Freeze Tales 3.2 – Treasure Hunting

by dmuk

This little ditty is a sequel/continuation to ÒFound TreasuresÓ and shares the same premise of taking place in a 'bottle' setting with a limited number of characters, props, and special effects so that the story could conceivably be produced by spending less than a fortune below the line. But then again, if someone with mad CGI skills wants to take it on....


The redheaded mannequin known as Tiffany blinked once as she came back to life, gasping ÒÉDonÕtÉ?Ó before realizing that he used the gizmo on her again.

ÒWelcome back,Ó Flink greeted her.  His position had seemed to jump from one side of her vision to the other in less than an eyeblink.  But time hadnÕt stopped; she had been frozen in suspended animation.

ÒHow long this time?Ó she asked somewhat peevishly, relaxing from the pose that she had held as stiffly as a statue.  Her throat felt dry; dusty.  There were subtle changes in the cluttered room around her, and in the other mannequin figures that decorated the dwelling.  The man who had just awoken the pretty young woman from her timeless stasis with the control box in his hand looked a bit different too.

He handed her a glass of clear liquid, which she sipped from cautiously.  He chuckled, ÒNo voddy for now, pure rodiwater; hafta clear thoughts.  Be needing your memories unfuzzed.Ó

ÒThanks, but what makes you think I would want to help you?  First you rouse me from a perfectly good eternity to explain IÕve been turned into a window dummy for the last hundred years or more, then just as IÕm getting used to being alive again, you zap me back into limbo.  Now you want my memories.  WhatÕs up with that!  Who gave you the right to be god almighty, anyway?Ó she was pacing in tight circles, working herself up into a minor frenzy, still feeling the effects of the alcohol sheÕd consumed upon her initial revival along with the fringes of a panic attack.  Glancing to her left and seeing her modeling friend Jenny still sitting on a box, glassy-eyed, frozen stiff as a mannequin wasnÕt helping any either.

ÒMake slow deep breathing; air is thicker than you know,Ó Flink cautioned.  ÒDinna pass out, Tiffany, thereÕs no medic for you.  Sit for a nonce, why not?Ó  He motioned to nearby crate, near to Jenny.

ÒYouÕre not going to freeze me again, are you?  Not right away.   I promise I wonÕt freak out on you,Ó Tiffany pleaded, the girl whose given name had been Sharon.  ÒJenny wanted to go back to being a mannequin – I donÕt.  Please?Ó

ÒHai, not for now.  Mayhap you start act crazy againÉ.Ó He held up the control, one finger on the button that when pressed would place the spirited young woman back into an electronically induced state of suspension, just as he had found her, immobilized into a rigid lifelike display figure.  He had no idea how the compact gizmo worked, just that it did, very effectively and reliably.   At least it had so far; it might conk out at any second though.

 ÒGee, IÕll keep that in mind as I try to forget the life I had, the friends and lovers I knew, all dead and forgotten.  Same for me, right? IÕm just a phantom now; some mannequin you bought, fer crissakes!  WhaÕd you call me: a non-personÉÓ

ÒWas wrong, Tiffany.  You always be a person, very much real, evenso when you nix move; you be living now bitchin at me, fer sure.  Only nix ID, thatÕs all.  DoesnÕt make you not-you, does it?Ó

ÒI guess not.  You sure youÕre not going to zap me with that thing again?  It scares me...Ó

ÒNot for now, Hai?Ó Flink stated.

ÒHai,Ó ÔTiffanyÕ agreed with a slight smile as her attention had wandered to her immobilized friend sitting next to her; she began poking the suspended girl on the shoulder, amused by the way JennyÕs rigid body wobbled before settling back into place.  ÒSpooky, you know; Jen has no idea IÕm here at all, or that IÕm playing with her.Ó  To underscore the comment, she reached behind the frozen figure and unhooked JennyÕs bra, threading it around her posed arms before hanging the garment from one of the mannequinÕs outstretched fingers.  JennyÕs boobs stayed molded in position, as firm as the plastic display figure her stiffened body very much resembled right now.  ÒCan I dress her up in something pretty?Ó

ÒMaybe later; Crystal is not going anyplace.  Come to the panel; want to show you an imageÉÓ Flink suggested.  ÒI stay wanting to call you Tiffany, but she told your name was ÒSharÉÓ

ÒSharon, actually.  Sharon Somers,Ó she replied, taking a few paces around the room as she scanned the contents, trying to pick out what had changed.   Obviously Jenny had not, nor most of the other still female figures standing or sitting around in various poses.  However, next to the mysterious third mannequin Sharon and Jenny had originally been posed with was a different statue-like young woman.  This one was tallish and on the thin side, even for a display figure, with long arms and legs, pianist-slim fingers and a sinuous neck.  This mannequin wore a pure white evening gown that clung to her supple figure like a second skin as the olive-skinned, dark-haired beauty regally stared off into infinity.

Tiffany walked up to the new mannequin, noting that it was as lifelike and detailed as she herself had been, or Jenny for that matter.   ÒWhoÕs the new girl?Ó she asked, circling the stiffly posed young woman.  ÒSomeone who got too curious, maybe?Ó she guessed.

ÒNey, but taking some time out evenso.  Tiffany, say greets to Esmeralda, Esme for short; sheÕs my, uh, girlfriend.Ó

ÒOh, but you said before she was real?Ó  Tiffany knocked on the mannequinÕs solid cheek.

ÒShe is.  Just like you and Jenny and that other girl.   Frozen now.  Saw you three and sort of got crazy jealous; makes no sense myself, but Esme started worrying about turning old, evenso sheÕs gonzo beautiful; she dinna want me reviving you or Crystal again.  So I dinna.  Months ago, her job went away, so Esme starts to just mope around this place and freeze-modeled all the time; told me she wanted to find out what truly becoming a mannequin felt like.  Decided to help her.  Needed some time myself to think and talk to you fine ladies.  Worked out best for both of us.Ó

ÒDid you tell her before you zapped her that it feels like nothing at all as a mannequin; in a frozen void that lasts for eternity while the world changes around you in an instant?  Did you mention what itÕs like to lose control of your own existence and become just a pretty-looking object at someone elseÕs whim?  Bet you didnÕt.Ó

ÒShe wasÉ curious.   Did ask, while I was tinking with the gizmo, found a way to key a number to a person.  Esme has 23, her birthday.   Talking about her existence, Esme dinna so anxious.  Maybe she trusts me more.   Looking gonzo in that highstyle dress now, hai?Ó

ÒYes, butÉ how much time?Ó The redhead noticed a not-so-light coating of dust on the shoulders and hair of FlinkÕs manneqinized girlfriend.

ÒAh, well, roundabout eight monthsÉÓ he admitted.

ÒSheÕll never know the difference, not if you clean her up before pushing the ÔgoÕ button.  Speaking of, exactly how long was I out this time?  I noticed you changed my dressÉÓ

ÒHad to; the one you wore Esme took a liking to, itÕs in her stash now.   DonÕt be high mad or freak out, but itÕs been over two years.Ó

Sharon felt that sinking feeling again, then caught herself.  Things could have been much worse than standing around in nice clothing, she reflected.  ÒI thought you were looking a little more gray around the temples, there, Flink.  Couldn't be all this cooped-up living in a closet with a freaky girlfriend getting to you, could it?Ó

ÒSome things just takeÉ. time,Ó he demurred.  ÒAnd privacy.Ó

ÒOh?   Like what, exactly?   Wanted to explore your collection of frozen lovelies a little more, um, closely and your lady friend wasnÕt into that?Ó  She was tracing her fingers over EsmeÕs stiff body, following her lithe contours.  ÒOr maybe you just like your lovers better when they canÕt talk back or move?Ó

She hit a nerve, because he turned away to his computer station abruptly as he blushed, fighting the impulse to press the controlÕs button and send the impertinent Sharon into stasis again, where she couldnÕt push his buttons.   In fact, heÕd cleaned her shapely mannequinized body many more times than just because of accumulating dust and her old dress wasnÕt in EsmeÕs stuff; heÕd ripped it apart when undressing her rigid figure one day.

ÒNo business to you, either!Ó Flink shot back, irritated.  ÒDinna are you keyed up on how pernickety it is to make retinal scans of a living eyeball or locate subskin implants.  Takes time, along with not moving a muscle; having you and Esme both as statues did the trick,Ó he explained, tossing a flat object to Sharon, which she caught; it was a Missoula Arcology ID card, showing an image of her own rather vacant face above the name ÔEsmeralda Marquez Chai Lovatny GriffinÕ.  ÒNow you on the grid; go out wearing a dark wig and some body makeup and you could be her xerox.  So, donÕt thank me all at once!Ó

ÒWell, this is really wonderful,Ó she said weakly as she examined the badge.  ÒI didnÕt know.Ó

ÒNo way you could, evenso as display.Ó

Having moved away from Esme, Sharon now circled closer to the motionless figure of the unknown lifelike mannequin, standing patiently like the piece of sculpture she so resembled.   There was a quirky power about being so close the woman, knowing that she was trapped and couldn't lift a finger that intrigued the former mannequin model.  Despite what sheÕd said before, the idea of being immobilized and helpless as a window dummy was turning her on just a little.  She wondered if he had diddled her.

ÒAny idea who this one is?Ó Sharon asked a few seconds later.  ÒI donÕt know her at all.Ó

ÒNada so far on Monique in alla scans, going back even before the newsclip of yourself from wayback.Ó

ÒYou havenÕt tried to revive ÔMoniqueÕ with your gizmo?Ó Sharon said, skeptically.  This blonde mannequin was wearing something different than she had been earlier, too.

ÒTried, does not mean success,Ó Flink admitted.  ÒRan the numbers from 1 to 99; then display repeats.  Nothing works.  Maybe she really is an incredible facsimile?Ó

ÒYouÕve got to be kidding, Flink.  Pores in the skin; a tattoo on her ass, cuticles on her nails – really nice manicure, by the way – this frozen babe was as real and alive as Esme, Jenny, or me.  She just isnÕt right now; you havenÕt found the right combination yet,Ó Sharon prodded. 

ÒTried them all; nothing working!Ó  he retorted.

ÒDidja try zero-zero?Ó she suggested.

ÒNo, but thatÕs not a real number; itÕs nothing, twice over.Ó

ÒReal enough if youÕve ever bottomed out at the roulette table,Ó Sharon commented ruefully.

ÒRou– what?Ó

ÒItÕs an old gambling game; probably outlawed now.  Not important.  Try it, whatÕs to lose here?Ó

ÒTruth enough,Ó Flink admitted while keying in the illogical sequence of numbers, then pressing what heÕd started calling the Ôgo buttonÕ.  It should have been colored greenÉ

The effect was immediate, as the mannequin figureÕs skin lost its pearly sheen and a moment later the revived model took one of those surprised half-steps forward before realizing she wasnÕt where sheÕd been the blink of an eye before.  Flink and Sharon werenÕt expecting what happened next, as this perfectly beautiful girl turned out to have a very colorful vocabulary.

ÒOh, fuck me!  Cocksuckers are gonna get it good for pulling this kinda stunt.  Damn you all to bleedin hell!Ó she seethed, barely noticing the room or other mannequins around her, nor the other two living people.  Her own half-nudity and unusual costume didnÕt even register as she searched around for a familiar face to rebuke.  Failing that, she focused on Flink and ignored Sharon as if she didnÕt exist.

ÒYou, there, get me my lawyer, on the double,Ó the young woman commanded with a familiar authority.

ÒUm, I be not who you think.  Who are you, again?Ó Flink mumbled, taken aback as much by her attitude as her archaic slang.

ÒWell, of course you are.  DonÕt go playing dumb with me.  Who put you up to this, Aldo?Ó  The reanimated young woman demanded.   Sharon/Tiffany snickered, which earned her a glare of contempt.

ÒThings arenÕt what you conjure.  Tell me your nameÉ please?Ò Flink pressed on.

ÒEveryone whoÕs anyone knows Danica Caslon; IÕm in all the society pages.  Now if you think you canÉÓ her voice trailed off as if sheÕd lost her train of thought.  Sharon looked over to see the familiar sheen of immobilization haze over the stiffening young womanÕs features.  A second or two later, Danica was a mannequin again.  She was caught taking a step forward, one hand raised with a finger pointed at Flink.

ÒWhew!   Thank you.  I donÕt think I could have taken much more of her smug crap,Ó Sharon chortled.

ÒFound what I needed to.  Now you can help,Ó Flink muttered, ignoring the mannequin and moving to his computer screen, which popped into the air like a flat-panel display without a panel.  ÒWho is she?Ó

ÒHell if I know; thatÕs some fancy setup you got,Ó replied Sharon, moving behind him so she could read the words right-way round.   ÒCaslonÉ sounds familiar, somehow, but she is on a different level. Whoa!Ó

An image of an old paper newscreed appeared on the screen, showing a reasonable likeness of the good-looking young woman who now stood mute and still just a few feet away:

Typography Heiress Vanishes

 ÒFollowing an exclusive retreat at their private island, authorities report that the 26-year-old sole heir to the Caslon name and licensing revenues for that popular font series, along with a vast number of graphic elements, has been reported missing.  Sources close to the investigation state that she had been seen boarding the shuttlecraft to the mainland, but did not debark at the destination.  Fears are that the young debutante has fallen overboard and perished.  Dominick ÒBigÓ Caslon, the scion of the font dynasty, could not be reached for comment.  This latest tragedy overshadowed rumors of turmoil within the powerful family centered around the Caslon Foundation, a philanthropic organization championed and chaired by the now-missing Danica Caslon.

ÒThatÕs her!Ó Sharon blurted out.

ÒSeems like to just solved one mystery,Ó Flink agreed, then continued, Òbut likely unsheath a new question:  Who did this to her?Ó

ÒYou think someone suspended her on purpose to take out the foundation?  ThatÕs crazy, isnÕt it?Ó

ÒMaybe,Ó Flink granted, looking at the screen, which flashed multiple images in quick blinks before settling on another news clipping.  ÒSays here in past sheÕd been legally declared dead, control of the Caslon Foundation passed to Aldo, her cousin.  ThereÕs nothing more for years until that foundation got implicated in some sort of trade scandal and declared bankruptcy right around the time her father died.  No words on cousin, not even a deathknell.Ó

ÒObituary?Ó Sharon questioned.

ÒHai; old words sometimes strange,Ó Flink agreed.

ÒSo, little Miss Bitchy-pants here is a bona-fide heiress, and probably rich as Midas, too,Ó Sharon said, walking back over to the frozen figure of Danica Caslon.  Who woulda thought?

ÒForchance not; she is ghost now.  All her credits gone elsewhere.Ó

ÒYeah, but she doesnÕt know that!  I think I know how I can help get her to cooperate with us.  DidnÕt you say you had collected a bunch of clothing and costumes from my time?  To dress theÉ usÉ in?Ó Sharon was energized.

ÒHai.  Over in big storage chest near corner, under Arabella,Ó Flink pointed.

ÒOK, now hereÕs the planÉÓ Sharon explained, picking up the lingerie-clothed figure of a hollow plastic, artificial, but life-like mannequin and placing it on another crate where the faux girl looked equally nice.

*  *  *

ÒOK, Mister Flink; ready, go for it!Ó Sharon announced a few minutes later.

ÒDinna to call me Mister,Ó Flink objected as he pressed buttons on the control gizmo.

ÒI know; I just like pulling your chainÉÓ she replied obscurely.  Old-time slang again.

He didnÕt have time to ask, as the typography heiress came back to life for the second time that day, completing her interrupted step and thought ÒÉmake me believe youÉ?Ó she trailed off, seeing how her clothes and FlinkÕs location had changed in what to her was an instant.

Sharon spoke into the silence, ÒWe know who you are, Miss Caslon, or rather who you were.  For the last hundred years or more, youÕve been nothing but a mannequin figure, just like I was, and whatÕs left of your family doesnÕt even remember you existed.  YouÕre a ghost; a nobody now.Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Danica gasped as the words sunk in and she saw her old world crumble before her eyes.  She was many things, but slow on the uptake wasnÕt one of themÉ

ÒWhatÕs more, Mister Flink here has your number on his little control box.  Step out of line and heÕs going to press the button and you wonÕt be doing any more stepping or anything else for that matter.  I hope youÕll enjoy spending eternity dressed as you are, a common house-servant!Ó  That last wasnÕt quite the literal truth, since DanicaÕs skimpy costume was that of a French Maid, complete with a black pleated miniskirt, matching dark thigh-high sheer nylon hose, black patent-leather high-heels, and white lace accents, including a cute little ruffle in her honey-colored hair.  Looped around one lacy wrist was a feather duster.

ÒYou wouldnÕt!Ó she pleaded half-seriously, her earlier bravado vanishing.

ÒLook around youÉÓ shot back Sharon, sweeping her arm in a circle that encompassed the frozen figures of Jenny, Esme, and most of the other mannequin figures posed randomly around the small room.  ÒItÕs his jobÉ to freeze you,Ó she concluded, quoting an old movie.   Flink played his part too, turning towards Danica with the control box at the ready.

ÒOK, you win,Ó she conceded.  ÒI wonÕt give you any more attitude, but just donÕt turn me into a dummy again.  Especially not in this kinky getup!Ó she finished with a grin.

Flink lowered the control box.

Danica continued, ÒSo, where the frack am I?Ó

Flink replied, ÒThat be a long story.  Liking some alcohol?Ó

ÒThought youÕd never ask.Ó

*  *  *

ÒBastard!Ó she spat, several minutes and the better part of a liter of vodka later.  ÒMotherfucker.  I finally had the guts to tell Aldo I was having nothing to do with his hare-brained schemes.  He had this half-ass notion to turn models into mannequins and sell them to stores.  I saw some of the test pictures he did with some stupid bimbosÉÓ

ÒHey!Ó shot back Sharon, ÒOne of those ÔbimbosÕ was me.Ó

ÒNo offense meant, lady, you were a victim too.  Anyway, I told him that was the goddamn stupidest thing I ever heard and how applying SAF technology was going to revolutionize medicine and space travel and, oh by the way, bankroll the foundation forever.  Days later, he asked to see me for just a moment in private on our island.   MustÕve zapped me then; I felt dizzy for just a moment before finding myself here with you two.   I guess my big plans never happened.Ó

ÒSorry; the newsfeed said you were lost at sea,Ó Sharon supplied.  ÒBut all that time you wereÉ?Ó

ÒProbably stuck in a closet somewhere, or decorating AldoÕs bedroom,Ó Danica chucked ruefully.  ÒMy dimwit cousin always had a sort of crush on me.  I was suspended, frozen like one of his plastic popsies. It would be just like him to keep me around as some kind of kinky trophy while he did what he damn well pleased!Ó

ÒNews said Aldo went missing five years post you,Ó Flink supplied.  ÒAfter that, things quiet down in the hitlist.  Coupla items about a wax museum, whatever that is, retiring your exhibit then nothing more until deathknell of your father shortly after the copyright collapse.   All remaining assets were dispersed; foundation ran out of credits.  End of line for the Caslon family story.  Until now.Ó

ÒDamn; I really am alone,Ó Danica realized, then drained her glass once more.  ÒWait a second; what was that you read about a wax figure of me?  Is there a picture?Ó she brightened.

ÒNot here; have to crossref, lessee,Ó Flink muttered, concentrating.  ÒWhat did this Madame TussaudÕs place do, whatever?  Take a looksee– not so clear, but oldcopyÉÓ

ÒShit!   Well, I neverÉÓ Danica laughed, gazing at the grainy old image.   ThatÕs one I never thought of!Ó  Seeing the odd look from Flink and the dawning realization from Sharon, she continued,  ÒWell, back then they would make lifelike wax statues of famous people, because sÕposedly the wax looked more real, like skin.   TussaudÕs was one of the best, with museums and exhibits the world wide.  Presidents, movie stars, and pop singers all had their place of honor there.   So, it seems, did I; hidden in plain sight.  That sneaky bastard Aldo donated me to a wax museum!  Or maybe he and Daddy were in cahoots; he could be such a rat at timesÉ  I recognize that dress IÕm wearing in that picture as the same Cavalli that I had on the night of the party.Ó

ÒYour position is different,Ó Sharon mumbled, squinting at the image.

ÒOh, he probably put me into pose-able mode with the SAF,Ó she chuckled, a little tipsy by now.

ÒIt has modes?Ó Flink looked up sharply.

ÒÕÕCourse.  What good would itbe otherwise?  Just press ÔoptionÕ then choose what you want; poseable, limp, rigid, duration, and so onÉÓ she explained glibly as he stared at her.  ÒDonÕcha have the guide?Ó

ÒGot lost in mail,Ó he covered.  ÒYou mean can just press these two buttons andÉÓ he asked, swinging the SAF control over to point at Sharon.

ÒNow, wait a sec—Ó Her voice cut off as he pressed the button.  She froze in place, mouth open, but her skin was not as shiny as before.

ÒHmm,Ó Flink observed as he reached over and lifted up one of SharonÕs stiff arms; it remained in place when he released his grip.  He moved her other hand to rest on her hip.  She had become poseable like an articulated doll.  ÒThat be gonzo handy for dressing my mannequinsÉÓ

Danica stifled a snicker, as her mind had come up with far more exploitive sexual uses for the option.  Best not to give him any fresh ideasÉ 

ÒBut, why are you telling all this?Ó Flink smiled; he had connected the dots quickly enough on his own.  He aimed the SAF at Danica once more.  She knew she was moments from becoming a love doll.

ÒUh, because I wanted to talk to you about something that I need you to trust me on.  Figured the best way to do that is give you some useful information.  Now, about that propositionÉÓ

ÒHold one – she canna hear us, can she?Ó  He glanced over at Sharon.

ÒNo; when youÕre frozen but poseable, youÕre still out.  Better to make sure.  Rigid-freeze her.Ó

Flink changed the setting and pointed the device back at Sharon, who turned plastic-stiff and hard once more.  It was easy to think of her as ÔTiffanyÕ again when she looked so much like a mannequin.  ÒOkay.Ó

ÒSo, what I wanted to ask is how I can get off this rock and back to Earth?Ó  Suddenly she sounded a whole lot less drunk as well.

ÒWhat you meaning?Ó FlinkÕs eyebrow raised.

ÒI know weÕre off-planet and that a lot more than a hundred years have gone by.Ó


ÒLittle things, like the way the air smells strange; processed.  And the odd gravity when I turn my head; thatÕs not normal either.  Reminds me of my trip to the space station a few months ago.  Oh, and that fancy worktable computer rig you have isnÕt exactly off the shelf in my time, either. Plus, you use strange words with an odd accent.   I figure three hundred years or more.  How close am I?Ó

ÒNot bad; only two-thirty though, with dateswitch to Mars scheme.   You be quite a bright lassy.Ó

ÒThanks, for what good that did me; I still didnÕt out-think cousin Aldo.  But thatÕs in the past; what we have to do is in the here and now and it involves some travel.  Are you interested in an adventure?Ó

ÒMe?   IÕm settled here; I have my life andÉÓ

ÒÉand your collection of fantasy girlfriends, along with your sheltered existence!Ó

ÒHaving a real girl friend, she right over there,Ó he pointed to Esme, standing silently and still in the grouping of display figures near Jenny.  In her mannequinized condition, she didnÕt look very real.

ÒNot very challenging, I think, Mister Flink,Ó she smiled.   ÒShe seems much like your hobby girls right now.  How about a change?  Up for a little space journey?   You can pack her as luggage, if you want,Ó Danica said wryly, glancing over at Sharon.  ÒAnd this one too, if you like...Ó

ÒI have dinna creditsÉÓ he protested, weakly.

ÒLeave that to me,Ó she said obscurely.  ÒEven though IÕve been gone for a long long time, there are some sources of funds that arenÕt tied to my name or my family.   I need to make some phone calls first, then we wait for things to be set in motion.  WhatÕs the world-code or whatever for Earth, anyway?Ó

ÒZero-zero-zero-one,Ó Flink answered matter-of-factly.  ÒTerran central.Ó

ÒSuper.  Now, IÕm assuming youÕre in.  HereÕs how weÕre going to work itÉÓ Danica stated, in charge once more as she laid out her ideas.

*  *  *

 Ò—condÉ?Ó Tiffany/Sharon came back to life with a start.  She glared at Flink for freezing her once more, then shifted from her changed pose.  ÒGuess it worked, huh,Ó she observed petulantly as she looked around the apartment for further changes. 

Danica Caslon was posed as a mannequin, still in her skimpy MaidÕs outfit, leaning over at the waist and reaching out to brush any dust from the seated figure of Jenny.   ÒWhatÕs up with her?Ó Sharon asked, stepping towards the pretty but motionless blonde, whose shapely tush stuck out slightly.

ÒOh, she turn gonzo whiny and depressing, had to shut her up again.  She actually volunteered that pose, said dinna want to be awake, cooped up in a little place like this.  Does look nice, though, hai?Ó

ÒThatÕs her choice; like I said before itÕs not mine, however.   Are you clear on that, Flink?Ó she smiled to take the edge off her comment.  ÒBut you keep freezing me..?Ó


She moved closer to him, the softness of her skin and warmth of her body in sharp contrast to the rigid statue she had been only moments before.  ÒDid you forget my question from before – do you want to make love to a real live mannequin?  Well, do you?   Or, do you prefer partners that donÕt talk back?Ó

ÒNey; I mean, Hai. NeyÉ  Uhh?Ó Flink was tongue-tied.

Sharon solved that by volunteering her own tongue in a passionate open-mouthed kiss.  She soon found out where FlinkÕs bed was hidden in the cluttered flat.  Shortly afterward she found that he had no trouble with a live partner, although she was slightly off-put by the vacant, glassy gazes of the many mannequins that stood around them like a silent Greek chorus.   Many hours later, she was fast asleep when the SAF field enveloped her once more and she joined those other figures in statuesque solitude.


End For Now

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