, but he didn't seem to bring any work home with him - or if he did, he did it while she wasn't nearby, or was turned off. He didn't seem to have a girlfriend, or many friends at all, although he did go out at night occasionally.

She was very careful when he was around. She was still very new at being a household slave and sex doll, she reasoned, and it would be best to be careful at first. Annoying her master would be unacceptable. She carefully obeyed all his orders, and tried not to do anything else unless she was sure he would approve.

In his free time, Henry often played with his new doll. He seemed to enjoy ordering her about, even when he had nothing specific for her to do. He turned her off, or put her in Robot mode, a lot, though Dianne dearly wished he wouldn't. One day he played with her "Vocalization" settings, and left her speaking in a pretty British accent a little higher-pitched than her usual voice. Another time she awakened from deactivation to discover she no longer breathed - although she could speak without moving her mouth, as long as her lips were parted a little. But Henry turned her off again after the next time they made love, and when she awakened she breathed again as before.

One continuing disappointment was that Henry never let her make love to him in Natural mode. She had offered to, that first day, but she didn't offer again for fear of angering him. He occasionally left her in passive mode during foreplay or oral sex, but every time she thought he might be about to really make love, and she might get to enjoy the experience, he turned off her mind. She didn't dare ask why. She half-believed she must have been disappointing Henry somehow, though she didn't know how, and he was punishing her for it. She often woke up fairly low on power, with cum inside her, and wished she knew how she had gotten that way... but she simply had no memory. When Henry ordered her to switch to robot mode, her mind - her personality module - simply shut down until he woke her up in the morning. No matter how hard she tried, she could not remember the smallest detail of what happened in the meantime. Lianna would tell her she had had sex with Henry, but never volunteered any details. They wouldn't have helped anyway. Being told you had sex with a man isn't the same as experiencing it.

Much of the time, Henry was away and she was left without specific orders. She was required to spend some of that time doing the household chores, and also attending to her own needs. And when she was left alone long enough, without other orders, she eventually went into stand-by mode. She never quite figured out how Lianna decided when it had been "long enough," but she could never change her director's mind. The most she could do was to arrange herself in an attractive pose, in case the thing to awaken her was Henry's return.

But in between, she had a limited time of relative freedom to enjoy herself. She could play with Noxious, who did eventually forgive her for slapping him when he misbehaved. She could look out the windows, and watch cars and people move about on the street below. She could play computer games, although she discovered she wasn't very good at them, even the ones she had liked when she had been human. She could dance, just for the fun of it - which she had never been any good at before, but now was. She might have minded spending all of her free time alone, but really, Dianne had never had many friends of her own anyway. She did learn that she wasn't able to leave Henry's apartment except on his orders, which disappointed her a little, but was hardly surprising. After all, she was Henry's property now.

Of course, sometimes she didn't even have that much freedom. There were nights when Henry switched her mind off in the evening, and the next thing she was aware of was him coming home the next day. She didn't mind that particularly - after all, she couldn't get bored in robot mode, and she assumed she did all of her chores just as well. But other times... for example, one Thursday morning, Henry woke, dressed, and left without ever bothering to switch Lianna out of Passive mode. She lay nude in his bed where he had left her, having rolled her on her back, with her arm still out as if encircling her lover.

An hour or so after Henry had left, she heard Noxious jump up onto the bed next to her. He stepped on her legs, then walked up her torso to nuzzle her motionless hand. (Sorry, Noxious,) she thought. (I'd pet you if I could.) The cat's head pushed her hand up against her nose, and she could not move it from there. Noxious didn't seem to mind, though. He began to knead her stomach with his paws for a while (Dianne hoped he'd keep his claws in), then curled up on her chest and purred until he fell asleep. He stayed there for nearly an hour, until Lianna stood up unexpectedly. She heard the cat land in a pile on the floor, followed by a annoyed mew from below. She couldn't even apologize.

Lianna proceeded to carry out her daily chores as usual, with the difference that since she was in passive mode today, she had even less ability than usual to control her actions. After cleaning the house and washing her body and hair, she painstakingly brushed and braided her hair, tying it off at the end with a blue ribbon. Then she dressed herself in a short blue dress that hugged her hips and showed off her figure nicely - not as nicely as some of the outfits she preferred, but when she was in passive mode, Lianna did not care what Dianne preferred. She followed up with white socks (no stockings), and a pair of black high-heeled shoes. She didn't seem to have any difficulty walking around in them, even though Dianne had never been comfortable in heels.

Next, she went to the bedroom and filled a plastic hamper with laundry to be washed, and carried it downstairs to the apartment building's laundry room. The room was empty except for a handsome man... no, a male android, she corrected herself, standing motionless near a running dryer. The one chair in the room was unoccupied. Lianna ignored him, to load two washing machines with Henry's laundry and start them running.

Dianne wanted to speak to the other android then. Perhaps he was another Transferred android, like her, she thought. It would be interesting to compare notes. Or even if he were an ordinary android, it might be interesting to talk to him from her new vantage point as an android herself. But she wasn't given the chance. As soon as the washers began to run, she turned around, stood calmly in front of them, and and froze in place. She could do nothing but wait passively. At least the other android didn't seem to be able to do anything else either.

Some unknown amount of time later, another man entered the laundry room. He wasn't as handsome as the android, and was rather rumpled. He had shoulder-length brown hair and a short mustache, and there seemed to be a paperback book in the back pocket of his jeans. Despite the grungy clothes he wore, though, he looked good. Sexy, in a youngish sort of way - or at least, young by Dianne's standards. He was just the right age for a woman the age she now looked, and she was certainly beautiful enough to seduce him if she chose... but of course, she was Henry's slave now. Surely seducing a random attractive stranger wasn't something her master would approve of - and she couldn't do anything except stand here looking pretty anyway. He carried a full bag of laundry.

He glanced around, and his gaze stopped on Lianna. "Hello," he said in a friendly, but distracted-sounding voice. "I don't think we've- wait, you're a doll, aren't you." Dianne wanted to respond, but she couldn't even smile at him. "Are you new in the building?"

To her surprise, Dianne found herself answering, although she still had no control over her speech. "Yes, sir," she answered the man's question "I am the property of Henry Saunders," Dianne added.

"What model are you?" the man asked.

"I am an IPM Evening Comfort, sir," the android replied. "My name is Lianna."

"Oh, yeah," the man nodded. "I've seen ads for you. You're supposed to be a real woman inside your head, eh?"

"I do have a donated personality, sir."

"Hmmm." The man grinned. He said nothing more to her just then, but went to load a washing machine with the contents of his bag. Dianne wanted to offer to help, but of course she couldn't - and she didn't think she would have if she could. She did watch him as he loaded the machine, though. He had a nice ass, she thought. But it was just as well he was ignoring her. It wouldn't do to develop a crush on him - though it might already be too late.

But once the man had finished loading his laundry, he came back over to her, setting her feelings racing. "Would your owner mind if you talked with a strange man, do you think?"

"He has not instructed me not to." But he probably wouldn't like it much, Dianne thought. Especially if he knew what she was thinking about this particular strange man.

"Well, I'm Jerry, then. Jerry Bateman. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lianna."

"A pleasure to meet you, too, sir." Jerry waited for her to say something else. Dianne tried, but could not oblige him. After a moment, the man grimaced.

"I thought you're supposed to act more lifelike than other androids, not less," he remarked.

"Yes, sir," Lianna said, "but I am currently in Passive mode. In this mode I do not act upon the desires of my human personality." (and wasn't that a good - if frustrating - thing right now!) "I can only obey my orders."

"Oh," Jerry said. "And what does your human personality desire right now?"

"Right now I would like to go somewhere with you and make love to you," Lianna answered, echoing Dianne's thoughts so calmly that it took her a second to realize what she had said. (Lianna! How could you say that!) she demanded.

(You are programmed to answer questions honestly,) Lianna explained pointlessly.

(Well, yes, but... I can't make love to him! Henry would throw a fit!)

At least Jerry looked a little embarrassed himself. "Well," he said. "I suppose..." Jerry stopped. He paused for a moment before asking, "Will you be telling your master about this encounter?"

"If he asks me to, then of course, sir," Lianna said.

"Do you think he'll ask you?"

"No, sir, most likely not."

"I'll take that chance, I suppose," Jerry mused. (Yes,) Dianne thought, (but it's not you who belongs to him!) "Well, then, we could go to my apartment..."

Dianne couldn't decide whether to be more delighted or terrified at the thought. It didn't make any difference, of course. Her body remained stubbornly motionless as Jerry raised his hand to touch Lianna's left arm, and gently stroked her skin. She feared Henry's reaction if he found out about this, and yet it felt so good to be touched and desired by a beautiful man... After a moment, Jerry paused.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"No, sir," Lianna replied blankly.

"Should I stop?"

(I don't know!) "If you like, sir."

Jerry drew back... but only for a moment, as he seemed to realize what was happening. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"No, sir," Lianna admitted. She didn't want him to stop, she was just terrified of what might happen if he didn't.

Jerry smiled. "That's what I thought." With that assurance, He took her other arm in his other hand, and stroked both arms at once, gradually moving his touch up to her soft, smooth shoulders. His hands moved up to stroke her cheek, trace the line of her jaw, smooth back some of her hair. Dianne would have liked to return his attentions in kind, but her director held her passive. Instead, she simply enjoyed Jerry's attentions, desperately hoping Henry would never find out.

"Would your master's instructions prevent you from kissing me?" Jerry asked softly.

"No, sir," Lianna answered. (But he couldn't possibly want...)

Jerry's hands moved up to her face, and tilted her lips up to meet his. Dianne forgot her fear of Henry's reaction as his lips first touched hers, and opened her mouth to receive his kiss... or tried to. (Lianna, he wants me to kiss him!) she pleaded to her director. (I want to kiss him!) But her lips remained still and closed as Jerry kissed her. She could feel his tongue on her motionless lips, gently pushing at them, and she knew he could open them for her if he chose, but instead he drew back.

"Do you want to kiss me?" he asked.

"Very much, sir," Lianna said.

"Do you want me to instruct you to kiss me?"

"Yes, sir, if you would."

Jerry looked at her oddly, and for a moment Dianne feared he wouldn't do it. But then he shrugged, and said, "Kiss me, Lianna."

(Finally!) Now, Lianna leaned against Jerry, closed her eyes, and opened her lips to him. Dianne still had no control herself, and Lianna's kiss was a good deal less passionate than she would have liked, but at least it was a kiss. And Jerry was a good kisser, Dianne decided... oh, yes, a very good kisser.

And suddenly Jerry jerked back at the sound of movement behind him. The other android's dryer had stopped, and the android had awakened from its immobility to unload the dryer. Jerry laughed self-consciously, as the android began scooping some very feminine clothing out of the dryer. After a moment to recover, he turned back to Lianna.

"Come to my apartment with me," he instructed her.

"I'm sorry, sir," Lianna said, "I can't do that. I must wait here for my master's laundry to be finished."

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Quite certain, sir," she said.

"Oh, well," he sighed. "Another time, perhaps, do you think?"

(Oh, please!) Dianne thought, though her fear of Henry's reaction was growing again. Even Lianna's answer was more than she had expected. "If my master's instructions permit it, sir."

Jerry grimaced. He looked away, watching the other android leave with his mistress's laundry. But the mood had clearly been broken. He walked away from Lianna, sat down in the one plastic chair, and pulled out his book. He looked up at the lovely android once more, but said nothing.

Dianne's only consolation was that Henry never asked her anything that would have forced her to reveal what had happened. She was sure he would be furious with her if he knew she had kissed another man, that she'd wanted to sleep with him - that she would have gone with him, had she been able. She didn't know exactly what he would do, but she was sure she wouldn't like it.

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